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作者(英文):Ka-Chun Kan
論文名稱:探討台灣不同溪流大和沼蝦(Macrobrachium japonicum De Haan, 1849)(十足目:長臂蝦科)的生殖生態
論文名稱(英文):Investigating the reproductive biology of Macrobrachium japonicum De Haan, 1849 (Decapoda, Palaemonidae) in different rivers from Taiwan
指導教授(英文):Chiao-Chuan Han
口試委員(英文):Kwee-Siong Tew
Meng-Hsien Chen
關鍵詞(英文):MacrobrachiumRiverReproductive biologyPalaemonidae
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The aim of study is to investigate the differences of reproductive biology and population dynamics of Macrobrachium japonicum from different rivers in Taiwan. Sampling sites include Sichongxi River and Gaoping River in western Taiwan, and Xiuguluan Rive and Hualian River in eastern Taiwan. After sample were taken into laboratory, carapace length, body weight and egg size were measured, sex ratio, GSI, hsi, ovigerous female ratio were calculated, egg number was enumerated. The results showed that population from Gaoping River had significant larger carapace length whereas those from Hualian River was significantly smaller. There was no difference between Sichongxi River and Xiuguluan Rive in carapace length. There was a positive linear relation between carapace length and egg number. In Sichongxi River and Gaoping River, populations had significantly more egg number. There was no significant different between Sichongxi River, Gaoping River and Xiuguluan River in egg volume, but significantly smaller in Hualian River. More females were found in Sichongxi River and Hualian River, whereas in Gaoping River and Xiuguluan River more male were found. Similar trend was found for the gonadosomatic index(GSI) and ovigerous female ratio. GSI remain high during spring and summer in Sichongxi River, Gaoping River, Xiuguluan River, Hualian River. Although M. japonicum live in river, it showed different reproductive strategies in different environment.
方新疇、劉欣侑和張晏瑋,2006,魚類評估工具 (FiSAT II)使用手冊 (第一版)。





陳幸琳,2014,不同棲地環境日本沼蝦(Macrobrachium nipponense DeMan, 1849)(十足目: 長臂蝦科) 族群動態與生殖生態之比較,國立東華大學海洋生物

蔡雯怡,1999,哈盆溪粗糙沼蝦(Macrobrachium asperulum (vonMartens,1868))生物學之研究,國立臺灣大學動物學研究所碩士論文。

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