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作者(英文):Ke-Li Lu
論文名稱(英文):Bioaccumulation of persistent organic pollutants in tissues of stranded sea turtles in Taiwan coast
指導教授(英文):Fung-Chi Ko
口試委員(英文):Fung-Chi Ko
Te-Hao Chen
I-Jiunn Cheng
關鍵詞(英文):persistent organic pollutantsea turtletoxicity equivalency factorbioaccumulationbiomagnificationcurve carapace length
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本研究於2016至2017年進行採樣,首次分析南台灣及附近島嶼之擱淺海龜中,體內脂肪、肝臟、腎臟、肌肉之多氯聯苯(Polychlorinated biphenyls, PCBs)、滴滴涕( Dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane, DDTs)、多溴聯苯(Polybrominated diphenyl ethers, PBDEs)之生物累積。本篇研究目的為(1)探討POPs在各組織含量與組成(2)POPs累積與海龜年齡的關係(3)探討6種具戴奧辛毒性的dioxin like PCBs(DL-PCBs)之TEQ(toxicity equivalency quantity)值,同時比較(1)物種間的差異(收容綠蠵龜與收容欖蠵龜)(2)綠蠵龜於野外死亡與擱淺經收容後死亡的差異。就POPs含量而言,收容綠蠵龜均以脂肪組織之POPs含量最高,因為POPs具有親脂性。在收容欖蠵龜中PCBs在脂肪組織累積最高,DDTs、PBDEs則以肝臟的累積最多,可能為汙染物再分布的影響,而欖蠵龜PCBs、DDTs的含量高於綠蠵龜顯示此兩種POPs具有生物放大的現象。野外死亡的綠蠵龜,POPs最高含量並沒有累積在特定的器官。就POPs的組成,綠蠵龜與欖蠵龜、野外死亡與擱淺經收容的綠蠵龜並沒有差異,其中綠蠵龜以PCBs均以4氯與6氯的PCBs,PBDE以BDE99為主,而DDTs以DDE為主,其中脂肪含量對POPs的組成可能扮演重要的角色。與其它有限地區的研究資料比較,台灣擱淺海龜之POPs含量高於日本、澳洲,低於美國、墨西哥、西班牙等。海龜各組織的DDT/ΣDDTs比值均小於0.4,代表台灣附近海域沒有DDTs的排放。綠蠵龜體內POPs含量均與背甲曲線長(curve carapace length, CCL)成反比,顯示POPs在綠蠵龜中有年齡越大累積越少的趨勢,而肉食性的欖蠵龜,則是年齡越大累積越多,其原因可能為綠蠵龜的食性會逐漸由雜食性轉變為以海草為主。DL-PCBs之TEQs值為綠蠵龜高於欖蠵龜,顯示DL-PCBs對綠蠵龜相較於欖蠵龜更具毒性威脅。經過收容後的綠蠵龜其DL-PCBs之TEQ值高於野外擱淺綠蠵龜,顯示經過收容後DL-PCBs的累積會增加,然而是否會對海龜造成關鍵性的影響須待進一步研究證實,其中主要的DL-PCBs在擱淺海龜體內均以PCB105、PCB118為主。
In this study, we collected 2 olive stranded sea turtles and 6 green stranded sea turtles samples from 2016 to 2017. We analyzed three kinds of POPs including polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), Dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane (DDTs) and Polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs) in adipose, liver, kidney and muscle of the stranded sea turtles. The objectives of this study are (1) analyzing the POPs concentrations and patterns in different tissues, (2) finding the relation between POP concentrations and the ages of sea turtles, (3) analyzing dioxin like PCBs (DL-PCBs) and calculating their toxicity equivalency quantity (TEQ), we also compare the differences between two species and what happen after the stranded turtles was rescued for 1 to 5 months.
As POPs concentration, rescued green sea turtles accumulate highest POPs in adipose due to POPs are hydrophobic, however, in adopted olive sea turtles, only PCBs are highest in adipose, PBDEs and DDTs are highest in the liver due to pollutant redistribution. The sea turtles dead in field accumulate highs POPs in different tissues. After the green sea turtles are adopted, they accumulate more POPs due to frequency food exposure which help sea turtles recover energy. As POPs patterns, there is no difference between two species, and 4Cl-PCBs, 6Cl-PCBs, BDE-99, DDE are the dominant compounds in all stranded sea turtles. Lipid content of tissues play an important role on POPs pattern. Compare to others studies, POP concentrations of stranded sea turtles in Taiwan are higher than Japan, Australia and lower than America, Mexico and Spanish. The ratio of DDT/ΣDDTs in tissues are all lower than 0.4 which means Taiwan don’t release DDT anymore. In green sea turtle, the POPs concentration have the negative correlation with sea turtles’ curve carapace length (CCL) which means the older the green sea turtles are, the less POPs they accumulate. In olive sea turtles, the older one have higher POPs concentration than the younger one. To our surprise, the values of TEQ of DL-PCBs in green sea turtles are higher than olive sea turtles, so green sea turtles have more risk even the total PCBs is lower in green sea turtles. The stranded sea turtles accumulate more DL-PCB after they are adopted, however, rather this will impact the rescue of sea turtle needs more studies. The dominant DL-PCBs are PCB-105 and PCB-118 in all stranded sea turtles.
謝詞 I
摘要 IV
Abstract VI
表目錄 X
圖目錄 XI
第一章 前言 1
1-1 研究緣起 1
1-2 研究目的 3
第二章 文獻回顧 5
2-1持久性有機汙染物 5
2-2多氯聯苯 6
2-3多溴聯苯醚 9
2-4農藥( DDTs) 11
2-5樣品之生物背景 13
2-5-1綠蠵龜(Chelonia mydas) 13
2-5-2欖蠵龜(Lepidochelys olivacea) 14
2-6 POPs於海龜體內的生物累積 16
第三章 實驗設備與研究方法 19
3-1材料與儀器 19
3-1-1材料 19
3-1-2儀器 20
3-2試藥與器材前處理 20
3-3採樣及樣品前處理 21
3-4多氯聯苯、多溴聯苯醚及有機氯農藥分析方法 21
3-4-2 樣品處理及分析流程 21
3-5儀器分析 23
3-5-1氣相層析儀電子捕捉偵測器(GC-ECD for PCBs) 23
3-5-2氣相層析質譜儀(GC-MS for DDTs) 23
3-5-3氣象層析質譜儀(GC-MS for PBDEs) 24
3-6定量方法 24
3-6-1內標法 25
3-7 毒性當量因子(TEF)與毒性當量(TEQ)的換算 25
3-8品保及品管(QA/QC) 27
3-8-1方法回收率 27
3-8-2實驗空白分析 27
3-8-3方法偵測極限 27
3-8-4標準查核樣品分析 27
3-9資料處理及統計分析 28
第四章 結果與討論 29
4-1擱淺海龜各組織之脂肪含量 29
4-1-1欖蠵龜與綠蠵龜 29
4-1-2野外死亡與收容期間死亡的綠蠵龜 30
4-1-3 POPs濃度的選擇:濕重與脂肪重 30
4-2多氯聯苯 34
4-2-1多氯聯苯之含量以及與其它地區研究結果的比較 34
4-2-2欖蠵龜與綠蠵龜 34
4-2-3野外死亡與收容期間死亡的綠蠵龜 36
4-3 具有戴奧辛毒性之DL-PCBs對於海龜的毒性當量(TEQs) 42
4-3-1欖蠵龜與綠蠵龜 42
4-3-2野外死亡與收容期間死亡的綠蠵龜 43
4-4多溴聯苯醚 47
4-4-1多溴聯苯醚之含量以及與其它地區研究結果的比較 47
4-4-2欖蠵龜與綠蠵龜 47
4-4-3野外死亡與收容期間死亡的綠蠵龜 48
4-5 農藥(DDTs) 55
4-5-1 DDTs之含量以及與其它地區研究結果的比較 55
4-5-2欖蠵龜與綠蠵龜 55
4-5-3野外死亡與收容期間死亡的綠蠵龜 56
4-5-4擱淺海龜的DDTs組成以及DDT/ΣDDTs值 56
4-6 POPs與擱淺海龜體長的關係 62
第五章 結論 65
參考文獻 67
附錄 75
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行政院農業委員會林務局,2015。104 年台灣北部海龜擱淺救傷。計畫編號:104 林管-01.1-保-13(6)。
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