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作者(英文):Yuan-Ming Jhang
論文名稱(英文):The Imagery of Water Waves and the Mind: The Creative Discourse of JHANG YUAN-MING
指導教授(英文):Wei-Ku Wu
口試委員(英文):Chi-Man Lai
Ching-Hua Liao
關鍵詞(英文):emotionsdynamicsself-consciousnesspsychologyplastic arts
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  • 評分評分:系統版面圖檔系統版面圖檔系統版面圖檔系統版面圖檔系統版面圖檔
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The discourse is going to discover the imagery of “water waves”, otherwise the “mental state” of the discusser will be analyzed. Then, finding the connections between two issues is included. As surveying the existence of water, the definition of the imagery of water is considered. Moreover, the course of creating artworks is expected to reveal the phenomenon of the unconscious which belongs to the discusser. The theme aims to arrange the logistics for the imagery of water waves to relate with the personal consciousness. The first chapter is the introduction which narrates the core of the discourse, explaining how were the ideas chosen and developed. In addition, the limitations and the aspects regarding the discussion included. The second chapter is the literature review, containing related theories, the artists and the works. The third chapter has illustrated the creation process, medium and the skills. The fourth chapter is the analysis trying to collect and organize the series of works, otherwise reviewing the ultimate achievements to compare with the expectations. The fifth chapter is the concluding remarks.

The content of the discourse will explain the reasons why the theme has narrowed to the “water waves” from “water”, moreover, the relation between the imagery of water waves and the human mind will be discussed. The discusser is trying to build up the concepts to narrate the existence of water and the influence water brings to one’s mind. The assumption is about the interaction of the outside world with the interior mind. Since the facts and theories have been deduced, the discusser explored the mind of his own, and furthermore by means of the creation of art works, the connections with imagery of water waves and one’s mind have tried to apply to the creation process. In addition, by creating the works in plastic arts, the discusser is trying to refine the expression of his own art style, moreover, the process is a way to discover the internal of one’s mind himself. In concluding, the theme of the discourse aims to provide a different way to express the emotions in arts, also, the discussions and the implementations in the discourse are expected to make a breakthrough in the interactions between humans and the natural world, finding the possibilities of outlooks on the phenomenon that people get used to.
誌謝 I
摘要 II
Abstract III
目次 V
圖目次 VI

第一章 緒論 1
第一節 多態 3
第二節 流向 11
第三節 匯流 14
第四節 小結 15

第二章 潛入與漂浮 19
第一節 水的關係 21
第二節 觀看之窗 45
第三節 隱藏的思緒 50

第三章 蒸餾 55
第一節 探討對象 56
第二節 創作背景與媒材 57
第三節 創作過程 61

第四章 潺潺水語 67
第一節 虛幻系列 70
第二節 存在系列 90
第三節 想像系列 105
第四節 轉化系列 121

第五章 結語 137

參考文獻 139
中文文獻 139
英文文獻 140
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星野曉(1992)。陶:The best selections of contemporary ceramics in Japan: vol.4。京都巿:京都書院。
Hirsch, F. (2012). Art in America: Buckle and flow, by Faye Hirsch, January 2012. New York, NY: Art Media Holdings, LLC.
Price, K. (1994). Ken Price: Personal Influences. In S. L. Davis, R. C. Butler & K. Nagorski. (Eds.), Ceramics Monthly: September 1994 (pp.31-35). Columbus, OH: Professional Publications, Inc.
Price, K., Criqui, J. P. (2016). Ken Price drawings. New York, NY: Matthew Marks Gallery.
Price, K., Kitnick, A. (2014). Ken Price: The Large Sculptures. New York, NY: Matthew Marks Gallery.
Shechet, A., Kamin-Rapaport, B., Tone, L., Foster, C. (2019). Arlene Shechet: Full Steam Ahead. New York, NY: Madison Square Park Conservancy.
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