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論文名稱(英文):When Containment Meet Systemic Collaboration - Case Work In School Counseling
指導教授(英文):Chih-Ju Liu
口試委員(英文):Meei-Ju Lin
Shyh-Heng Wong
關鍵詞(英文):containmentsystemic collaborationcounselorcase work in school counseling
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一、 研究目的:(一)探究心理師與學校系統合作及個案工作中的內涵與動力。(二)了解心理師參與學校個案輔導工作與系統合作的涵容現象。(三)探究心理師與學校系統合作及個案工作之間,影響心理師涵容功能的因素及歷程。

二、 研究方法:邀請到2位目前正參與學校個案輔導工作的諮商心理師擔任研究參與者,以深度訪談及人際歷程回憶法 (Interpersonal Process Recall,IPR),分別蒐集諮商心理師與系統工作及個案工作中知覺到與涵容相關的主觀經驗,並佐以諮商逐字稿,觀察心理師與案主進行個別諮商工作中的歷程動力。

三、 研究結果:
(二)學校個案輔導工作系統中的涵容現象:心理師分別在個別諮商工作及系統人員諮詢中發揮了涵容者的功能;系統人員的支持與正向合作關係也會涵容心理師在諮商中及 系統工作中的焦慮。

(四)投射性認同中抽象沉思 (reverie) 的歷程:「覺察尚未形成理解的情感或思想」、「正負向客體關係單元或情緒併置」、「澄清自體–客體界線」。
(五)涵容的歷程:系統合作所形成的先前的理解及諮商關係中投射姓認同與反移情的干擾成為涵容功能的限制,心理師覺察限制所引起的情感經驗,在「抽象沉思」 (reverie)的狀態下,逐漸形成「能夠理解的情感或思想 」並回應給案主,使案主對自己、對外在關係有進一步的理解。

The aim of this study is to explore counselors' involvement in school casecounseling, the phenomenon of containment in systematic cooperation and client work.

Purpose of research: (1) to understand the connotation and dynamics of counselor participation in school case counseling and systematic cooperation. (2) to explore the phenomenon of containment in collaboration with the school system and client’s work. (3) to explore the counselor in collaboration with the school system and client’s work, between influence factors of containment function and the inner psychological process of containment function is affected.

Methods: two counselors who were currently involved in school case counseling were invited to serve as study participants. Through in-depth interviews and Interpersonal Process Recall (IPR). Collection the subjective experience of containment of counselors work with system and client’s work, and the counselor's verbatim transcription was used to observe the Process and motivation of individual counseling work with the client.

Results: (I) the work content of the counselor’s in "systematic cooperation": case conference, professional consultng or routine consultng from mentors, routine counseling from parents (guardians) , active mention of the system by the client in counseling, other dynamics of the system. (II) the containment phenomenon in the school case counseling work system: counselor play the role of container in individual counseling work and system personnel consulting ; The support and positive cooperation of the system personnel can also contained the anxiety of the counseler in the counseling and system work. (III) factors and dynamics that influence the connotation between the work of the system and the client’s work: the systematic
interferes influence the counselor's assessment of the counseling objective;The client projects the emotion of the system personnel on the counselor; The evocation of the counselor’s countertransference experience needs to reduce the influence on the role of the container through awareness and identification; The difference of perception
between the counselor and the client has a strong influence on the counselor to focus on the client and identify the client’s emotion;Receiving the research interview has positive and negative influence on counselor’s containment function.

The research findings:
(1) the dynamic interaction between system work and case work is seen from the appearance of the cooperation: The exchange and mutual understanding of views in different fields enables each system to understand the full picture of the case; Interaction patterns and handle problems attitude between systems, could be a case work "pressure" or "help".
(2) In the course of the operation of containment function, the direction of projection mechanism is not easy to determine, and system personnel may also become the container of counselor.
(3) The performance of the connotation function, the termination of the system personnel negative emotional projection cycle.
(4) The process of “reverie” in projective identification: "perception of an emotion or thought that has not yet developed an understanding", "positive and negative object relationship unit or emotional juxtaposition", "clarification of the self-object boundary".
(5) The course of containment: The prior understanding formed by systematic cooperation and the interference of projected identity and countertransference in counseling relationships become limits to the contained function, the counselor perceives the emotional experience caused by limitations, in the state of "reverie", gradually form the meaning of "understandable emotion or thought" and respond to the client, to make the client of their own, external relations have a further understanding.
(6) The parallel correspondence between the internal object relationship and the surrounding interpersonal relationship interferes with the containment; At the same time, the projection of the individual's past relationship with important others can also become important information to understand the client and the system
dynamics, including the client and the counselor.
(7) The extent to which the counselor perceives and deals with individual issues, affects the ability of the discern his/her own countertransference and contained projection identification in systematic work and client work.

Finally, based on the results and discussion, the author puts forward the research Suggestions and limitations of this study for future research reference, and provides practical suggestions for counselor involved in school case counseling work.
第一章 緒論 1
第一節 研究動機與目的 1
第二節 研究問題 4
第三節 名詞解釋 4

第二章 文獻探討 7
第一節 心理師參與學校個案輔導工作 7
第二節 諮商工作與系統工作中的涵容現象 12

第三章 研究方法與設計 23
第一節 研究取向 23
第二節 研究參與者 23
第三節 研究方法 26
第四節 研究工具 30
第五節 資料整理與分析方法 38
第六節 研究嚴謹性 45
第七節 研究倫理 47

第四章 研究結果 49
第一節 系統合作中的工作樣貌 49
第二節 學校輔導工作中的涵容現象 69
第三節 系統工作與個案工作間影響涵容的因素與歷程 77

第五章 研究討論 103
第一節 心理師系統合作工作樣貌中的內涵與動力 103
第二節 系統工作與個案工作中的涵容現象 108
第三節 系統工作與個案工作間影響涵容功能的因素與動力分析 115

第六章 研究發現、建議與限制 119
第一節 研究重要發現 119
第二節 建議、研究限制與反思 120

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