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作者(英文):Bing-Hsin Tsai
論文名稱(英文):Experience of being Hikikomori: A hermeneutic phenomenology study
指導教授(英文):Chih-ju Liu
口試委員(英文):Wei-Lun Lee
Rong-Bang Pong
關鍵詞(英文):Hikikomorisocial withdrawalhermeneutic phenomenology
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研究結果發現「繭居經驗」之普遍結構開展為:1. 「繭居」被經驗為面對處境「斷裂」而「無從投入」的「逃避」狀態,卻同時懷抱著「恢復」至原有處境的「期待」──繭居的「恢復」本質,及「脫離而暫時休息」的主觀狀態。2. 繭居者與「社會」的連結型態──在「社會性標準」的失落及「社會連結」的必要性之間。3. 容允繭居狀態延續之「空間」──具「正當性/合理性」且時限寬鬆的外顯狀態/身份。4. 投入社會性事務所帶來的「時間感」及線性的時間軸。5. 脫離繭居是與社會運作「恢復連結」的「復健」歷程,已脫離繭居者則在歷程中經驗到在生涯進度裡少有的「自主性」。

The aim of this study is to disclose how the hikikomori population in Taiwan experience “being a hikikomori”. Six participants who had been identified as a hikikomori were interviewed. Data analysis was conducted in accordance with the phenomenological method.

The main findings on the general structure of the experience of being a hikikomori can be summarized as follows. First, becoming a Hikikomori is motivated by the need for a break to “recover” from not being able to engage in the original life. In other words, being a hikikomori is not a mere escape from the society, but a “preparation stage” to go back to the society and the prime situation of themselves. Second, the connecting mode of hikikomori: the hikikomori population often experience themselves as a loser failing to achieve social expectations and struggle, nevertheless, they still desire to stay connected with people. Third, feel permitted to stay being a hikikomori with a “legitimate social status”. Fourth, experiencing linear timeline while engaging in social affairs. Finally, for the hikikomori population, building up the connection to the society again is usually a slow and gradual process, and they experienced “autonomy” from activities they engaged in this process.

In summary, the present study demonstrates that being a hikikomori is a distress state of suffering from social expectations, and that the experience of timeline is distorted when people are unable to engage themselves in social affairs. For a solution to the hikikomori phenomenon, this study proposes that the society should ”legalize the state of break”, by encouraging fair expectations on the relationship between the status of having a break and personal life planning.

Together, this study hopes to shed some light on the current understandings of the hikikomori phenomenon for both the general public and the social work practice. Furthermore, this study seeks to keep the hikikomori population informed about the common experiences of being in this status. This can be an important support for this population to feel connected with the society.
第一章 緒論:研究背景 1
第二章 文獻探討 5
第一節 繭居現象的浮現 5
第二節 繭居是「不適應行為」抑或「有目的的不作為」? 14
第三節 回歸社會之路:從屬於常規,還是超越常規? 21
第三章 研究方法 27
第一節 問題意識及回應之路徑 27
第二節 研究對象 29
第三節 研究程序及工具 30
第四節 經驗文本分析 32
第五節 研究嚴謹性 33
第六節 研究倫理 34
第四章 研究結果 37
第一節 受訪者資訊 37
第二節 置身經驗結構 37
第三節 普遍經驗結構 66
第五章 討論與建議 75
第一節 研究發現 75
第二節 研究限制 83
第三節 研究展望 83
參考文獻 85
附錄 研究受訪者同意書 89
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