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作者(英文):Shuo-Heng Kao
論文名稱(英文):The Process of the Action of A New Preschool Educator to Improve His Self-Efficacy
指導教授(英文):Ming-Li Chang
口試委員(英文):Ya-Li Cheng
Chunn-Ying Lin
關鍵詞(英文):New preschool educatorSelf-efficacyLife narrative
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This thesis in the main relates my appreciation and story of the effort to enhance my self-efficacy from 2016 to 2019, when I first joined the early childhood education profession. At the beginning, I, being inexperienced, always attributed the difficulties I encountered in the workplace and my life to the unfriendly external environment, and my personality – a passive person not good at expressing myself verbally, yet having expectation of my career that was to become a loving and capable preschool teacher. Therefore, by means of the strategy of action research and the method of life narrative, I sought to restore my original aspiration and self-confidence of being an early childhood educator through the feedback of significant others and critical friends. However, all things are difficult before they are easy. At the beginning of the journey, I “hit a wall” all the time, and more often than not had to handle my emotions and examine my negative experience in the workplace. Even though this could clarify the reasons for the predicaments I caused, it helped little in enhancing my self-efficacy at that stage. In the face of such a situation, my critical friends suggested that I focus on my feelings and emotions at the time of each matter confronting me, rather than always looking back to the past; at the same time, I should face any challenge with the attitude of “turning inward to examine oneself.” In this process, I experienced the high-pressure situation of facing three things, “work, thesis-writing, and teacher recruitment,” all at the same time, which however also squeezed out of me an appreciation of life and conviction to face all challenges. Through this journey of self-care, I have gradually solved what has long been put aside yet still fettering me, with the expectation that I can continuously keep a good sense of self-efficacy so that I can become a dedicated and passionate preschool educator.
謝誌 i
中文摘要 ii
英文摘要 iii
目次 iv
圖次 vi
表次 vii

第一章 何其契機 1
第一節 自我效能與我 1
第二節 男兒身,擁抱幼教職 4
第三節 效能低落的心牆 10

第二章 接踵而至 13
第一節 初入職場的轉機 13
第二節 化悲憤為力量 21
第三節 庸碌職涯尋良方 24

第三章 一切故事的起點 27
第一節 邂逅一群「星星」孩子 27
第二節 穿上名為「教官」的盔甲 30
第三節 來自內心的警醒 31
第四節 敘說生命,發現生命 33

第四章 改變開始 37
第一節 掙脫過去 37
第二節 邁步向前 53
第三節 踏上教甄旅程 60
第四節 預備好的路 68

第五章 結束,是另一種開始 71
第一節 對自我經驗的反思 71
第二節 來自敘說的禮物 78
第三節 給過去、現在與未來的自己 80

參考文獻 83
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