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作者(英文):Yi-Yan Lin
論文名稱(英文):Study on the Effect of Preschool Diverse Talent Involvement on Learning Achievement: Ethnic Difference
指導教授(英文):Chunn-Ying Lin
口試委員(英文):Ya-Heng Xie
Cheng-Hong Chen
關鍵詞(英文):Multiple talent learningCognitive abilitiesLearning achievementsNew ResidentsIndigenous people and non-minorities
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由於臺灣婚姻觀念改變,新住民家庭比例逐漸增多,幾乎每十位幼兒就有一位是新住民,形成多元族群共同就學的現象。臺灣的家庭多半屬於雙薪家庭,幼兒放學時間大多數都會送去課後補習機構,補習風氣興盛,為人父母都希望給自己的小孩最好的照顧及教育,因此會願意撥出經費讓幼兒參與多元才藝學習。本研究的目的是為了瞭解學前幼兒在就讀小學一年級時,其學習成就是否會因為幼兒在就讀幼兒園時家境時貧困,影響到幼兒就讀園所時間的長短,並減少參與多元才藝學習的機會,導致認知能力較低,父母對幼兒在課業上的期望也會降低。本研究運用國立東華大學幼兒教育學系2015年所完成調查的「學生學習成就與學習適應族群/跨國婚姻落差研究計畫」調查資料,該筆資料針對全臺灣國小一年級家長做抽樣調查,在排除遺漏與缺失樣本後共得到有效樣本為982人,隨後採用結構方程模式(structural equation model, SEM)檢證相關理論假設。
Under the change of the concept of marriage in Taiwan, almost one in every ten children is a new resident. Multiple ethnic groups attend the same school. Most families in Taiwan are double-income, so children are often sent to after-class schools, and attending tutorial schools has taken hold. Parents all desire to give the best care and education to their own children, so they are willing to allocate funds for their children’s multiple talent learning. This study aimed to examine the learning achievemetnts of prechool children when they entered first grade. If the children were from a poor family when attending kindergarten, which might affect the time period of receiving education and decrease the opportunity of participating in multiple talent learning, would they have poorer cognitive abilities? Would their parents expect less of their schoolwork? The study used the research data of the “Study Program of Students’ Learning Achievements and Learning Adaptation Groups / Divides between Transnational Marriage” completed by the Department of Early Children Education, National Dong-Hwa University in 2015. The program adopted a sample survey on the parents of first graders in Taiwan. After eliminating the missing samples, 982 valid samples were recovered. Structural equation modeling (SEM) was then used to verify the hypothesis of related theories.
The study found that children who attended multiple talent learning had better cognitive abilities than those who didn’t, yet multiple talent learning did not have a significant impact on the learning achievements in the first grade. Besides, if the mother was indigenous or came from Southeast Asia, the family condition was poorer, and the child had fewer opportunities to attend multiple talent learning. Therefore, his/her preschool cognitive abilities were poorer than those of non-minority children.
目 次
謝誌............................................................................................................ i
中文摘要.................................................................................................. iii
英文摘要................................................................................................ v目次......................................................................................................... vii
表次.......................................................................................................... xi
圖次........................................................................................................ xiii

第一章 緒論............................................................................ 1
第一節 研究動機............................................................................... 1
第二節 研究目的............................................................................... 5
第三節 名詞釋義............................................................................... 6

第二章 文獻探討..................................................................................9
第一節 族群學習落差的可見事實................................................... 9
第二節 多元才藝學習對學習落差的可能作用............................. 14

第三章 研究方法................................................................................. 17
第一節 研究架構............................................................................. 17
第二節 研究假設............................................................................. 18
第三節 資料來源............................................................................. 19
第四節 變項測量............................................................................. 20
第五節 資料處理............................................................................. 23

第四章 結果與討論............................................................................. 25
第一節 各族群學前幼兒的學習成就之概況分析......................... 25
第二節 研究模型變項之間的關聯性............................................. 30

第五章 研究結論、討論與建議........................................................... 37
第一節 結論..................................................................................... 37
第二節 討論..................................................................................... 39
第三節 建議..................................................................................... 42

參考文獻............................................................................................... 45

附錄一 家長問卷..................................................................................55
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