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作者(英文):Jui-Fen Chuang
論文名稱:D. J. Willower實用主義對教育行政之啟示
論文名稱(英文):The Enlightenment of D. J. Willlower's Pragmatism on The Educational Administration
指導教授(英文):YU-NAN SU
口試委員(英文):Cheng-Hung Chen
Ching-Dar Lin
關鍵詞(英文):PragmatismThe Theory Movement
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D. J. Willower為當代美國頗具代表性的教育行政學者,其畢生投入於教育行政學術研究工作,在早期即與美國教育行政「理論運動」有密切的接觸,然其對教育行政理論的開展,主要採取一種行政科學的觀點來加以論述,並依循著Dewey實用主義來加以鋪陳。在思想脈絡上,Willower對當代學者批判主要集中在此三階段學者,首先對T. B. Greenfield之主觀主義,指出只重視客觀性,而忽視價值和人性考慮等;其次對R. J. Bates與W. P. Foster等人之批判理論,指出批判理論對實證主義和功能主義此不同觀念、事物當成同類來評述,輕忽社會存在多元興趣群體的實際現象;第三對C. W. Evers及G. Lakomski之自然融貫論批判,指出其在對哲學認識論討論是宏大的,然在探究領域中,具體和經驗層面知識是有侷限性,並認為有一些問題是存在的。


關鍵字: 實用主義、理論運動
D. J. Willower is one of representative scholars in education administration nowadays in America. He devoted his lifetime to the academic research of education administration; therefore, he was involved with the development of the theoretical movement in the early days. A view of administrative science is discussed and elaborated in accordance with Dewey’s pragmatism. In terms of ideological context, Willower’s criticism of contemporary scholars mainly focuses on these three parts. First, he pointed out that T. B. Greenfield’s subjectivism only emphasizes objectivity, while ignoring the considerations of values and human nature. Secondly, he criticized R. J. Bates and W. P. Foster to simplify positivism and functionalism, while ignoring the reality and diverse interests in society. Thirdly, he criticized the related theory of C. W. Evers and G. Lakomski. It is pointed out that it is grand in the discussion of philosophical epistemology, but in the field of inquiry, the knowledge at the concrete and empirical level is limited, and it is believed that there are some problems.

This study adopts the methodology of educational hermeneutics to trace back the content of Willower’s thoughts. First, the determination of the history of educational texts. Then, explain the meaning of the educational text. The third is the construction of educational text hypothesis. Ultimately know the truth about educational texts. For this reason, the results of this study are listed as follows in terms of theoretical and practical inspiration respectively. (1) The development of practical theory must be combined with on-site practical experience of educational administration. (2) Facts and values, theory and practice should be incorporated into administrative theory. (3) In terms of practical operation, the inspiration of teaching purpose is to attach importance to experience, and to transform deeper reflection experience through the process of reflection. (4) In terms of administrative personnel and systems, it is emphasized that in the exploration of scientific theories, an attitude of open communication is affirmed, and multiple thinking is accepted, so that each other can be respected and accepted.
For this reason, the results of this study, through sorting out the origin of Willlower's thought, seek to interpret the content of the scholar's thinking, and extend the inheritance of Dewey's pragmatism from the exploration of the criticism of various scholars, and thereby provide on-site educational administration. The reference of personnel serves as a mirror for educational administrative reform.

Keywords:Pragmatism 、The Theory Movement

第一章 緒論 1
第一節 研究動機與目的 1
第二節 研究方法與步驟 9
第三節 重要名詞解釋 15
第四節 研究資料與範圍 17
第五節 研究論文的限制 19
第二章 Willower的思想淵源 21
第一節 Greenfield主觀主義之批判 21
第二節 Bates批判理論之批判 35
第三節 Evers與Lakomski批判理論之批判 42
第三章 Willower實用主義之主要內涵 49
第一節 Dewey實用主義之啟迪 49
第二節 Willower之科學理論 55
第三節 Willower價值理論和評價理論 61
第四節 Willower之實踐理論 71
第四章 Willower實用主義之綜合評價及啟示 79
第一節 Willower實用主義的綜合評價 79
第二節 Willower實用主義的啟示 87
第五章 結論與建議 91
第一節 結論 91
第二節 建議 97
參考文獻 99
一、中文文獻 99
二、英文文獻 102

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