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作者(英文):Dai-Wei Zhan
論文名稱(英文):The acute effects of pre-activity with elastic bands on lower limb for sports performance
指導教授(英文):Li-I Wang
口試委員(英文):Mu-Shan Chang
Yuan-Mei Sun
關鍵詞(英文):pre-activitypost-activation potentiationelastic bands
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式實驗前,先測試每位受試者以彈力帶進行蹲舉動作時的最大肌力。 本研究
料。以SPSS for Windows 20.0版套裝軟體,進行不同恢復時間之重複量數
單因子變異數分析統計分析 (one-way ANOVA),若達顯著差異,便以LSD法
進行事後比較,統計顯著水準訂為α= .05。

結果:衝刺表現方面,3RM及5RM在恢復時間4分鐘時,皆顯著優於前測 (p <
.05)。敏捷表現方面,3RM在恢復時間4分鐘時,顯著優於前測 (p < .05)。
下蹲跳表現方面,3RM及5RM在不同恢復時間時,與前測皆無顯著差異 (p > .
05)。在恢復時間15秒時,不論衝刺、敏捷和下蹲跳表現,皆顯著劣於前測 (p < .05)。

結論:彈性阻力式預先活動的介入,能夠產生活化後增益 (post-activation
potentiation, PAP),提升衝刺與敏捷相關的運動表現,因此,本研究建議
Purpose: The purpose of this study was to investigate the acute
effects by pre-activity with elastic bands on lower limb
for sports performance.

Meth: Fifteen male college students from the physical education
department voluntarily participated in the study. Before
formal experiment, 3RM-5RM squat were tested. In formal
experiment, subjects will performed the pre-test on that day
(counter-movement jump or 20 m sprint or agility T-test).
After 5-minute rest, subjects performed pre-activity elastic
resistance (different repetition of maximum, 3 or 5RM) on
that day. And then performed the post-test at the 15 seconds
, 4 minutes , 8 minutes , 12 minutes and 16 minutes
(different times, post1. One AMTI force plates were
used to collect ground reaction force data of counter-
movement jump. A set of photointerrupter sensor were used to
collect time data of 20 m sprint and agility T-test. The
SPSS for Windows 20.0 was used for statistical analyses.
One-way repeated measures ANOVA was used to compared the
difference among test times. If significant main effect did
exist the LSD pairwise post-hoc test.

Results: The 3RM and 5RM elastic resistance squat significantly
decreased sprint at post2 compared to the pre-test (p <
.05). The 3RM elastic resistance squat significantly
decreased agility at post2 compared to the pre-test (p <

Conclusion: The pre-activity with elastic bands squat reduced the
seconds acutely during 20 m sprint and agility T-test
tasks. The elastic bands could be applied in pre-
第一章 緒論-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1
第一節 問題背景-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------1
第二節 研究目的-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------4
第三節 研究假設-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------5
第四節 研究範圍與限制--------------------------------------------------------------------------6
第五節 名詞解釋與實驗操作性定義-----------------------------------------------------------7
第六節 研究的重要性----------------------------------------------------------------------------11
第二章 文獻探討----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------13
第一節 活化後增益作用的生理機轉與效益------------------------------------------------ 13
第二節 不同類型活動的活化後增益效益----------------------------------------------------15
第三節 不同預先活動之操作方式對形成活化後增益作用的影響---------------21
第四節 彈力帶輔助運動之相關研究----------------------------------------------------------25
第三章 研究方法----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------29
第一節 研究對象----------------------------------------------------------------------------------29
第二節 實驗時間與地點-------------------------------------------------------------------------30
第三節 實驗儀器與設備-------------------------------------------------------------------------31
第四節 實驗流程與場地佈置-------------------------------------------------------------------34
第五節 資料處理----------------------------------------------------------------------------------38
第六節 統計方法----------------------------------------------------------------------------------39
第四章 結果--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 41
第五章 討論與建議------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 57
第一節 討論--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 57
第二節 結論--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 61
中文部分-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 62
英文部分-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 63
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