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作者(英文):Guo-Feng Lin
論文名稱(英文):Short Stories of Top Pickers in Australia
指導教授(英文):Hsiu-Mei Liu
口試委員(英文):Kam-Loon Woo
Ming-Yi Wu
關鍵詞(英文):AustraliaWorking HolidayNationalityShort Stories
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《快手澳客》從我自身經驗出發,多篇創作圍繞在華人活躍的澳洲地區,以Brisbane、Caboolture、Sunnybank為主。在創作的過程中,搭配google map的街景導覽,我試圖在作品中還原現場,增添場景的細節,擴充角色在故事中的情境。透過場景的建立與人物之間的關係,希望能夠在文字的傳達之下,表現出在澳洲打工的背包客,必須透過不斷搬遷,配合工作需求的習性。



創作《快手澳客》的同時,將戲劇的「形式」與「格式」寫進作品裡,希望能夠培養出不同的寫作聲腔。在〈Checker〉裡,導入劇本語彙,盡可能只保留「動作」或者以精簡的方式描述畫面,也試圖將「動作指令」寫在括號裡。〈關於佛系少女的獨白〉就如同篇名所述,將此篇當作一個獨角劇本來創作,可以是一人分飾多角的one man show,也可以是多人搬演的solo連載。〈快手澳客〉裡結合第一人稱與第三人稱,以括號的方式表現角色的潛台詞。雖然在過程中倍感艱難,也深知還有許多需要努力的空間,但對於文學與戲劇之間的交互作用,在《快手澳客》裡得到極大的書寫快樂,也同時提醒自己必須更努力提升對於文字的掌握度與寫作能力。

《快手澳客》不僅融合自己對於澳洲打工度假的經驗,也訪問了許多背包客,從2008一直到2022年,地區涵蓋了澳洲東岸、西岸與離島。在訪談的過程中從他們的故事中獲得養分,試圖融入「Covid-19」、「Mee too」這些當今的議題,希望讓這部臺灣人的澳洲打工度假旅遊史能夠更加完整。
The collection of Top Pickers in Australia has a total of nine short stories. It records the profile of this generation of Taiwanese as working holiday makers in Australia through different stories in each chapter.

Top Pickers in Australia starts from my own experience, and most stories are created around Australian areas where Chinese people are active, mainly in Brisbane, Caboolture, and Sunnybank. In the process of creation, I try to restore scenes in the writing, with Google street view to add details of the scene and expand scenarios of characters in the story. Under conveyance of the texts of the establishment of the scene and the relationship between the characters, hoping to show that working holiday makers in Australia must relocate constantly to meet the needs of work.

While recalling the scene, I also tried to strengthen the element of "time". For example, "Ten O'clock" especially uses the countdown as the sub-node of each paragraph. In this story, there is a linear narration leading to the ending of the story. At the same time, the character's first-person narration interspersed the story to retrace all the plots. In Social Media Manager and A Buddhist Girl Monologue, there are also a large number of time marks that are intertwined in a multi-line state. By writing these chapters highlight the oppression of time brought by when working holiday makers make a living in different places.

In addition to the writing of history, scenes, and stories, when creating Top Pickers in Australia, I tried to integrate theatrical thinking into the literary context. In terms of structure, try to make the story have a sense of twist and contrast, such as Harpo, who is about to from zero to hero, but accidentally goes into a desperate situation in What a Tree Full of Tears Looks Like, or Minmin in Lucky, who falls into the magical trap at the end. In terms of characters, using "character development" as the basic concept, like Phone changes from being aimless to goal-oriented in The Wind Keeps Blowing, and Angus in A Buddhist Girl Monologue, who initially goes with the flow change to take a plunge.

While creating Top Pickers in Australia, I merged the "form" and "format" of drama into the work, hoping to cultivate different writing voices. In Checker, import the context of the script, keep only "action" as much as possible or describe the scene in a simplified way, and try to write the "action instruction" in parentheses. A Buddhist Girl Monologue is created as a solo script as the title of the story suggests, which can be a monopolylogue of a one-man show, or a solo serial that performs by multiple people perform. Top Pickers in Australia expresses the subtext of the characters by combining the first-person and the third-person narrative in parentheses.

Although it was very difficult in the process of writing, I knew that there was still a lot of room for effort, but for the interaction between literature and drama, I got great joy in writing in "Kaishou Aoke", and at the same time reminded myself that I must work harder Improve your vocabulary and writing skills. Although it was very difficult in the process of writing, and I knew that there was still a lot of room for effort, I got great joy in writing Top Pickers in Australia about the interaction between literature and drama. At the same time, I reminded myself that I must work harder to improve my mastery of words and writing ability.

Top Pickers in Australia not only combined my experience as a working holiday maker in Australia but also interviewed many backpackers, covering the east coast, west coast, and the off-shore island of Australia from 2008 to 2022. In the process of interviewing the backpackers, I learned a lot of experiences from their stories, trying to integrate "Covid-19" and "Me too" and other current issues, hoping to make this Taiwanese Australian working holiday travel history more complete.
一、一棵長滿眼淚的樹是什麼樣子 1
二、網路小編 7
三、風不停吹 17
四、室友 25
五、Checker 37
六、幸運 41
七、十點 51
八、快手澳客 57
九、關於佛係少女的獨白 65
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