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作者:Anthony Basile
作者(英文):Anthony Basile
論文名稱:Making an idol: Digital media, image building and fan-idol relations
論文名稱(英文):Making an idol: Digital media, image building and fan-idol relations
指導教授(英文):Jun-Hua Lin
口試委員(英文):Ru-Yin Tsai
Yu-Chao Huang
關鍵詞(英文):digital mediaidolsJapanimage buildingidol-fan relations
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This thesis examines the ways in which Japanese idols are using digital technology for promotion, image building and fan interaction, as groups and as individuals. Digital technology continues to develop and become an integral part of people's lives every year and adapting to these changes is a challenge that consumers and companies alike face; the entertainment industry being no exception. Idols, because they have a large diversified media presence beyond just music production and a large, active fan base, provide a unique opportunity to view many of the diverse ways entertainers can and are using digital technology and media to further their brands and facilitate fan interaction in the Japanese market.
This thesis specifically explores the usage of media in the categories of video, social media, and mobile applications and games. Discussion covers television variety show and drama styles unique to idols, online streaming videos, social media platforms, from traditional blogs to the modern Twitter and Instagram, and video games and applications that are played on smartphones and portable video gaming systems. I also explore the ways each of these are used to build image and facilitate fan interaction (where applicable) and how successful each media has been at this and in general. The research shows that idols have been generally successful in their endeavors across a multitude of media. By finding audiences across such a wide variety of media platforms they have raised name recognition, of both groups and individual members, while creating an image of accessibility and strengthening parasocial relationships with fans. Social media has also allowed for more frequent fan interaction via various platforms. While some specific media have failed, in general there are strong viewer/user bases for these digital media, as evidenced by ratings, follower counts, downloads, sales, etc.
Chapter 1 – Introduction 1
1.1 Research Background 1
1.2 Idols 2
1.3 Digital Media 7
1.4 Research Questions 8
1.5 Structure 9
Chapter 2 – Literature Review 11
2.1 Idols 12
2.1.1 Idols in General 11
2.1.2 Image, Intertextuality, and Marketing 12
2.2 Digital Media 13
2.2.1 Social Media Theory 13
2.2.2 Technology Mediated Celebrity-Fan Relationships 14
2.3 Conclusion 15
Chapter 3 - Methodology 17
3.1 Data Collection and Textual Analysis 17
3.2 Participatory Observation 20
3.3 Conclusion 21
Chapter 4 – Television & Online Streaming 23
4.1 Television 23
4.1.1 Kanmuri Bangumi 23
4.1.2 Dramas 31
4.2 Online Streaming 33
4.2.1 YouTube 33
4.2.2 Nico Nico Douga 36
4.2.3 Hulu, Netflix, & Amazon 37
4.2.4 LINE Live 38
4.2.5 Live on Demand 39
4.3 Conclusion 40
Chapter 5 – Social Media 43
5.1 Image Building: Blogging & Micro-blogging 45
5.1.1 Blogs 45
5.1.2 Google+ 48
5.1.3 Mobile Mail 49
5.1.4 Twitter 50
5.2 Image Building: Images 53
5.2.1 Instagram 53
5.3 Fan Interaction 55
5.3.1 755 55
5.3.2 Showroom 56
5.4 Conclusion 61
Chapter 6 – Mobile Applications & Games 65
6.1 Game and Applications 65
6.1.1 Rhythm Games 65
6.1.2 Card Battle Games 70
6.1.3 Dating Simulation Games 70
6.1.4 Other Games 73
6.1.5 Mobile Applications 75
6.1.6 Meaning to Fans 76
6.2 Augmented Reality & Virtual Reality 78
6.3 Conclusion 79
Chapter 7 – Conclusion 81
7.1 Using digital media to construct image 81
7.2 Intertextuality: Interplay between different media 82
7.3 Fan Interaction: Using digital media to bridge the gap with fans 83
7.4 Consumer’s position: what has it meant to fans? 83
7.5 Limitations and potential further research 84
7.6 Final thoughts 86
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