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作者:Mateja Lasnik
作者(英文):Mateja Lasnik
論文名稱:Social Anxiety and Taijin Kyofusho among Taiwanese University Students in Hualien: A Cross-Cultural Comparison of Social Phobia Symptoms
論文名稱(英文):Social Anxiety and Taijin Kyofusho among Taiwanese University Students in Hualien: A Cross-Cultural Comparison of Social Phobia Symptoms
指導教授(英文):Er-Jian Yeh
口試委員(英文):Thodoris Mazarakis
Yi-Chun Lin
關鍵詞(英文):Social anxietyTaijin KyofushoCross-Cultural ComparisonLSAS questionnaireTKS questionnaire
  • 推薦推薦:0
  • 點閱點閱:17
  • 評分評分:系統版面圖檔系統版面圖檔系統版面圖檔系統版面圖檔系統版面圖檔
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Social anxiety disorder is an anxiety disorder with varying degrees of severity. The central feature of social anxiety disorder (SAD) is the fear of negative evaluation by others. Previous studies suggest that there are differences in reports of social anxiety and social anxiety disorder across cultures. Taijin kyofusho has frequently been discussed as a culture-specific expression of SAD that is believed to be particularly prevalent in Japanese and Korean cultures. The aim of this study was to determine to which degree social anxiety and a culture-specific expression of SAD – taijin kyofusho are present among Taiwanese students when compared with international students. Taiwanese university students and international students studying in Taiwan were given two types of questionnaires: Liebowitz Social Anxiety Scale (LSAS) used for measuring severity of symptoms of social anxiety and taijin kyofusho Scale (TKS) used for measuring severity of symptoms of taijin kyofusho. A total of 300 participants were included for the data analysis. The results showed that there was no significant difference for international students when compared with domestic Taiwanese students. Taiwanese students scored higher on TKS questionnaires measuring taijin kyofusho than students from non-Asian cultures. Older participants scored lower on social anxiety questionnaires without regard to their country of origin.
Introduction 1
Research background 1
Problem statement 2
Purpose of study 2
Definition of terms 3
Thesis outline 4
Literature review 5
Social Anxiety 5
Diagnostic criteria for social anxiety 5
Culturally specific forms of social anxiety: taijin kyofusho 7
Diagnostic criteria for taijin kyofusho 7
Functional consequences of social anxiety disorder 9
Liebowitz Social Anxiety scale 10
Taijin kyofusho Scale 10
Cultural differences in self-reported social anxiety 11
Cultural differences in lifetime prevalence of social anxiety 11
Cultural dimensions that may impact social anxiety 12
Contributions of acculturation to social anxiety 15
Research hypotheses 16
Methodology 19
Research design 19
Research instruments 20
Socio-demographic questionnaire 20
LSAS scale 20
TKS scale 21
Sample 21
Procedure 24
Results 27
Between group (Taiwanese vs. international) differences in LSAS and TKS scores 28
Between group (Taiwanese vs. non-Asian) differences in TKS score 28
The effect of age on social anxiety (LSAS) and taijin kyofusho (TKS) 29
Discussion and Conclusion 31
Social anxiety and taijin kyofusho between international and Taiwanese students 31
Taijin kyofusho between Taiwanese and non-Asian students 32
Effect of age on social anxiety and taijin kyofusho 33
Limitations of the study 33
Suggestions for future research 34
Conclusion 35
References 37
Appendix A 43
Appendix B 44
Appendix C 45
Appendix D 47
Appendix E 49
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