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作者(英文):Lin Lin
論文名稱:A. 在248nm下 Oxalyl Chloride 的光解離反應 B. Si 和 Dimethylacetylene 的動力學反應
論文名稱(英文):A. The photodissociation of Oxalyl Chloride at 248 nm B. Reaction dynamics of Si (3P) + Dimethylacetylene (CH3CCCH3) reaction
指導教授(英文):Hsiu-Hwa Chang
口試委員(英文):Max-K. Leong
Jeng-Da Chai
關鍵詞(英文):photodissociationOxalyl ChlorideSiDimethylacetylene248 nm
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A. The photodissociation of Oxalyl Chloride at 248 nm
The probable reaction pathways for photodissociation of Oxalyl Chloride at
248 nm have been investigated by ab initio electronic structure calculation. The optimized geometries for reactant, intermediate, transition states, and dissociation products on the adiabatic ground state potential energy surface are searched at the level of B3LYP/cc-pVTZ. The energies are refined by CCSD(T)/cc-pVTZ with B3LYP/cc-pVTZ zero-point energy corrections. The RRKM rate constants are utilized in obtaining the most probable paths and branching ratio of dissociation products. The major product is found to be p2 (COClCO) with branching ratio about 0.87, which is a good fit to experiment (0.9).
B. Reaction dynamics of Si (3P) + Dimethylacetylene (CH3CCCH3) reaction
In this thesis, we investigated the reaction of Si (3P) – C2H6 (X1A1g) in single
collision condition. Density functional theory with functional, B3LYP and coupled cluster theory, CCSD, with cc-pVTZ basis sets are used to optimize the geometries of the collision complexes, intermediates, products and transition states on both triplet and singlet surfaces. Their energies are further computed with CCSD/CBS with B3LYP/cc-pVTZ zero-point energy corrections. In this reaction, the triplet complexes can cross singlet surface via intersystem crossing. The minimum-energy crossing structures are predicted by MCSCF method with TZVPP basis set. The H2-loss products observed experimentally are presumably singlet due to lower energies. The RRKM rate constants are computed to estimate product yields on singlet surface. The major product is found to be p73, with a yield of 98%.
Table of Contents………………………………………………………………..………I

A. The photodissociation of Oxalyl Chloride at 248 nm
1. Introduction……………………………….………………………………………1
2. Theoretical methods………………………………………………………………3
2.1 Ab initio electronic structure calculations for the reaction pathway…3
2.2 Coupled cluster singles, doubles, and triples CCSD(T)…………………3
2.3 RRKM rate constant calculations………………………………………4
3. Results and Discussions……………………………………………………………5
3.1 Reactant → Intermediate 1 (i1)……………………..……………………5
3.2 Intermediate 1 (i1) → Intermediate 2 (i2)………………………………5
3.3 Intermediate 1 (i1) → Product 1 ( 2CO + Cl2 )……………...……………6
3.4 Intermediate 2 (i2) → Product 2 + Cl……………………………………6
4. Conclusion…………………………………………………………………..………7
Table I. Oxalyl Chloride energy with cc-pVTZ basis set…………………………...12
Table II. Oxalyl Chloride energy with cc-pVTZ+d basis set……………….………13
Table III. Oxalyl Chloride energy with aug-cc-pVTZ basis set…….……………...14
Table IV. The RRKM rate constant……………………………………….…………15
Figure I. The reaction path of Oxalyl Chloride…………………….………………16
Figure II. The optimized geometries of reactant, intermediates, and products for dissociation channels of Oxalyl Chloride………………….....……..……17
Figure III. The optimized geometries of transition states for dissociation channels of Oxalyl Chloride…………………………………………...……………19
Figure IV. The reaction mechanism of Oxalyl Chloride……..…………..…………20
B. Reaction dynamics of Si (3P) + Dimethylacetylene (CH3CCCH3) reaction
1. Introduction……………………………….…………………………………….…21
2. Theoretical methods………………………………………………………………23
2.1 Ab initio electronic structure calculations for the reaction pathway…23
2.2 CPMCSCF(Coupled Perturbed Multi-Configuration Self-Consistent Field) ………………………………………..……………………………23
2.3 RRKM (Rice-Ramsperger-Kassel-Marcus theory)………………..…..24
2.4 Complete Basis Set(CBS)………………………..…………………….….24
3. Results and Discussions…………………………………………………………25
3.1 Collision Complexes……….…………………………...…………………25
3.2 Reaction and pathways…………………..……….………………………26
3.3 Dissociation product with H2-eliminated…………….….………………31
3.4 The most probable paths…………………………….….………………32
4. Conclusion…………………………………………………………………………33
Table I. Si + DMA energy with cc-pVTZ basis set………………...………………...39
Table II. The RRKM rate constant…………………………………………………..65
Table III. Relative dissociate yields of the reactant…………………………………76
Figure 1. The reaction pathway from c1…………………………………….……….77
Figure 2. The reaction pathway from i17………………………………..….……….78
Figure 3. The reaction pathway from i23…………………………………..….…….79
Figure 4. The reaction pathway from i1…………………………………….……….80
Figure 5. The reaction pathway from i6…………………………………….……….81
Figure 6. The reaction pathway from i4 group….………………………….……….82
Figure 7. The reaction pathway from i2’…………………………………….………83
Figure 8. The reaction pathway from i16………………………………….………...84
Figure 9. The reaction pathway from i58………………………………….……..….85
Figure 10. The reaction pathway from i54 group….……………………….……….86
Figure 11. The reaction pathway from i60……………………….………….……….87
Figure 12. The reaction pathway from i78………………………………….……….88
Figure 13. The reaction pathway from i79………………………………….……….89
Figure 14. The reaction pathway from i92………………………………….……….90
Figure 15. The reaction pathway from i44 group……….………………….……….91
Figure 16. The reaction pathway from triplet state………………..……….……….92
Figure 17. The probably pathway of Si + DMA……..………………………...…….93
Figure 18. The optimized geometries of reactant, complex c1 and intermediates...94
Figure 19. The optimized geometries of products………………………………….111
Figure 20. The optimized geometries of transition states………………………….118
Figure 21. The most probable reaction mechanism…...…………………...………138
Figure 22. The concentration evolution…………………………………………….140
Figure 23. The IRC pathways of each channel…………………………...………..144
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