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作者(英文):Shih-Sian Lian
指導教授(英文):Chia-Lin Chyan
口試委員(英文):Kou-Cheng Peng
An-ren Hu
關鍵詞(英文):IL-6HeparinNMRinterleukin 6
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Interleukin-6 (IL-6), a member in cytokine family, plays an important role in cell signaling. It plays mainfold function in the processes of bacterial infection resistance, tumor growth, and in various inflammatory diseases. IL-6 initiates these physiological reactions through classical signaling and trans-signaling pathway in human body. Especially, the trans-signaling pathway is considered the main cause in promoting tumors growth and the developing autoimmune inflammatory diseases. Trans-signaling pathway is triggered by the binding of IL-6 to soluble IL-6 receptor (sIL-6R); the IL6/sIL-6R complex then activates the phosphorylation of gp130, and relays the signal to the following members in the cascade. Various inhibitors that regulate the trans-signaling pathway by inhibiting the activation process of gp130 were found. Among these inhibitors, heparin molecules were found to inhibit the interaction of IL-6/sIL-6R complex and gp130. In addition, heparin molecules can partially inhibit the binding between IL-6 and IL-6R. In order to further understand the inhibition process, we used circular dichroism (CD) spectroscopy and nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy to study the interaction of IL-6 with a model heparin molecule, a chemically synthetic heparin sulfate octasaccharide (HS8). We found that the binding of HS8 onto IL-6 will not change the secondary structure percentage of IL-6.The completeness of backbone assignments of IL-6 is 92%(NH, N, Cα), 68% (Cβ) , 80%(CO).The possible HS binding surface, including R31, R41, K42, R180 and R183 residues is located on same side of IL-6.
1.1 白細胞介素6(IL-6)......1
1.2 醣胺聚醣 (Glycosaminoglycan;GAGs).....4
1.3 蛋白質與硫酸肝素的作用.....6
1.4 研究目的.....8
2.1 蛋白質表現.....9
2.2 蛋白質分離、折疊與純化.....10
2.3 圓二色吸收光譜實驗.....11
2.4 DLS(Dynamic light scattering)實驗.....11
2.5 NMR光譜實驗.....12
2.5.1 IL-6的NMR樣品配置.....12
2.5.2 IL-6主鍊的化學位移和循序判定.....13
2.5.3 IL-6與不同濃度HS8滴定實驗.....13
三、實驗結果 .....14
3.1 IL-6蛋白質純化與鑑定.....14
3.2 圓二色吸收光譜實驗.....14
3.3 DLS (Dynamic light scattering)分析IL-6粒徑大小.....15
3.4 IL-6蛋白質的NMR光譜條件實驗.....16
3.5 IL-6主鍊循序判定.....17
3.6 IL-6與HS8滴定實驗.....18

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