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作者(英文):Jun-Ru Chen
論文名稱:自由基對耦合催化之酵素- 離胺酸5, 6胺基異位酶的磁場效應
論文名稱(英文):Magnetic effect on radical pair coupling dependent enzyme - Lysine 5,6-aminomutase
指導教授(英文):Shyue-Chu Ke
口試委員(英文):Cho-Chun Hu
Kou-Cheng Peng
關鍵詞:離胺酸5, 6胺基異位酶磁場效應自由基對耦合酵素J-共振
關鍵詞(英文):Lysine 5,6-aminomutaseMagnetic effectradical pair couplingenzymeJ-resonance
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隨著量子力學的發展,我們逐漸認知到磁場可以影響化學反應,當系統有大於一個自由基時,外在磁場會影響其耦合自旋狀態的分配,而造成自由基對重新結合的化學選擇性,而自然界中演化的候鳥,也藉由這樣的機制在地球磁場下導航。我們於磁場下觀察離胺酸5,6胺基異位酶( Lysine 5,6-Aminomutase; 5,6-LAM )的催化速率,在7600高斯時,其催化速率降低了16%,並比對Q-band EPR的CoII 4-thialysyl• RP 譜線的模擬,顯示其各向同性交換交互作用2J = 8000gauss,表明7600高斯的磁場效應,可能是由於單重態(ΣS = 0)與三重態(ΣS = 1)能階交錯所造成,因而在6500到8500 gauss外加磁場範圍間,藉由系統間交錯而轉移至單重態的耦合自旋狀態。5,6-LAM為B12(Adenosylcobalamin; AdoCbl)與B6(Pyridoxal phosphate; PLP)的相依酵素,過去藉由4-thia-L-lysine的抑制反應,而間接的證實其為自由基引導催化酵素,其催化反應由AdoCbl的鈷碳的均裂,形成不穩定的去氧腺苷自由基(5’ -deoxyadenosyl radical; Ado•)及鈷二價(Cob(II)alamin),Ado•藉由抓取受質五號碳的上的氫,而使自由基轉移至受質五號碳的位置上,繼續一連串的自由基連鎖反應,而催化了產物的生成。而5,6-LAM的磁場效應,顯示與自然受質的催化過程中,存在自由基的中間體,而2J = 8000G能量差,更限制精細結構交互作用與自旋改寫機制的磁場效應,J-共振引起的磁場效應,非常清楚地顯示於高磁場位置,並為酵素的磁場效應,增添了一個新的佐證。
With the development of Quantum mechanics, we have different cognize in chemical reaction. When a system has more than one radical, alteration of the coupled spin-state population by an external magnetic field may lead to changes in the chemical reaction rate through spin-selective chemistry. Migratory birds in the evolution of nature, magnetic field is beneficial to migratory birds navigation through the radical-pair mechanism. We show the reaction of lysine 5,6-aminomutase (5,6-LAM) is magnetic field dependent. The enzyme catalytic efficiency decreased 16% at 7600 gauss. It compares with simulated Q-band EPR spectrum of a transient CoII 4-thialysyl• RP intermediate in 5,6-LAM, the isotropy exchange interaction (2J) = 8000 gauss. This means that magnetic effect is Singlet (ΣS = 0)-Triplet (ΣS = 1) Energy Level Crossing at 7600gauss, application of an external magnetic field in the range of 6500 to 8500 gauss triggers intersystem crossing to the singlet {cob(II)alamin-substrate} radical-pair state. Lysine 5,6-Aminomutase (5,6-LAM) is an B12(Adenosylcobalamin; AdoCbl) and B6(Pyridoxal phosphate; PLP) dependent enzyme. The radical mechanism provides by 4-thia-L-lysine inhibitors indirectly. The catalytic from homolysis Co-C bond on AdoCbl, formatting the 5'-deoxyadenosyl radical (Ado•) and Cob(II)alamin. Ado• abstracts a C5(H) from the substrate, formatting substrate radical, product will product after free radical ripple effect. Magnetic effect of 5,6-LAM, show the reaction of nature substrate proceeds via radical pair intermediates. The energy gap is 8000gauss, Hyperfine structure interaction and Spin Rephasing mechanism are severely restricted. The magnetic field effect caused by J-resonance is clearly shown in the high magnetic field position, and added a new evidence for the magnetic field effect of enzymes.
謝誌 I
摘要 II
目錄 IV
表目錄 VII
圖目錄 VIII
第1章 緒論 1
1.1 研究背景 1
1.2 研究動機 1
1.3 研究目的 2
第2章 文獻回顧 3
2.1 蛋白質簡介 3
2.1.1 酶簡介 3
2.1.2 輔酶 4
2.2 離胺酸5,6胺基異位酶簡介 5
2.2.1 5,6-LAM之結構 6
2.2.2 5,6-LAM之輔酵素 8
2.2.3 5,6-LAM之假設反應機制 11
2.2.4 5,6-LAM 自由基中間體 13
2.2.5 5,6-LAM之自殺失活現象 16
2.3 酵素動力學 17
2.3.1 Michaelis-Menten動力學模型 18
2.3.2 Lineweaver-Burk Plot 19
2.3.3 Eadie-Hofstee Plot 19
2.3.4 抑制作用 19
2.4 酵素的磁場效應(Magnetic field effects; MFE) 20
2.4.1 系統間交錯機制(Intersystem crossing; ISC) 22
2.4.2 腺苷鈷胺(AdoCbl)磁場效應 26
2.4.3 乙醇胺氨裂解酶(EAL)的磁場效應 27
2.4.4 候鳥磁感測器 29
第3章 實驗儀器與原理 31
3.1 層析法 31
3.1.1 快速液相層析儀(FPLC) 31
3.1.2 高效液相層析儀(HPLC) 35
3.1.3 薄層層析法(TLC) 37
3.2 電泳膠片分析法 38
3.3 紫外光-可見光分光光度法 40
3.4 電子順磁共振儀 41
3.4.1 塞曼效應(Zeeman effect) 42
3.4.2 精細結構交互作用(Hyperfine Interactions) 43
3.4.3電子-電子交互作用(Electron-Electron Interaction) 44
3.4.4 朗德g因子 45
第4章 材料與方法 47
4.1 養菌 47
4.2 破菌 48
4.3 純化 49
4.4 TLC活性檢測 52
4.5 SDS-PAGE分析 53
4.6 酵素動力學參數測定 55
4.7 EPR量測 60
第5章 結果與討論 63
5.1 純化 63
5.1.1 Phenyl疏水交換層析 63
5.1.2 QFF陰離子交換層析 64
5.2 酵素動力學參數實驗 67
5.3 磁場相依的動力學參數實驗 72
5.3.1 自然受質D-lysine 73
5.3.2 同位素受質D-lysine-4,4,5,5,-d4 75
5.4 ERR光譜分析 79
5.4.1 X-band EPR 79
5.4.2 Q-band EPR 83
5.5 討論 87
第6章 結論與總結 91
附錄1 93
中間產物自由基結構證明 93
附錄2 97
Tyrosine殘基對AdoCbl Co-C斷鍵的影響 97
參考文獻 101
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