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作者(英文):Ho Chang
論文名稱(英文):A Study of Sentiment Analysis of Short Chinese Comments with Attribute Classification
指導教授(英文):Guan-Ling Lee
口試委員(英文):Shou-Chih Lo
Yao-Chung Chang
關鍵詞(英文):Sentiment AnalysisShort Chinese CommentsAttribute ClassificationLexicon-basedMachine Learning
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Nowadays, technology is changing with each passing day. The communication way among people has changed from writing letters to using social network, and it is no longer limited by distance. As people get used to using Internet, from product reviews to paper journals, there are various articles which are available to be searched on the Internet. Internet has already got into people’s lives. However, it is not easy to figure out useful knowledge in such a large amount of data. Thus, recently, big data, data mining and machine learning have been valued gradually.
In the light of this, the purpose of this paper is to establish a multi-attribute short article sentiment analysis mode. In the beginning, we use NTUSD and HOWNET dictionary to build a vocabulary database, and then collect a large amount of data as training data, hand-mark the attributes, and then pass the data to CKIP to disassemble the short comment. The machine will analyze the polarity of each attribute keyword and emotional letters, establish the keyword database and expand the polarity of emotion letters in positive and negative vocabulary database. To verify the correctness of the proposed method, we compare the difference between the scores obtained by scoring manually and the scores calculated by applying the method in this paper. Then remove the naive Bayesian classifier of the system and use the original negative lexicon data for sentiment analysis, and compare the result obtained by scoring manually with the result obtained by applying the method of this paper. The experimental results show that the method proposed in this paper has certain accuracy.
第一章 前言 1
第二章 相關研究 4
第一節 自然語言處理 4
第二節 情緒辭典 5
第三節 中文斷詞系統 6
第三章 研究方法 7
第一節 資料收集 8
第二節 斷句 9
第三節 特徵詞擷取 11
第四節 情緒辭典之建立 12
第五節 情緒分數之計算 16
第六節 情緒分數之轉換 17
第四章 實驗結果 18
第一節 實驗評估 18
第二節 實驗結果 19
第三節 人工評分與系統比對 21
第四節 系統比較實驗 25
第五節 實驗結論 28
第五章 未來展望 29
第六章 參考文獻 30
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