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作者(英文):Jun-You ZHUO
論文名稱(英文):Move Attribute Analysis and Playing Style with Ownermap Based on Deep Learning
指導教授(英文):Shi-Jim Yen
口試委員(英文):Wen-Cheng Lin
Cheng-Chin Chiang
關鍵詞(英文):OwnermapMove Attribute AnalysisComputer GoDeep LearningNeural NetworkPlaying Style
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著手的影響力及屬性。Ownermap 傳統計算方式利用多次模擬所以很花時間,為
It is difficult for a beginner to realize the impact of every move for go without a teacher. We use changing of the ownermap to analyze impact and attribute of each move. The traditional way to compute ownermap is by multiple times of simulation, so it takes a lot of time. In order to reduce the computation time, we use deep learning to predict the ownermap. In addition, we try to use the attribute of moves to let the computer play in a style we specify.
摘要 .............................................................. I
Abstract ........................................................ III
致謝 .............................................................. V
目錄 ............................................................ VII
圖目錄 ........................................................... IX
表目錄 ........................................................... XI
第一章 緒論 ........................................................ 1
1.1 研究背景 ................................................... 1
1.2 研究動機 ................................................... 1
1.3 論文概述 ................................................... 1
第二章 相關文獻探討 ................................................ 3
2.1 本論文主要開源程式介紹 ...................................... 3
2.2 ownermap 相關研究 .......................................... 3
2.3 著手優劣與影響相關研究 ...................................... 4
2.4 棋風相關研究 ............................................... 4
第三章 研究方法 .................................................... 5
3.1 蒐集與篩選圍棋棋譜 ......................................... 5
3.2 產生 ownermap 資料 ........................................ 6
3.3 產生類神經網路訓練與測試資料 ................................ 6
3.4 訓練類神經網路 ............................................. 6
3.5 產生四屬性數值 ............................................. 8
3.5.1 術語說明 ............................................. 8
3.5.2 圍地 ................................................ 9
3.5.3 破地 ................................................ 9
3.5.4 棋子的價值 ........................................... 9
3.5.5 攻擊 ............................................... 10
3.5.6 防守 ............................................... 10
3.6 棋風 ................................................. 11
第四章 實驗結果與分析 .............................................. 13
4.1 MC Ownermap 與 DCNN Ownermap 計算時間比較: ................ 13
4.2 三種網路架構 Loss 比較: ................................... 14
4.3 MC Ownermap 和 DCNN Ownermap Loss 比較: .................. 15
4.4 四屬性展示 ................................................ 17
4.5 棋風展示 .................................................. 18
第五章 結論 ....................................................... 25
參考文獻 .......................................................... 27
附錄 ............................................................. 29
Style Only 棋譜 .................................................. 29
Conditional Style 棋譜 ........................................... 33
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