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作者(英文):Ting-Hung Lin
論文名稱(英文):Porting Bluetooth Protocol Stack on Real-Time Operation System
指導教授(英文):Chang-Hsiung Tsai
口試委員(英文):Tseng-Keui Li
Bao-Lian Lai
關鍵詞(英文):Bluetooth Protocol StackBTstackreal-time operation systemCooCox
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隨著時代的進步,人們的生活逐漸離不開智慧型手機,業界與政府也開始推行物聯網,藍牙也成了物聯網重要的設備之一,可以在一定的距離內架設電腦間的無線網路或數個乙太網之間的無線橋架。而藍牙裝置之間也可以傳輸檔案,使得嵌入式系統的應用越來越廣。如今,藍牙技術已經應用到超過3萬個聯盟技術成員的82億件產品之中。 [1]而硬體及各項設備日趨複雜,此時更需要一套來讓時間及資源能充分被控管的系統,實驗室主要研究主軸為即時作業系統,於是就想做一份關於藍牙與作業系統應用的研究。

本篇論文將實作在即時作業系統上移植藍牙堆疊協議,採用的作業系統為CooCox CoOS,將BTstack藍牙堆疊協議移植到即時作業系統上,藉由移植的過程中樹立更多相關知識。希望本篇論文也可以帶給其他對於藍牙與即時作業系統有興趣的研究者有個基本的參考。
As time progresses and technology develops, people's lives are gradually inseparable from smart phones. The industry and the government have also begun to promote the Internet of Things. Bluetooth has become one of the important devices of the Internet of Things. It can set up a wireless network between computers within a certain distance. The files can also be transferred between Bluetooth devices, making the application of embedded systems more and more widely used. Today, Bluetooth technology has been applied to more than 820 million products from more than 30,000 Alliance technology members in Bluetooth Special Interest Group . As hardware and equipment become more and more complex, there is a need for a system that allows time and resources to be fully controlled. The laboratory mainly studies the spindle as a real-time operating system, thus I became deeply interested to do a research on Bluetooth and operating systems applications.

This research will be implemented to porting the Bluetooth protocol stack on the real-time operating system. The operating system used is CooCox CoOS, which is ported to the Bluetooth stacking protocol BTstack, and more knowledge is established through the migration process. I hope this research can also be used as a basic reference for other researchers interested in Bluetooth and real-time operating systems.
在即時作業系統上移植藍牙堆疊協議 I
中文摘要 II
誌謝 VI
一、 緒論 1
1.1 研究目的與動機 1
1.2 論文架構 2
二、 相關知識與原理 3
2.1 即時作業系統架構 3
2.2 硬體與開發板介紹 12
2.3 藍牙堆疊協議 15
2.4 BTSTACK 環境架構 19
三、 COOCOX與藍牙堆疊協議的移植 29
3.1 BTSTACK與作業系統之間的架接 29
3.2 HCI層的傳輸實作 38
3.3 系統使用方式 41
四、 實驗結果與測試 43
五、 結論與未來展望 51
5.1 結論 51
5.2 未來展望 52
參考文獻 53

[1] “藍牙,” https://zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bluetooth. [存取日期: 1 7 2018].
[2] 吳俊寬, 實作多核心即時作業系統在URduino, 2018年7月.
[3] “實時作業系統,” https://zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/RTOS. [存取日期: 1 7 2018].
[4] “即時作業系統 (RTOS: Real-Time Operating System),” http://www.ni.com/white-paper/3938/zht/. [存取日期: 1 7 2018].
[5] “CooCox CoOS 用户手册,” http://www.coocox.org/download/downloadfile/CoOS/PDF/CoOS_User_Guide_CHbak.pdf. [存取日期: 1 7 2018].
[6] Arm Engineer, “Arm Cortex-M Context Switching Part 1,” https://armengineer.com/arm-cortex-m-context-switching-part-1/. [存取日期: 1 7 2018].
[7] “UM1472用户手册 - STM32F4DISCOVERY,” http://wiki.csie.ncku.edu.tw/embedded/STM32-Discovery-Manual-Chinese.pdf. [存取日期: 1 7 2018].
[8] “德州儀器CC2564藍牙4.0控制器,” https://www.mouser.tw/new/Texas-Instruments/ti-cc256x-bluetooth-controller/. [存取日期: 1 7 2018].
[9] "Bluetooth Core Specification 5.0," https://www.bluetooth.org/DocMan/handlers/DownloadDoc.ashx?doc_id=421043&_ga=2.48757798.1670918602.1531555099-523317478.1527569234. [存取日期: 1 7 2018].
[10] wowo, "藍牙協議分析(1)_基本概念," http://www.wowotech.net/bluetooth/bt_overview.html 。. [存取日期: 1 7 2018].
[11] 勝亮, “Bluetooth L2CAP介绍,” http://thanatos116.blogspot.com/2015/01/bluetooth-l2cap.html. [存取日期: 1 7 2018].
[12] lokeyme, “藍牙Host ControI Interface 筆記,” https://blog.csdn.net/u010503912/article/details/59483739. [存取日期: 1 7 2018].
[13] wowo, “藍牙協議分析(2)_協議架構,” http://www.wowotech.net/bluetooth/bt_protocol_arch.html. [存取日期: 1 7 2018].
[14] “How to configure Btstack,” https://bluekitchen-gmbh.com/btstack/how_to/#packet-handlers-configuration. [存取日期: 1 7 2018].
[15] “嵌入式系统,” https://zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/Embedded_system. [存取日期: 1 7 2018].
[16] “BTstack Architecture,” https://bluekitchen-gmbh.com/btstack/architecture/. [存取日期: 1 7 2018].

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