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作者:Nuttaphat Arunoprayoch
作者(英文):Nuttaphat Arunoprayoch
論文名稱(英文):Behavioural Pattern Analysis of Non-Computer Science Major Students on Computer Programming Learning
指導教授(英文):Chih-Hung Lai
口試委員(英文):Su-Fen Chen
Shu-Yuan Tao
Tai-Chien Kao
關鍵詞(英文):behavioural pattern analysiscomputer programmingnon-CS majors
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  • 評分評分:系統版面圖檔系統版面圖檔系統版面圖檔系統版面圖檔系統版面圖檔
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Computer programming has become one of the key factors that lead to success in this digital era, it helps minimise the frontier between technology and human beings. Nevertheless, especially those whose majors are not Computer Science (non-CS majors), learning computer programming is challenging because of its logical and mathematical complications.

To explore non-CS major students’ learning process, this study used educational data mining techniques and web-based approaches to examine students’ online learning behavioural patterns. This research implements a clustering technique to differentiate students into groups based on their online learning behavioural patterns, and a sequential pattern
mining technique to explore non-CS majors’ learning patterns.

There were three clusters generated: the active use, the resource use, and the less use group. The results indicate that there was no significant difference in learning achievement in conceptual and coding scores. However, in terms of advanced coding scores, a significant difference was found among the clusters. Post-hoc tests revealed that the active use group outperformed the less use group significantly.

The findings, regarding online learning behavioural patterns, also revealed that they were identified that top ten frequently occurred behaviours appeared similarly between the resource use group and the less use group; the active use group, however, differed from the others. Transitional diagrams additionally suggested that the active group had the highest rate of assignments revisions is proved to be an important factor to determine academic success.

Ultimately, these findings can be used to acquire deep understanding on how non-CS majors learn computer programming, as well as to provide instructors and developers with the insightful information to improve computer programming learning courses and systems.
1 Introduction 1
1.1 Research Background 1
1.2 Research Objectives 7
1.3 Research Questions 8
1.4 Definition of Terms 8
1.5 Clarification of Variables 9
2 Literature Review 11
2.1. Computer Programming Learning for Non-CS Majors 11
2.2. Computer Programming Learning Performance 14
2.3. Online Learning Behaviour and Clustering 16
2.4. Online Learning Behavioural Patterns 19
2.5. Sequential Pattern Mining (SPM) 21
3 Methods 25
3.1 Research Design and Participants 25
3.2 Research Hypotheses 25
3.3 Research Procedures 27
3.4 Instruments 28
3.4.1 Learning Content 28
3.4.2 Achievement Evaluation 29
3.5 Peer Interaction Programming Learning System (PIPLS) 35
3.6 Data Collection and Analysis 37
3.6.1 Data Collection and Pre-processing 37
3.6.2 Online Learning Behaviour Analysis 38
3.6.3 Computer Programming Learning Performance 39
3.6.4 Behavioural Patterns Analysis 40
4 Results and Discussion 47
4.1 Online Learning Behaviour Analysis 47
4.2 Behavioural Pattern Analysis 56
5 Conclusion 69

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