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作者(英文):Chung-Xsin Su
論文名稱(英文):Synthesis and photocatalytic properties of core-shell structure InTaO4 photocatalyst
指導教授(英文):Wen-Ku Chang
口試委員(英文):Shao-Hua Hu
Shyh-Lung Hwang
關鍵詞(英文):solid-state synthesisphotocatalyticcore-shell structureInTaO4
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結果顯示當燒結溫度高於850℃時InTaO4開始生成,並在1000℃時反應完全無殘留反應物。當Ta2O5:In2O3 =1:1之InTaO4產物其光觸媒效果隨InTaO4含量的提升而增強;而在Ta2O5:In2O3 =1.5:1與Ta2O5:In2O3 =1:1.5之核殼結構部分,結果顯示以Ta2O5為核之InTaO4光觸媒活性較佳。本實驗針對改變Ta2O5與In2O3之比例合成不同核殼厚度之光觸媒材料,隨著Ta2O5比例提升則核殼厚度隨之下降,因此導致電子電洞對再結合時間縮短使得光觸媒效果下降,本研究得出之最佳光催化能力反應參數為濃度比例Ta2O5:In2O3 =1.5:1且添加PVA時,燒結溫度在1100℃所反應之InTaO4光觸媒材料,具有最佳光催化能力,可在可見光照射六小時內,使得亞甲基藍濃度降解至0.13%。
In this research, InTaO4 were synthesized by solid-state reaction, using different synthesize temperature, different ratio of reactor and different core-shell structure as parameter. Then characterized the experiment result by X-ray diffraction (XRD) to determine structure, Scanning electron microscope (SEM) for Surface topography, Transmission electron microscope (TEM) for core-shell structure, and UV-visible spectrometer. The photocatalytic activity was evaluated by the photodegradation of methylene blue under visible light irradiation.
The result of experiment shows that when synthesize temperature is over 850℃, InTaO4 start to appear and the reaction complete at 1000℃, which means no reactor remain. When synthesize ratio is Ta2O5:In2O3 =1:1, photocatalytic will raise with the InTaO4. In the ratio of Ta2O5:In2O3 =1.5:1 and Ta2O5:In2O3 =1:1.5 are different core-shell structure, compare to the photocatalytic activity Ta2O5:In2O3 =1.5:1 is better . In the last experiment are changing the ratio of Ta2O5 and let InTaO4 have different length of shell, the length will decrease with Ta2O5 ratio raise, which lead to short the recombination time of the electron and electron hole and the decrease of photocatalytic properties. The result of the best parameter is Ta2O5:In2O3 =1.5:1 with PVA and under 1100℃ and it’s able to degradation MB concentration to 0.13% in 6 hour.
第1章 前言 1
1.1 概述 1
1.2 研究動機 2
第2章 理論基礎與文獻回顧 3
2.1 光觸媒簡介 3
2.2 核殼結構簡介 5
2.3 光觸媒種類介紹 6
2.3.1 二氧化鈦光觸媒材料 6
2.3.2 氧化鋅光觸媒材料 8
2.3.3 硫化鎘光觸媒材料 8
2.3.4 鈦酸鍶(SrTiO3)光觸媒材料 8
2.4 燒結原理-固相燒結法 9
2.5 混合原理-濕式球磨法 10
2.6 InTaO4光觸媒材料簡介 11
2.7 文獻回顧 13
2.7.1 M-doped InTaO4 (M=Mn, Fe, Co, Ni and Cu) 13
2.7.2 溶膠凝膠法製備InTaO4材料 14
2.7.3 濕式化學法合成InTaO4材料 15
2.7.4 水熱法合成InVO4材料 16
2.7.5 MIn2O4 ( M=Ca, Sr, Ba ) 18
第3章 實驗方法及步驟 21
3.1 實驗藥品與設備 21
3.1.1 藥品 21
3.1.2 設備與儀器 21
3.2 InTaO4材料的製備 22
3.3 粉體之鑑定與分析 23
3.3.1 X-Ray繞射分析儀 23
3.3.2 掃描式電子顯微鏡 (SEM) 24
3.3.3 穿透式電子顯微鏡 (TEM) 24
3.3.4 紫外光/可見光分光光譜儀 24
3.4 可見光降解實驗 25
第4章 結果與討論 27
4.1 概述 27
4.2 不同燒結溫度對InTaO4之影響 27
4.3 Ta2O5:In2O3 =1.5:1對光催化性質的影響 30
4.4 添加分散劑對光催化性質的影響 34
4.5 不同比例Ta2O5與In2O3對InTaO4之影響 43
4.5.1 濃度比例Ta2O5:In2O3 =1:1.5對光催化性質的影響 43
4.5.2 濃度比例Ta2O5:In2O3 =2:1對光催化性質及核殼結構的影響 45
4.5.3 濃度比例Ta2O5:In2O3 =2.5:1對光催化性質及核殼結構的影響 50
4.6 Ta2O5與In2O3各濃度對InTaO4粉體之核殼結構及光觸媒性質影響 55
第5章 結論 59
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