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作者(英文):Tzu-Chi Kao
論文名稱(英文):Gaze Tracking System for Evaluating Concentration on Online Courses
指導教授(英文):Tsung-Ying Sun
口試委員(英文):Sheng-Ta Hsieh
Chun-Ling Lin
關鍵詞(英文):gaze detectingeyes trackingpupil contourfuzzy system
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  本論文提出一個以視線追蹤為基礎的學習者專注度評分系統,論文的第一部份實現以3D影像為基礎,運用頭部姿態進行眼睛追蹤,獲得興趣區塊(Region of Interest, ROI),經過影像前置處理後透過橢圓擬合(Ellipse Fitting)偵測與追蹤瞳孔位置,第二部份是發展模糊推論系統推斷學習者的視線興趣區塊,將結果與學習視窗加以比對,執行專注度評分的加減分。
 Recently, with the advance of computer science and internet, online course such as MOOC and webinar has been a popular educational application. However, online course students are easily distracted from the course by entertainment applications. In order to solve this problem, the technique for evaluating learners’ concentration becomes critical.
 This thesis proposes a gaze tracking system for evaluating concentration on online courses. This system can be divided into two parts: gaze tracking module and evaluating concentration module. Gaze tracking module uses fuzzy logic system and pupils position to infer the eye-gaze location of learners. And then evaluating concentration module uses the gaze location to evaluating learner’s concentration score.
 The experiment results showed that the proposed system estimated the gaze location effectively. And then learner’s concentration score could help learner being well aware of learning situation.
第一章 緒論 1
1-1 前言 1
1-2 文獻回顧 2
1-3 研究動機 4
1-4 研究方法 4
1-5 論文架構 5
第二章 瞳孔追蹤與視線偵測方法的相關理論 7
2-1 影像前處理 7
2-1-1 RGB影像 7
2-1-2 灰階影像 8
2-1-3 二值化影像 9
2-1-4 直方圖均衡化 10
2-2 眼睛追蹤 12
2-2-1 頭部姿態 13
2-2-2 簡單移動平均 15
2-3 瞳孔追蹤 16
2-3-1 邊緣偵測 16
2-3-2 輪廓偵測 19
2-3-3 橢圓擬合 19
2-4 模糊推論系統 21
2-4-1 規則式模糊系統 21
2-4-2 歸屬函數 22
2-4-3 模糊推論系統 23
第三章 專注度評分系統 25
3-1 視線偵測Ⅰ:頭部姿態 26
3-2 視線偵測Ⅱ:瞳孔位置 31
3-2-1 眼睛追蹤 32
3-2-2 瞳孔位置與視線區域 34
3-3 專注度評分標準設定 35
第四章 實驗結果 37
4-1 實驗說明 37
4-2 實驗結果 38
第五章 結論與未來展望 42
5-1 結論 42
5-2 未來展望 42
參考文獻 44
作者簡歷 47
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