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作者(英文):Shin-Ming Huang
論文名稱(英文):An X-band High Linearity Mixer Using Multiple-gates for the Third-Order Harmonic Suppression
指導教授(英文):Ro-Min Weng
口試委員(英文):Hung-Che Wei
Yue-Fang Kuo
關鍵詞(英文):multiple-gatescurrent bleedingthird-orderlinearity
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晶片採用國研院台灣晶片研究中心所提供tsmc 180um 1P6M CMOS製程進行模擬驗證和實作,晶片使用on wafer 方式量測,本論文提出應用於衛星系統X頻帶之高線性混頻器之特性如下:操作電壓為1.2V,總功率消耗為4.61mW,線性度為18.1dBm,轉換增益1.4dB,最小雜訊指數為19.9dB,輸入反射係數與輸出反射係數皆小於-10dB,晶片面積為1.02*0.769 mm2 。
This thesis is focused on the research of “An X-band High Linearity Mixer Using Multiple-gates for the Third-Order Harmonic Suppression”. A high linearity mixer is proposed for X band application. The traditional Gilbert cell mixer structure uses differential pair to solve the leakage current from LO port. Then, the multiple-gates structure is used to suppress the input third order signal. The current-bleeding technique is used to reduced the current from the switching stage and increase conversion gain. From the above three methods, the linearity of the proposed mixer can be increased to ensure the output signal will not be distorted.
The proposed high linearity mixer is designed at the X band of the satellite system. The designed chip was fabricated by tsmc 0.18m 1P6M CMOS process technology. The circuit is verified and simulated by using the Advanced Design System, EDA design cloud servers provided by Taiwan Semiconductor Research Institute. Under the supply voltage of 1.2V, circuit achieves the total power consumption of 4.6mW, IIP3 of 18.1 dBm, conversion gain of 1.4 dB, and noise figure of 19.9dB. The chip size is 1.02*0.769 mm2 .
第一章 緒論 1
第二章 混頻器介紹 3
第三章 應用於衛星系統之高線性混頻器使用電流注入技術與複合式電晶體 19
第四章 結論與未來展望 51
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