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論文名稱(英文):YOLO Neural Network in AI Edge Application for Face Identity and Gender Recognition
指導教授(英文):Hsin-Jang Shieh
Juhng-Perng Su
口試委員(英文):Chun-Chieh Wang
Chung-Wen Hung
關鍵詞:深度學習目標檢測YOLOYOLO2卷積神經網路NVIDIA Jetson TX2
關鍵詞(英文):Object DetectionYOLOYOLO2Convolutional Neural NetworkNVIDIA Jetson TX2
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本論文實驗方法在建立模型,透過深度學習其中之一的YOLO2類神經網路架構作為基底搭載在NVIDIA Jetson TX2前端開發模板上,實驗全程皆在此平台上執行,並透過自行收集的資料集以及修改卷積神經網路的參數設定,最後在NVIDIA Jetson TX2上自行訓練,建構出兩個可以辨識人臉的性別與身分的目標檢測模型,本篇論文主要講解如何建立模型、訓練集以及YOLO2網路架構的設定與訓練。

Deep learning has been a very popular research direction in recent years, and it can also applied to many fields, especially in machine learning, either in the automation industry, Industry 4.0, speech recognition, or other areas. The motivation for this research paper is that the entrance to school dormitories still requires a key or a proximity card to enter. I hope to design a sensor installed in the doorway to detect people passing by the lens and capturing facial features in order to detect people’s gender or identity and finally determine whether they can pass or not.

The experimental method of this thesis is to build a model and use one of the YOLO2 neural network architectures as the base to carry the NVIDIA Jetson TX2 as the base. The parameter settings of the convolutional neural network are modified. And trained on the NVIDIA Jetson TX2 to construct two target detection models that can detect gender and identity. This paper mainly explains how to build models and training sets by means of definitions and collections, as well as the configuration and training of the YOLO2 network architecture.

The experimental results show that the mean average precision (mAP) of the two models of gender and identity can reach 90 or more in real time while the image size of the input layer can reach 608 × 608 or even 832 × 832.
摘要 I
致謝 III
目錄 IV
圖目錄 VI
表目錄 IX
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 前言 1
1.2 研究動機 2
1.3 論文架構 4
第二章 深度學習與卷積神經網路 5
2.1 前言 5
2.2 深度學習 5
2.3 卷積神經網路 6
2.4 R-CNN 10
2.5 Fast R-CNN 13
2.6 Faster R-CNN 15
2.7 YOLO 17
2.8 YOLO2 24
第三章 實驗設計與結構 35
3.1 前言 35
3.2 實驗環境 35
3.3 Darknet 37
3.4 實驗流程 39
3.5 資料集建立 39
3.5.1 性別資料集 40
3.5.2 身分資料集 41
3.6 資料標籤化 42
3.7 訓練集與測試集 44
3.8 建立設定檔資料夾 46
3.9 參數設定 50
3.10 訓練 51
第四章 實驗結果與分析 55
4.1 前言 55
4.2 mAP(mean Average Precision) 55
4.3 人臉性別辨識實驗結果 56
4.4 人臉身分辨識實驗結果 64
第五章 結論與未來展望 68
5.1 結論 68
5-2 未來展望 69
參考文獻 70
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