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作者(英文):Yu-Ting Wang
論文名稱(英文):Configurations of firm resources and top management team composition for proactiveness of environmental strategy – Case of marine enterprises
指導教授(英文):Wein-Hong Chen
口試委員(英文):Guo-Tai Kuo
Chien-Nan Chen
關鍵詞(英文):environmental strategyfuzzy set qualitative comparative analysis (fsQCA)resource-based theoryupper echelons theory
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本研究以台灣上市上櫃之海運企業為研究對象,透過兩階段研究,第一階段採用Eisenhardt (1989) 個案研究法,探索可能影響環境策略積極度的重要因素,第二階段根據第一階段找出的重要因素,運用 Ragin (2009) 所提出之模糊集合質化比較分析法,分析何種企業資源與高階管理團隊組成之構形,為影響環境策略積極度之關鍵因素組合。

The Maritime industry plays an important role on international trade and environmental protection. In recent years, countries around the world have gradually pay attention to ‘green shipping’. However, marine enterprises in Taiwan have devoted different amount of effort on environmental protection. Up to date, most of the research on environmental strategies has focused on investigating the idiosyncratic effect of distinctive factors on environmental strategies. Limited research has explored how the combinations of multiple factors, such as configurations of various resources and top management team characteristics, influence environmental strategies. Based on resource-based theory and upper echelons theory, this study seeks to explore configurations of firm resources and top management team composition for proactiveness of environmental strategy.

The case firms of this study are TSE-listed or OTC-listed marine enterprises in Taiwan. This study was conducted in two stages. In the first stage, the qualitative case study method proposed by Eisenhardt’s (1989) was adopted to explore critical resource-based factors that may potentially affect firms’ environmental strategy proactiveness. In the second stage, Ragin’s (2009) fuzzy set qualitative comparative analysis was adopted to explore equifinal configurations of the critical factors identified in the first stage that sufficiently explain proactiveness of environmental strategy.

The result of this study suggest four sufficient configurations that lead to higher proactiveness of environmental strategy. The four configurations were named as: 1. small enterprises with limited capital resources and conservative networks, under the leadership of a highly-educated management team that has low incidence of team conflicts, 2. small enterprises with limited capital resources and abundant network resources, under the leadership of an environment- and innovation-oriented management team that has low incidence of team conflicts, 3. large enterprises with abundant capital and network resources, under the leadership of a diversified and environment-oriented management team, and 4. large enterprises with abundant capital and network resources as well as highly educated employees, under the leadership of an environment-oriented management team. This study suggests that for small enterprises with limited capital resources, homogeneous management teams would contribute to environmental strategy proactiveness. For large enterprises with abundant capital and network resources, this study suggests that diversified management team would contribute to environmental strategy proactiveness.
第一章 緒論 1
第一節 研究背景與動機 1
第二節 研究目的 7
第三節 研究流程 8
第二章 文獻探討 11
第一節 環境策略 11
第二節 資源與環境策略 19
第三節 研究架構 26
第三章 研究方法 27
第一節 研究設計與研究對象 27
第二節 資料蒐集方法 44
第三節 變數定義與衡量 46
第四節 資料分析方法 59
第四章 研究結果 61
第一節 個案研究發現 61
第二節 fsQCA研究結果 67
第五章 研究結論與討論 77
第一節 研究結論 77
第二節 研究貢獻 83
第三節 研究限制與建議 85
參考文獻 87
附錄 97

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1. 管理資源及組織資源之構形與企業社會責任績效之關聯性
2. 企業資源及高階管理團隊組成之構形與企業轉型績效-以台灣紡織業轉型至自有品牌廠商為例
3. 經營團隊經歷構形與金融風暴後中小企業快速成長之關聯性
4. 高階管理團隊組成特性之構形與金融風暴後績效成長:以觀光廠商為例
5. 高階管理團隊異質性對服務業廠商國際化程度之影響:高階管理團隊規模之干擾效果
6. 台灣電子產業自有品牌廠商高階管理團隊異質性與廠商績效關係之研究 :市場導向程度之干擾效果
7. 台灣新創事業高階管理團隊異質性對金融風暴後公司績效之影響:國際化程度之 調節效果
8. 高階管理團隊異質性與國際市場探索之關聯性:管理學習觀點
9. 台灣企業母國經驗發展年資與國際化能力之關聯性:高階管理團隊異質性之干擾效果
10. 兩次金融風暴後管理資源組成變化與公司績效變化之關聯性
11. 高階管理團隊特性構形與企業策略變革績效之關聯性
12. 高階管理團隊組成與企業資源之構形與金融風暴後初始國際化績效之關聯性-以電子產業廠商為例
13. 夥伴多元性與服務創新之關聯性:吸收能耐與國際化廣度之調節效果
14. 組織變革決策流程之探索研究- 以經歷變革之實驗小學為例
15. 合作夥伴地域之環境先進度與企業環境績效之關聯:組織創新氛圍與國際化廣度之調節效果
* *