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作者:Nuttanit Alongkornpradub
作者(英文):Nuttanit Alongkornpradub
論文名稱:The Status of Electronic Payment Systems in Thailand from a Customer's Perspective
論文名稱(英文):The Status of Electronic Payment Systems in Thailand from a Customer's Perspective
指導教授(英文):Juhwen Hwang
口試委員(英文):Yet-Wah Wan
Shuo-Yan Chou
關鍵詞(英文):Electronic Payment Systems
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  • 評分評分:系統版面圖檔系統版面圖檔系統版面圖檔系統版面圖檔系統版面圖檔
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This research is to explore the development of electronic payment systems in Thailand. The evolution of retail industry and electronic payment systems in Taiwan are studied and investigated as for the development guidance for the retail industry and electronic payment systems in Thailand. The evolution of retail industries is a significant factor to drive the development of electronic payment systems which affecting to the growth of economy. Additionally, the technology of the Internet and mobile technologies also plays important roles to lead the growth of online retail sales and electronic payment systems which provide a better choice for customers who value convenience.
The exploratory research and the comparison between Thailand and Taiwan were conducted in this research study. The comparative experiments were also performed to indicate the differences and similarities of the evolution of electronic payments between Thailand and Taiwan. The experimental results suggest that the electronic payment systems (including electronic wallet) in Thailand will be increased in the future; in the estimation of thirty years, a number of electronic payment systems implemented in Thailand will be the same as Taiwan's current situation in using such systems. However, the government's support is also the key to improve the development and expansion of electronic payment systems on the retail industry in Thailand.
1.1 Research Background 1
1.2 Research Questions 4
1.3 Research Objectives 4
1.4 Research Contributions 5
1.5 Research Organization 5
2.1 The Evolution of Retail Industry 6
2.2 The Adoption of Electronic Payment Systems 8
2.3 The Retails with Electronic Payments 10
3.1 Research Method 12
3.1.1 System Flow Analysis using Data Flow Diagram 13
3.1.2 Historical Method 15
3.2 Research Process and Data Sources 16
3.3 Research Scope and Framework 17
4.1 The Definitions of Payment System Analysis 19
4.2 The General Payment Systems Analysis 20
4.2.1 The Cash Payments Analysis 22
4.2.2 The Check and Electronic Check Payment Analysis 25
4.2.3 The Credit Card Payment Analysis 29
4.2.4 The Debit Card Payment Analysis 34
4.2.5 The Cash Card Payment Analysis 38
4.2.6 The Summary of Payment Systems 41
4.3 The Electronic Wallet Payment Analysis 42
4.3.1 Apple Pay 43
4.3.2 Samsung Pay 44
4.3.3 Alipay 45
5.1 The Electronic Payments in MRT Metro Transit and BTS Sky Train Systems in Thailand and the MRT Metro Transit in Taiwan 50
5.2 The Current Status of Economy Growth in Thailand and Taiwan 54
5.3 The Current Status of Retail Industry in Thailand and Taiwan to Provide the Electronic Payments 58
5.4 The Regulations of Electronic Payment Providers in Thailand 74
5.5 The Future Plan of Thai Government 75
5.6 Results Summary 79
6.1 Discussion 82
6.2 Contributions 84
6.3 Generalization and Managerial Implications 85
6.4 Limitations and Suggestions 86

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