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作者(英文):Cheng-Hsien Wu
論文名稱(英文):Investigating the Effect of Mobile Commerce Ubiquity on Value Co-creation on Online Shopping Communities
指導教授(英文):Wen-Hai Chih
口試委員(英文):Kuo-Jung Yuan
Yu-Li Lan
關鍵詞(英文):Mobile CommerceM-commerce UbiquityAttachmentValue Co-creation
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With the prevalence of mobile devices, an increasing number of consumers use their mobile device to search product/service information. However, the growth of mobile commerce has been slow. More attention should be paid to value co-creation as it is one of the factors that influence purchase intention on online shopping communities. Little research has investigated the antecedents of value co-creation on online shopping communities in the mobile commerce context. Based on the tricomponent attitude model, this study investigates the effect of m-commerce ubiquity on value co-creation on online shopping communities. The mediating role of attachment (interpersonal, group, and site attachments) is also identified. Two hundred and fifty-one mobile shoppers were recruited for an online survey and the Structural Equation Modeling was used to test research hypotheses. The results indicate that m-commerce ubiquity positively influences attachment. Group attachment positively influences value co-creation. These three attachments have mediating effects in the relationship between m-commerce ubiquity and value co-creation. Theoretical and managerial implications for m-commerce and online shopping community management are discussed.
Chapter 1 Introduction 1
1.1 Research Background 1
1.2 Research Motivation 4
1.3 Research Questions and Objectives 6
1.4 Research Gaps and Contributions 7
1.5 Sampling Scope and Subjects 9
1.6 Research Procedure 9
Chapter 2 Literature Review 11
2.1 Tricomponent Attitude Model 11
2.2 M-commerce Ubiquity 13
2.3 Attachment 16
2.4 Value Co-creation 20
2.5 M-commerce Usage Habit 26
2.6 Collectivism and Individualism 30
Chapter 3 Methodology 35
3.1 Research Framework and Hypotheses 35
3.2 Operational Definition and Measurement Items of Constructs 38
3.3 Questionnaire Design 46
3.4 Data Collection 48
3.5 Data Analysis Method 48
3.6 Examination of Common Method Variance 51
3.7 Pilot Test Results 52
Chapter 4 Data Analysis 59
4.1 Formal Survey 59
4.2 Descriptive Statistical Analysis 60
4.3 Examination of Common Method Variance 69
4.4 Examination of Validity and Reliability 73
4.5 Structural Equation Modeling 82
4.6 Mediation Test 89
4.7 Moderation Test 94
Chapter 5 Conclusion and Suggestion 102
5.1 Research Conclusion 102
5.2 Managerial implications 103
5.3 Research Limitations 106
5.4 Future Research Suggestions 106
References 107
Appendix 1: Pilot Test Questionnaire (In English) 143
Appendix 2: Pilot Test Questionnaire (In Chinese) 149
Appendix 3: Questionnaire Sources 153
Appendix 4: Pilot Test Examination of Common Method Variance - Exploratory Factor Analysis 156
Appendix 5: Pilot Test Examination of Common Method Variance - Confirmatory Factor Analysis 157
Appendix 6: Pilot Test Model fit Comparison between Proposed Model and Single Latent Factor Model 160
Appendix 7: Pilot Test Convergent Validity 161
Appendix 8: Pilot Test Discriminant Validity and Correlation Matrix for Measurement Items 165
Appendix 9: Pilot Test Reliability Analysis 166
Appendix 10: Formal Survey Questionnaire (In English) 170
Appendix 11: Formal Survey Questionnaire (In Chinese) 176
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