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作者(英文):Yu-Ching Wu
論文名稱(英文):Incremental or Disruptive? Using Grounded Theory to Analysis the Development and Benefits of Big Data in Taiwan
指導教授(英文):Chia-Wu Lin
口試委員(英文):Tsai-Hsin Chu
Cheng-Chieh Chen
關鍵詞(英文):Big dataGrounded theoryIPO modelDisruptive innovationIncremental innovation
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台灣大數據早在多年前開始由政府推動發展,至今十餘年,我們並沒有看見大數據的顯著成效。許多文獻指出我國許多產業有意發展大數據,但找不到經營的方向,不知道該往哪裡發展。釐清發展脈絡與未來趨勢,是提供管理實務參考的絕佳作法。台灣大數據發展的脈絡與現況為何?大數據應用是一種漸進式創新? 還是破壞式創新呢?是本研究將研究的重點。本研究以三角定錨法針對大數據相關法人機構、應用公司、數據分析商三角色,共六位相關專業人士,進行每位約60分鐘的深度訪談。再以紮根理論方法,針對六篇逐字稿進行開放式編碼、主軸編碼後,分析彙整出「大數據運作歷程與環境發展模式」。結果顯示,大數據在發展過程中受到眾多環境趨勢所影響,包括:通路與媒體,從單向到多元、概念演化從資料採礦轉變為大數據、演算法與人工智慧、產業涵蓋從資訊相關轉變為跨產業、集中度由稀疏變為高度集中、技術平台由商用軟體轉變為開放式資源、資料治理等發展趨勢;此外,依據「投入—歷程—產出」階段模式來分析。大數據資料的投入是多樣性的,包含基礎的數字到高階的影音;歷程階段則應用了多種分析技術,包括社群、數位足跡、決策支援、語意與整合分析;最後產出階段則至少發現了三種成效,包含各種優化效益、顧客關係管理強化效益、及成本效益。資料投入、分析過程與產出應用的過程中,台灣大數據也面臨了人才需跨領域整合及效益不清缺乏願景的挑戰。最後,本研究主張大數據從商業應用層次來看,能在效率與效益上達到有效的改善,屬於破壞式創新的典範移轉,具有未來車的概念。大數據相較於過去的數據分析技術能夠更有效率地達成目的,伴隨商業型態產生改變,大數據開始成為新世代獲得競爭優勢的來源。但是從技術與環境層面來看,當前大數據分析的技術並沒有應用前所未有的技術,是屬於一種漸進式創新,停留在小改款階段。最後,本研究也提供大數據現存業者、欲進入業者、法人、數據分析商未來相關的實務管理建議,以及未來研究方向等。
Big data inTaiwan began to be promoted by the government many years ago. For more than ten years now, we have not seen the remarkable results of big data. Many literatures point out that many industries in Taiwan are interested in developing big data, but they cannot find the direction of business and do not know where to go. Clarifying the development context and future trends is a great way to provide reference for management practices. What is the context and current status of Taiwan's big data development? Whether big data applications are incremental innovation or disruptive innovation innovation is the focus of this study. In this study, the triangulation method was used to perform in-depth interviews for about 60 minutes each for a total of six relevant professionals in relation to the three roles of big data related juristic person organizations, application companies, and data analysts. Adopting the grounded theory method, after conducting open coding and axial coding on six scripted characters, the analyses compiled a "big data development process and environmental development model." The results show that big data in the development process is affected by many environmental trends, including: channel and media, from single to multiple, concept evolution from data mining to big data, algorithm and artificial intelligence, and industry coverage from information-related to cross-industry, concentration from sparse to highly concentrated, technology platform changes from commercial software to open source, data governance and other development trends; In addition, according to the "input - process - output" phase mode analysis. The input of big data data is diverse, including basic figures to high-level audio and video; during the development phase, a variety of analysis techniques are applied, including community, digital footprint,decision support, semantics, and integration analysis; at the end of the output stage, at least three types of effectiveness include various optimization benefits, customer relationship management enhancements, and cost effectiveness. In the process of data input, analysis process and output application, big data in Taiwan also faces the challenge of talents needing to integrate cross-disciplinary and lack of a clear vision in their benefits. Finally, this study advocates that big data can be effectively improved in efficiency and effectiveness from the perspective of commercial applications. It belongs to the paradigm shift of disruptive innovation and has the concept of future vehicles. Big data will achieve the purpose more efficiently than the data analysis technology of the past. With the change of business model, big data has become the source of new generation's competitive advantage. From the perspective of technology and environment, the current technology for big data analysis does not use unprecedented technology. It is a Incremental innovation that stays in the stage of minor change.
Finally, this study also provides practical management recommendations for future big data vendors, prospective entrants, juristic person organizations, and data analysts, and future research directions.
第一章 前言 1
第一節 大數據的基礎定義 1
第二節 令人趨之若鶩的大數據應用 1
第三節 我國在大數據領域的發展現況與困境 2
第四節 研究動機與目的 3

第二章文獻探討 5
第一節 大數據 5
第二節 大數據價值 6
第三節 大數據的分類 8
第四節 大數據策略能力 11
第五節 大數據的商業模式 14
第六節 典範移轉 16
第七節 大數據應用與發展現況 22
第八節 大數據的困境 27

第三章 研究方法 31
第ㄧ節 探索性研究方法的選擇:質化研究 31
第二節 資料收集方法與研究設計 32
第三節研究流程 33
第四節 研究範圍與對象 35
第五節、研究資料分析 36

第四章 研究結果 39
第一節 環境趨勢 39
第二節 大數據的資料輸入 54
第三節 數據處理的過程 57
第四節 大數據的產出: 應用與成效 61
第五節 發展的挑戰 68
第六節 大數據發展轉變與內涵 75
第七節 技術是小改款,商業應用是未來車 81

第五章 結論與討論 83
第一節 研究的主要貢獻 83
第二節 管理與實務意涵 90
第三節 研究限制與未來研究建議 94

參考文獻 97

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