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作者(英文):Cheng-Wei Lin
論文名稱(英文):Survival under Resource Constraints: A Competitive Dynamics Perspective
指導教授(英文):Po-Yuan Chen
口試委員(英文):Tzu-Ju Peng
Kuo-Pin Yang
關鍵詞(英文):Resource disadvantagesCompetitive Dynamics TheoryBricolageResource-Based Theory
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Resource-Based Theory was used to explain the relationship between firm resource and competitive advantage. While Bricolage explains the source of resources further, Exploring how firm resource was produced. However, most of these theories ignore that it is necessary to consider about exist of competition. It is a threat to firm while there are competitors in the market, not to mention acquiring resources to get competitive advantage. We find that the first project is to create time and space for growth while facing high-power actors in this research. Use the different degrees of resources between high-power actors and low-power actors to avoid competitive activity at initial stage. Second, Use diversified view from interested parties to identify the value of resources. At the same time, use the intention of fuzziness to keep avoiding competitive activity. However, what is the degree of realness of these information? To figure out we need to check it out by using every opportunity around us. After realized the firm’s core value, low-power actors can construct resources by two ways. First low-power actors can deconstruct the internal resources from high-power actors by using the competitive relationship between internal resources.
Second, build a long-term relationship with the owner of resources. Transform itself into a platform to offer free opportunity in order to obtain resources. In this process, Competitive Dynamics Theory of Awareness-Motivation-Capability model and Market Commonality-Resource Similarity play an important role to help low-power actors avoid competitive activity at initial stage and deconstruct the internal resources from high-power actors. This study is a case study research, by use Taipei city mayoral election as the case to analyze the role to survival by team Wen-Je Ko deeply. This study focuses on the initial stage of low-power actors with competitive situation. Our study is able to link Resource-Based Theory, Bricolage, and Competitive Dynamics Theory. Provide a new view of survival under competitive situation for low-power actors.

致謝 I
摘要 III
表目錄 VII
圖目錄 VIII
第一章 緒論 1
第一節 研究背景與動機 1
第二節 理論缺口 6
第三節 研究目的與問題 8
第四節 研究流程與設計 9
第二章 文獻回顧 11
第一節 資源基礎理論 11
第二節 隨創理論 17
第三節 動態競爭理論 21
第四節 理論整理與討論 27
第三章 研究方法 31
第一節 案例選擇與設計 31
第二節 案例背景 34
第三節 分析架構與資料分析 36
第四節 資料蒐集 37
第四章 研究發現 39
第一節 資源弱勢者如何創造、爭取反應的時間? 39
第二節 資源弱勢者如何發掘、建構所需的能耐? 55
第三節 個案佐證 62
第四節 理論之意涵 67
第五章 研究結論與討論 71
第一節 緒論 71
第二節 研究貢獻 72
第三節 研究限制與未來發展 74
文獻參考 75
附錄 81

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