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作者:Douglas Glenn Bast
作者(英文):Douglas Glenn Bast
指導教授(英文):Mohammad Shadab Khalil
口試委員(英文):Chih-Hung Wang
Cheng Ming-Sung
關鍵詞(英文):Genetically modified foodTaiwanPurchase intentionProduction positioning
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目的–這項研究旨在在跨文化研究中調查影響GMO Food消費者購買意願的因素。



Purpose – This study aims to investigate the factors that affect consumer purchase intentions of GMO Food in a cross-cultural study.

Design/methodology/approach – The data was collected from Taiwan and USA via questionnaire.

Findings – This study found that product positioning (Non-GMO, Some GMO, and GMO) affects consumers’ purchase intentions with higher purchase intentions observed in Non-GMO Products compared to the GMO products. The moderating effect of long-term orientation (high versus low) on the relationship between product positioning and consumers’ purchase intention was supported. The study results do not support the moderating effect of product certification (government vs private) on the relationship between product positioning and consumers’ purchase intention. Also in terms of mediating role, it is found that skepticism and perceived health risks of GMO mediate the relationship between product positioning (Non-GMO, Some GMO, and GMO) and consumers purchase intentions.

Originality/value – This research attempted a truly cross-cultural study between the USA and Taiwan in order to verify if any difference in the purchase intention of consumers is present and why it occurs.
Chapter 1 Introduction 1

1.1. Research Background 1

1.2. Research Gap 2

1.3. Research Purpose and Questions 3

1.4. Significance of the Study 4

Chapter 2 Literature Review 6

2.1. Positioning 6

2.2. Long Term Orientation 6

2.3. Certification 7

2.4. Skepticism 8

2.5. Perceived Health Risks 8

2.6. Purchase Intention 9

Chapter 3 Theoretical Framework and Research Hypotheses 10

3.1. Theoretical Framework 10

3.2. Research Hypotheses 11

3.2.1. Direct Effect of GMO Positioning on Purchase Intention 11

3.2.2. Moderating Effect of Long-Term Orientation on Purchase Intention 12

3.2.3. Moderating Effect of Certification on Purchase Intention 12

2.7.4. Serial Mediation Effect of Skepticism and Perceived Health Risk on Purchase Intention 14

Chapter 4 Methodology & Data Analysis 16

4.1. Empirical Overview 16

4.2. Data Collection 16

4.3. Study 1 17

4.3.1. Design and Participants 17

4.3.2. Procedure 17

4.3.3. Manipulation Check for Products’ Level of Genetic Composition 18

4.3.4. Test of Hypothesis 1 18

4.3.4. Test of Hypothesis 2 19

4.4. Study 2 20

4.4.1. Design and Participants 20

4.4.2. Procedure 20

4.4.3. Manipulation Check for Products’ Level of Genetic Composition 21

4.4.4. Manipulation Check for Product Certification 21

4.4.5. Test of Hypothesis 3 21

4.5. Study 3 23

4.5.1. Design and Participants 23

4.5.2. Procedure 23

4.5.3. Manipulation Check for Products’ Level of Genetic Composition 23

4.5.4. Test of Hypothesis 4 24

Chapter 5 General Discussion 25

5.1. Discussion 25

5.2. Theoretical and Managerial Implications 26

5.3. Study Limitations and Future Research Direction 27

References 28

Appendix A: Study 1 Questionnaires 35

Non-GMO (Chinese) 35

Some GMO (Chinese) 37

GMO (Chinese) 39

Non-GMO (English) 41

Some GMO (English) 43

GMO (English) 45

Appendix B: Study 2 Questionnaires 47

Non-GMO, Government Certification (Chinese) 47

Non-GMO, Private Certification (Chinese) 50

Some GMO, Government Certification (Chinese) 53

Some GMO, Private Certification (Chinese) 56

GMO, Government Certification (Chinese) 59

GMO, Private Certification (Chinese) 62

Appendix C: Study 3 Questionnaires 65

Non-GMO (Chinese) 65

Some GMO (Chinese) 68

GMO (Chinese) 71
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