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作者:Solongo Tseveendorj
作者(英文):Solongo Tseveendorj
論文名稱:The Behavioral Implications of the Representation of Women in Advertisements: The Moderating Role of Feminism
論文名稱(英文):The Behavioral Implications of the Representation of Women in Advertisements: The Moderating Role of Feminism
指導教授(英文):Mohammad Shadab Khalil
口試委員(英文):Chin-Jung Joseph Luan
Chih-Hung Wang
關鍵詞(英文):feminismnegative WOMfeminine representationpurchase intentionadvertisement
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The manner in which women are represented in media reflects the status of women in society. From the beginning, the role of women in advertisements reflects stereotypical roles like women taking care of housework and not making any important decisions. Those advertisements showcased that women are dependent, need protection of men and represented as sexual object. The studies on representation of women have been extensively studied and have emphasized the negative attitudes of consumers towards stereotypic portrayal of women in advertisements in general. The extant studies of representation of women on advertisement literature fall shorts of providing direct guidelines on how feminism affects consumers’ perception of the level of feminine representation on advertisements may lead possible (negative) outcomes towards product. In order to fill this gap in the literature, the current research develops a framework on the moderating effect of feminism on relationship between feminine representation of product advertisements and consumers’ behavioral outcomes (purchase intention and negative WOM).
Table of Contents
Title I
Abstract III
Acknowledgement IV
Table of Contents V
List of Tables VI
List of Figures VII
Chapter 1. Introduction 9
1.1. Research Background 9
1.2. Research Gap 11
1.3. Research Purpose and Questions 12
Chapter 2. Literature Review 13
2.1. Feminine representation in product advertisements 13
2.2. Feminism 15
2.4. Purchase Intention 19
2.6. Negative WOM (Negative Word-of Mouth) 20
2.7. Advertisement and the effect of culture 21
Chapter 3. Hypotheses Development and Conceptual Framework 23
3.1. Feminine representation and behavioral outcomes 24
3.2. Moderating effect of Feminism 24
3.3. Moderating effect of Nationality 25
Chapter 4. Research Methodology 27
4.1. Overview of the Study 27
4.2. Measures 27
4.3. Design of the Questionnaire 28
4.4. Data collection 28
4.5. Stimuli Development 30
4.6. Pretest 31
4.7. Study 31
4.8. Main study 31
Chapter 5. Results 33
5.1. Manipulation Check 33
5.2. Main effect and Interaction Effects 33
Chapter 6. Discussion and Conclusion 37
6.1. Discussion 37
6.2. Theoretical and Managerial Implication 38
6.4. Limitation of the Study and Future Direction 39
References 40
Appendix 48
Appendix A 48
Appendix B 50
Appendix C 56

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