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作者(英文):Po-Yu Yang
論文名稱:沒有資訊也有影響: 上市櫃公司產業變更、投資人注意力與市場反應
論文名稱(英文):Lack of information can also have an impact: Changing industry categories of listed companies, investor attention, and market reaction.
指導教授(英文):Pei-Shih Weng
口試委員(英文):Te-Chien Lo
Min-Hung Tsay
關鍵詞(英文):Change of company’s industryInvestor attentionOverreaction
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Investor's attention is limited and easily distracted. In many cases, what investors are facing with is not the lack of information, but too much information to pay attention, which leads to under- or overreaction to stock price and following market volatility. Previous studies found that the announcement of “non-events”—the events do not convey any new signal or information to the public—can cause market fluctuations as informative events. Among various corporate announcements, changing industry category can be viewed as a non-event but may also submit new information to the market. Such a case is rarely discussed in the literature and therefore difficult for investors to realize its economic implications. By all listed companies in the Taiwan stock exchange as the sample, this study seeks to explore how investors react to the announcement of the change in corporate industry category and the influence on the market. The research results show that the shift in the industry category for a company does not represent significant changes in its profitability, but still attract the attention of investors, affect the trading activities, and cause market fluctuations.
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