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作者(英文):Yin-Jui Chang
論文名稱(英文):Optimization of FMCG Pricing Strategies with Multiple Sales Periods
指導教授(英文):Cheng-Chieh Chen
口試委員(英文):Chung-Yung Wang
Yat-Wah Wan
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研究針對品牌商透過兩種策略制定產品的批發價格:(1)制定多期相同批發價、(2)制定多期不同批發價;通路商接收的品牌商批發價格後,透過兩種策略制定銷售價格:(1)考慮多期通路商利潤制定各期銷售價格、(2) 考慮各期通路商利潤制定各期銷售價格;並依據兩種多銷售期分析方法:(1)以兩期為基礎之滾動平面法、(2)連續優化多銷售期法,搭配上述四種策略進行探討。
Among many FMCG products, toilet paper accounts for the first place in Taiwan's consumer purchasing category. The industry creates profits through the consumers by high-frequency use and purchase. Consumers have a variety of choices in terms of brands and channels, while products of the same brand have different prices in different channels, because of brand holders and distributors have their own pricing strategies. The cooperation between the two parties depends on negotiation. However, the negotiators often negotiate with experience and past information. Even though there were related studies on pricing strategy as early as 1990s, it was difficult to transfer the research results to practice.
Based on the product characteristics of toilet paper, this study constructs an optimized multi-period supply chain model and conducts relevant discussions on practically challenging price promotion. This study mainly uses the Stackelberg games model to explore the pricing between a brand vendor and a channel partner, and discuss the K company with the highest share of the toilet paper market in Taiwan for the case study. At the same time, the effects of price and demand elasticity and reference price effect are taken into account to make the model more close to the situation that may occur in practice.
The study aimed at brand vendor to formulate the wholesale prices of the product through two strategies: (1) formulating the same wholesale price for multiple periods, (2) formulating different wholesale prices for multiple periods, and channel partner to formulate selling prices through two strategies after the brand vendor dealers the wholesale prices: (1) Consider multi-period profitability of channel partner to establish selling prices for each period, (2) Consider each period profitability of channel partner to establish selling prices for each period, and based on two analysis methods for multiple sales periods: (1) rolling-horizon sales period method, (2) continuous optimization of multiple sales method, and discussed with the above four strategies.
The results of the study show that: (1) The pricing of the rolling-horizon sales period method in multiple sales periods is prone to affect the pricing and the profitability of the brand vendor, channel partner and the overall supply chain because of the different base period prices. Continuous optimization of multiple sales method is more consistent with pricing and profit assessment. (2) Although price promotion can improve the profit of the overall supply chain, but the price reduction promotion to a certain extent, the overall supply chain profits will begin to decline, and seriously affect the profitability of the promoters, so the study recommends that brand holders and distributors carefully consider how and when to use price promotions. The study also found that if channel vendors started to conduct price promotions, brand vendors would follow suit and the overall promotion would be the best.
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 研究背景與動機 1
1.2 研究目的 3
1.3 研究對象 3
1.4 研究流程 6
第二章 文獻回顧 9
2.1 快速消費性商品(Fast Moving Consumer Goods, FMCG)9
2.2 定價(Pricing) 11
2.2.1 定價策略 11
2.2.2 談判與議價 12
2.2.3 斯塔克爾伯格博弈 15
2.3 促銷(Promotion) 16
2.4 研究貢獻 18
第三章 研究方法 19
3.1 研究課題 19
3.2 Maple 20
3.3 參考建模架構 21
3.3.1 Maiti和Giri的研究模型 21
3.3.2 Zhibing Lin的研究模型 29
3.4 本研究的模型 31
3.4.1課題一 31
3.4.2課題二 43
3.4.3課題三 51
第四章 數據與案例分析 59
4.1課題一 59
4.1.1參數 值分析 59
4.1.2參數 值分析 64
4.1.3課題一小結 68
4.2課題二 69
4.2.1滾動式兩期銷售期 69
4.2.2三期銷售期利潤比較 71
4.2.3課題二小結 75
4.3課題三 76
4.3.1品牌商對通路商的促銷 78
4.3.2通路商對消費者的促銷 82
4.3.3通路商與品牌商皆促銷 86
4.3.4課題三小結 98
4.4管理意涵 99
第五章、結論與建議 101
5.1結論 101
5.2未來研究與建議 102
參考文獻 103
附錄 105
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