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作者(英文):Wei-Hsuan Chen
論文名稱:供應商與批發商間採購供應合約履行模式之研究 – 以一個台灣主要水果供應商為例
論文名稱(英文):A Study of Procurement and Fulfillment Model for Supplier-Wholesaler Contracts – A Case Study of a Major Fruit Supplier in Taiwan
指導教授(英文):Juhwen Hwang
口試委員(英文):Yat-wah Wan
Marina Wu
關鍵詞(英文):PurchaseContract FulfillmentFruit ExportChannel
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  • 評分評分:系統版面圖檔系統版面圖檔系統版面圖檔系統版面圖檔系統版面圖檔
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In recent years, fruit export in Taiwan can be divided into fresh/frozen fruit, fruit juice, fruit preparation, dehydrated or dried fruit, canned fruit, etc. In 2016, the total export value was US$197,096 thousand. Fresh/frozen fruit is accounted for half of the value, followed by juice, fruit, dehydrated or dried fruit, and canned fruit. The top 5 exporting countries are China, Japan, Hong Kong, South Korea and Singapore.
Regarding the fresh/frozen fruit, the most important issue for fruit suppliers is effective fruit sources in the limit of quantity and time to satisfy customers’ needs. To develop a method that maximizes profit, this study selects a supplier in Taiwan which exports fruits to a wholesaler in main land China market. The contract between the supplier and the wholesaler is under study to learn the relationships between the wholesaler and the supplier in term of the quantities and prices in fruit purchases. The quantities and prices of fruit procurement are often influenced by the climate. To protect the benefits of suppliers and wholesales, the supplier-wholesaler contract under study specifies possible ranges of prices and quantities for a set of various types of fruits. Under the contract, the supplier will purchase fruit from farmers. If the supply from the farmers of a particular set of fruits is insufficient during the procurement process, the supplier may use some other types of fruits to substitute the insufficience to fulfill the contract. The study of supplier-wholesaler contract contains four steps: Firstly, this research interviews the supplier to access it’s relevant data. Secondly, the supplier’s data is analyzed to catch the obligations and limitations of the supplier’s procurement process with the farmers, and to clarify the weekly supply relationship between the supplier and the wholesaler based on the contract. Thirdly, a mathematical model is designed to maximize the supplier’s profit and to represent the correlations among the farmers, the supplier, and the wholesaler based on the contract. Finally, the mathematical model is utilized to understand the actual operation in the supplier-wholesaler contract and to predict the possible results after market changes in the future.
The mathematic model has been tested based on actual demand of the supplier-wholesaler contract in the years of 2015 thru 2017. The result has confirmed that all the conditions of the model is reasonable set and is representable to the real situation of the contract. Therefore, the study is able to estimate the supplier’s profit of 2018. All in all, the mathematic model developed in this study is a good estimation tool for the supplier’s profit in the fruit supplier-wholesaler contract. This research provides not only a mathematic model for the fruit supplier-wholesaler contract but tends to provide some interesting information for future study in the fruit supply market.
致謝 i
中文摘要 iii
Abstrat v
總目錄 vii
圖目錄 xi
表目錄 xiii
第一章 緒論 1
1.1研究背景 1
1.2研究目的 5
1.3研究範圍 5
1.4研究架構 5
1.5研究流程 6
第二章 文獻回顧 9
2.1台灣水果市場概況 9
2.1.1台灣水果生產狀況 9
2.1.2台灣水果的出口狀況 13
2.1.3台灣水果市場的行銷通路 16
2.2中國大陸水果市場之概況 17
2.2.1中國大陸水果生產情形 17
2.2.2在中國大陸銷售的進口水果國家及種類 21
2.2.3中國大陸水果銷售狀況 26
2.2.4中國大陸的行銷通路 27
2.3商品替代之文獻回顧 31
2.3.1單向替代之需求替代文獻 32
2.3.2雙向替代之替代文獻 33
2.4供應鏈管理 35
2.4.1供應鏈管理 35
2.4.2報童問題 36
2.4.3供應鏈合約 37
2.5個案研究方法 39
2.5.1個案公司的選擇 39
2.5.2訪談人員的選擇 39
2.5.3實施過程 39
2.5.4分析方法 40
2.5.5研究限制 40
第三張 個案公司分析 41
3.1個案公司簡介 41
3.2個案公司經營策略分析 42
3.2.1個案公司所面臨的挑戰 42
3.2.2五力分析 42
3.2.3 SWOT分析 43
3.2.4個案公司發展策略 45
3.2.5個案公司所面臨的問題 46
3.3個案公司採購流程分析 46
3.4個案公司的關係說明 49
3.4.1個案公司V.S批發商 49
3.4.2個案公司V.S農民產地 50
3.4.3個案公司V.S集貨場 50
3.5台灣水果出口及運送流程 51
第四章 情境設計與模型分析 53
4.1問題定義與分析 53
4.2模型建構 63
4.2.1模型假設 65
4.2.2參數設定 66
4.2.3模型建立 68
4.3案例分析與研究結果 71
4.3.1個案公司2015-2017年分析結果 72
4.3.2個案公司2018年預測 74
第五章 結論與建議 77
5.1結論 77
5.2研究限制 78
5.3未來研究方向 78
參考文獻 79

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