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作者(英文):Wun-Rong Li
論文名稱:公司治理及ISO/IEC27001 對資訊安全事件關聯性之探討
論文名稱(英文):A study on the Relevance between Corporate Governance and ISO/IEC27001 to Information Security Breaches
指導教授(英文):I-Cheng Chang
口試委員(英文):Chia-Ling Lee
Chia-Hui Chen
關鍵詞(英文):Information SecurityISO/IEC27001Corporate Governance
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近年來,在資訊科技及網際網路的不斷蓬勃發展之下,其相關之應用不只遍佈於你我的生活當中,亦對於企業的營運有了突破性的改變;小至日常交易之進行,大至企業整體營運策略之規劃,資訊科技以及網際網路儼然成為了企業整體發展當中不可或缺的一環。但劍能護人,亦能傷人。隨著各大企業對於資訊科技及網際網路的依賴程度愈高,資訊安全也成為了企業必須面對的眾多風險之一。而對於資訊安全的研究早期多著重在技術層面;但在沙賓法案通過之後,近年來對於資訊安全的研究則逐漸著重在管理層面。故本研究欲透過實證分析,探討ISO/IEC 27001認證的取得以及公司治理對於資訊安全管理的有效性。研究結果顯示,ISO/IEC 27001認證之取得對於資訊安全管理無顯著之影響。但當董事會規模愈大且董事出席董事會的出席率愈高時,其對於資訊安全管理有顯著之影響;而董事會之獨立董事比率以及董事會開會次數對於資訊安全管理則無顯著之影響。本研究之結果可供企業評估ISO/IEC 27001認證以及董事會職能對於資訊安全管理之影響。
In recent years, with the continuous development of information technology and Internet, its related applications have not only spread throughout all our life, but also has been a breakthrough change for the operating of enterprises. From daily transactions to the planning of the overall business strategy of the enterprises, information technology and the Internet have become an indispensable part of the overall development of enterprises. The water that bears the boat is the same that swallows it up . With the greater dependence of major enterprises on information technology and internet, they must face more risks of information security. The previous studies on information security focuses on the technical issues. However, after the Sarbanes - Oxley Act passed, the studies on information security in recent years has gradually focused on the management issues. Therefore, this study intends to use empirical analysis to explore information security management effectiveness of the acquisition of ISO/IEC 27001 certification and the corporate governance. The research result shows that the acquisition of ISO/IEC 27001 certification has no significant impact on information security management. However, the larger the board size and the higher the attendance rate of directors attending the board meeting, it has a significant impact on information security management; and the ratio of independent directors and the number of board meetings have no significant impact on information security management. The results of this study allow enterprises to assess the impact of ISO/IEC 27001 certification and board functions on information security management.
壹、緒論 1
第一節 研究背景 1
第二節 研究動機與目的 2
貳、文獻探討 5
第一節 資訊安全 5
第二節 ISO/IEC 27001 10
第三節 公司治理 19
叁、研究設計與方法 27
第一節 研究假說 27
第二節 研究方法 30
第三節 研究資料與期間 31
第四節 研究變數定義 33
肆、實證結果與分析 37
第一節 敘述性統計及相關性分析 37
第二節 Logistic迴歸模型分析 44
伍、結論與建議 47
第一節 研究結果及貢獻 47
第二節 研究限制與建議 48
參考文獻 51
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