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論文名稱(英文):Stakeholder perspectives on the impact of Chinese charter flights on tourism sectors in Nha Trang, Vietnam
指導教授(英文):Heng-Chang Chi
口試委員(英文):Li-Ju Chen
Yu-Chuan Chang
關鍵詞(英文):Chinese charter flightstakeholdersgroup packagewhole dragon model
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1990年代是越南成為熱門的旅遊目的地,觀光產業蓬勃發展,帶動越南的經濟快速成長。芽莊在越南中南部慶和省的一座海濱度假城市,擁有藍天碧海與各種特色的景點形成了特殊的度假感受。這幾年來,包機旅遊在芽莊日益成長,像是從:中國、俄羅斯、韓國等各國包機旅遊;從 2014年至今,中國遊客成為芽莊最大的客源,對芽莊的經濟與旅遊發展帶來正反兩面的影響。本研究旨在探討中國包機旅遊對越南芽莊觀光產業的影響;主要目的在瞭解中國包機團客來芽莊的狀況,及如何影響到芽莊旅遊市場,並進一步瞭解從業者面對中國市場的態度。本研究藉由質性研究之深度訪談方式,進行訪談25位在越南芽莊從事服務遊客的觀光人員,分為華語導遊、越南「地接社」OP(operator)和中國「組團社」OP、購物店人員、餐廳從業人員、飯店從業人員以及遊覽車司機。此外,研究者以實習生身份全程參與三個來自中國中北部城市的旅行團,分別為兩個4天3晚的行程和一個6天5晚的行程並進行觀察,採用不同的方式獲取資料更完善理解其現象。

In the 1990s, Vietnam tourism, especially Inbound tourism has rapidly expanded and annually turned itself into an essential element of the whole economy background. Located in the central of Vietnam, having miles of breath-taking scenery, Nha Trang has become a unique coastal city ever since the beginning of tourism. Recently, charter flights have become more common and they have operated more and more regularly in Nha Trang, especially with tourists from countries such as China, Russia, Korea and Taiwan. In the end of 2014, tourists from China have made up the largest portion of Nha Trang tourists. Consequently, that raises the question of pros and cons related to Nha Trang tourism development. The purpose of this study is to discuss the influence and impact of Chinese charter flights on the tourism industry of Nha Trang. Particularly, the main focus is on describing the current situation of package tours of Chinese tourists in Nha Trang. As a result, it will discuss the perspective of stakeholders of the package tours designed for Chinese tourists in Nha Trang.
Semi-structural interviews were conducted with 25 members of customer service staff on site. In addition, the researcher participated as a tour guide trainee for three different tourist groups to carry out participant observation during two four-day-three-night and one six-day-five-night Chinese group package tours.The data was collected by using different methods, namely Semi-structural Interviews, participant observation and online newspapers/articles collecting to achieve methodological triangulation and better understanding of the phenomenon achieve method triangulation as well as to gain a better understanding of the phenomenon.
The findings suggest that since 2014, the number of Chinese charter flights to Nha Trang grows constantly, because Nha Trang is up-and-coming destination with beautiful beaches, convenient charter flights and low-price package tours. The products of Chinese charter flight in Nha Trang are distinct from one another as a result of different periods and customer base. Most of the travel agencies in Nha Trang have provided tours which include shopping activities. The gradual increase of Chinese tourists to Nha Trang creates job opportunities for local people, but also causes negative effects. The monopoly model –“ Whole dragon” (yi-tiao-long) virtually affects charter market as a whole. Chinese tourism businesses try to control all tourism activities. They begin from sending Chinese tourists to the destination by Chinese tourism agencies, greeting, guiding and only leading tourists to the restaurants and shops that are run by Chinese tourism businesses, rather than businesses owned by locals in Nha Trang. Moreover, shops also play a very important role in Chinese charter tourism model in Nha Trang.
第一章 緒論 1
第一節 研究背景 1
第二節 研究動機 10
第三節 研究問題與研究目的 16
第二章 文獻回顧 17
第一節 旅遊產品與目的地意象相關討論 17
第二節 包機旅遊對觀光產業相關討論 25
第三節 權益關係人相關討論 38
第三章 研究設計與研究方法 43
第一節 研究設計 43
第二節 研究方法 54
第三節 參與觀察 55
第四節 資料分析 61
第五節 研究倫理與信效度 63
第六節 研究者的反思 65
第四章 研究分析與討論 69
第一節 越南芽莊的中國包機旅遊的概況與分析 69
第二節 中國包機觀光對越南芽莊旅遊市場的影響 99
第三節 越南芽莊旅遊市場權益關係人面對中國包機旅遊的態度 151
第五章 結論與建議 174
第一節 結論 174
第二節 研究限制 180
第三節 研究建議與實務建議 181
參考文獻 184
附錄一 198
附錄二 199
附錄三 201
附錄四 219
附錄五 224

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