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作者(英文):Yi-Ren Liou
論文名稱(英文):The effect of dual channels of on-line and off-line stores
指導教授(英文):Yan-Shu Lin
口試委員(英文):Wen-Jung Liang
Chih-Min She
關鍵詞(英文):physical storedual channelsvertical product differentiationhorizontal product differentiationretailer and manufacturerwelfareon-line store
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  • 點閱點閱:31
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This paper studies the effect of dual channels in two types of product differentiation models. First, a vertical product differentiation model is utilized to examine the differences between physical (off-line) store only and dual channels with both on-line and off-line stores. It is found that both input and physical prices are lower in dual channels than those in the physical store only, the retailer will choose dual channels when the on-line store is available, and the manufacturer may not prefer dual channels run by the retailer. Furthermore, the consumer surplus is higher in dual channels than that in physical store only, however, the effect on social welfare is ambiguous. Second, a horizontal product differentiation model is considered. It is found that dual channels lead to higher input and physical prices. When the on-line store exists in the market, the retailer chooses dual channels which also benefit the manufacturer. Comparing to the physical store only, dual channels lead to lower consumer surplus and higher social welfare.
Chapter 1. Introduction. 1
1.1 Research motivation. 1
1.2 Related literatures. 2
1.3 Research framework. 4
Chapter 2.Vertical product differentiation model. 5
2.1 Basic model. 5
2.2 The equilibria of physical store only. 7
2.3 The equilibria of dual channels. 8
2.4 The effect of dual channels. 10
2.5 Welfare analysis. 12
2.6 Brief summary. 13
Chapter 3. Horizontal product differentiation model. 13
3.1 Basic model. 13
3.2 The equilibria of physical store only. 15
3.3 The equilibria of dual channels. 16
3.4 The effect of dual channels. 18
3.5 Welfare analysis. 19
3.6 Brief summary. 20
Chapter 4. Conclusion. 20
Appendix. 22
References. 26
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