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作者(英文):Mei-Lin Chen
論文名稱(英文):A study of Green Port Development Strategy in Hoping Industrial Port
指導教授(英文):Hurng-Jyuhn Wang
口試委員(英文):Bing-Yan Lu
Jia-Jhen Liu
Hurng-Jyuhn Wang
關鍵詞(英文):Green PortsEco Portscircular economyANP (The Analytic Network Process )Hoping Industrial Port
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Due to the wave of global warming and environmental protection, most ports in the world have taken the sustainable development of Twilight ports as the future trend of port operations.The development direction of the Twilight Port has been the trend that most of the world has been pursuing, especially the large ports in Europe, the United States, and Australia.Under such development trend, under the pressure of the dilemma of environmental protection and economic development, the Hoping Industrial Port has been inevitable to upgrade and transform.How to make sustainable environmental and industrial development compatible is an important issue facing the current special port for the Hoping Industrial Port, and promoting the transformation of green ecological ports has become a new opportunity for the development of ports.
In the past, the special port for Hoping Industrial Port more attention to the improvement of freight traffic flow and economic efficiency for port operations, and was less concerned with the ecological environment.With the development of the concept of sustainable development, Green Ports, Eco Ports, and circular economy are increasingly receiving attention from all major ports in the world, and they have now become the mainstream thinking in harbor construction.Therefore, in order to respond to green, sustainable development and the era of low-carbon era, the special port for the Hoping Industrial Port will cooperate with energy-saving and carbon-reduction policies and will inevitably face the upgrade and transformation of green ports and Eco Ports in the future.Therefore, this study will review the successful cases of developing green ports in foreign countries and the action plan for promoting the green harbor strategy of Taiwan’s port groups through the literature.Summarize and summarize the important assessment facet and development strategy of the green port as a hierarchical structure for the development of a green port for the exclusive port of Hoping Industrial Port.That is, the goal is to develop a green port for the exclusive port of Hoping Industrial Port. Construction 「Improvement of Air Quality in the Port」、「Maintain port area water quality」、「Noise pollution prevention」、「Energy use」and「Greenport Education and Environmental Management」five target facets, a total of 17 development strategies under the facets.As a basis for the design of the questionnaire, it was distributed to experts for surveys.Then use the Analytic Network Procedures (ANP) method to aggregate the data and finally obtain the ranking of the weights of the development strategies as a proposal for the development of green ports in the dedicated port of peace industry.
The final result was found to be sorted by weight dominance.Under the "improvement of air quality in the port", the development strategy of "using low-sulfur fuel oil" is the best.Under the "Maintenance of water quality in port areas", the development strategy of "build water quality monitoring system" and "oil spill emergency treatment" is the best.Under the “energy use” aspect, the development strategy of “using green energy or alternative energy” is the best.Under the "Green port Education and Environmental Management" aspect, the development strategy of "environmental certification" and "employee ecological education" is the best.In addition to the prevention of noise pollution, the experts’ importance for the development strategy of the green port is to be able to consider the importance of various target aspects, so that the special port for Hoping Industrial can develop more completely.
謝辭 I
摘要 II
圖目錄 V
表目錄 VI
第一章、緒論 1
1.1研究背景與動機 1
1.2研究目的 4
1.3研究範圍與限制 5
1.4研究方法與步驟 5
第二章、文獻探討 7
2.1綠色港口(GREEN PORTS) 7
2.3國外綠色港口案例 10
2.3.1美國長灘港(Port of Long Beach) 10
2.3.2澳洲雪梨港(Sydney Harbour) 12
2.3.3亞洲新加坡港 14
2.3.4荷蘭鹿特丹港(Port of Rotterdam) 15
2.3.5小結 15
2.4國內綠色港口案例 16
2.4.1高雄港 18
2.4.2台中港 20
2.4.3基隆港 21
2.4.4花蓮港 22
2.4.5 小結 24
2.5綠色港口相關法規 25
2.5.1國外相關法規 25
2.5.2國內相關法規 26
第三章、和平工業專用港現況 29
3.1 地理位置與建港緣由 29
3.2 循環營運模式與港口設施 32
3.3 港區污染項目與防治 36
3.4 和平工業專用港發展綠色港口之條件 38
第四章、研究設計 39
4.1研究架構 39
謝辭 I
摘要 II
圖目錄 V
表目錄 VI
第一章、緒論 1
1.1研究背景與動機 1
1.2研究目的 4
1.3研究範圍與限制 5
1.4研究方法與步驟 5
第二章、文獻探討 7
2.1綠色港口(GREEN PORTS) 7
2.3國外綠色港口案例 10
2.3.1美國長灘港(Port of Long Beach) 10
2.3.2澳洲雪梨港(Sydney Harbour) 12
2.3.3亞洲新加坡港 14
2.3.4荷蘭鹿特丹港(Port of Rotterdam) 15
2.3.5小結 15
2.4國內綠色港口案例 16
2.4.1高雄港 18
2.4.2台中港 20
2.4.3基隆港 21
2.4.4花蓮港 22
2.4.5 小結 24
2.5綠色港口相關法規 25
2.5.1國外相關法規 25
2.5.2國內相關法規 26
第三章、和平工業專用港現況 29
3.1 地理位置與建港緣由 29
3.2 循環營運模式與港口設施 32
3.3 港區污染項目與防治 36
3.4 和平工業專用港發展綠色港口之條件 38
第四章、研究設計 39
4.1研究架構 39
4.2 研究方法 39
4.2.1 分析網路程序法(Analytic Network Process; ANP) 39
4.2.2分析網路程序法基本假設 40
4.2.3 ANP分析步驟 40
4.3 ANP問卷設計與專家名單 43
第五章 和平工業專用港綠色港口發展策略之實證分析 47
5.1綠色港口發展策略層級架構之研擬 47
5.2綠色港口發展策略層級架構之建立 51
5.3評估準則權重計算 56
5.4專家問卷結果之分析與說明 60
第六章、結論與建議 65
6.1結論 65
6.2策略建議 66
6.3後續研究建議 67
參考文獻 69
附錄一 72
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