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作者(英文):Wen-Ting Hsu
論文名稱:政府採購人員與行政效能之研究- 以花蓮縣地方民意代表機關為例
指導教授(英文):Chin-peng Chu
口試委員(英文):Teh-chang Lin
Chen-Ming Chu
Chin-peng Chu
關鍵詞(英文):Government Procurement LawJob StressResignation IntentionAdministrative Effectiveness
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政府採購法於民國 88 年 5 月 27 日施行後,使政府的採購作業走向專 業,進而影響採購效率。本研究的目的在於探討地方民意代表機關採購制度的 現況、採購人員工作壓力、首長裁量、司法調查等與組織行政效能之關係。歸 納國內外文獻資料及本研究對實證調查結果提出具體建言,供採購人員調適工 作壓力、強化機關採購制度之參考,提供有效資料予花蓮縣及其所屬相關採購 單位參酌,減少採購人員離職或異動等問題,有助於組織行政效能與工作生活 品質之提昇,並提高採購人員身心適應能力、採購效率與服務品質,提供給機 關人力資源管理及行政效能之參考。
本研究使用質性研究深度訪談法特色來呈現「政府採購制度與組織行政效 能之研究-以花蓮縣地方民意代表機關為例」之研究,利用半結構式方式進行有 目的性的談話雙向交流的過程作為收集資料的方法,質化方法能幫助研究者深 入並仔細的研究自己所感興趣的問題,且具有深度、富開放性、詳盡周密 等 特性,雖然取得的樣本數較少,但內容詳盡豐富,使研究者增加對受訪者的了 解。因此本研究採用「質性研究法」的深度訪談,用半結構式的訪談大綱進行 訪談,收集研究相關資料加以整理並歸納分析,希望從此研究來詮釋地方民意 代表機關採購人員的經驗及感受,進而瞭解採購人員的工作壓力來源,並探求 事件經驗的發現,並期待將此研究提供給各縣市地方民意代表機關及相關單位 如:行政院公共工程委員會等參考應用。
After the implementation of the government procurement law on May 27, 1987, the procurement practices of the government became more professional, which in turn affected the efficiency of procurement. The purpose of this study is to explore the relationship between the status quo of the procurement system of local representative offices, the pressure of procurement staff, the discretion of the procurement staff, judicial investigations, and the administrative effectiveness of the organization. Summarize domestic and foreign literature data and this study provides concrete suggestions on empirical investigation results for the procurement personnel to adjust work pressures and strengthen the reference of the organ procurement system, and provide effective information to Hualian County and its related procurement units for reference to reduce the turnover or change of procurement personnel. Such issues will help improve the organization's administrative effectiveness and work life quality, and improve the physical and mental adaptability, procurement efficiency, and service quality of procurement personnel, and provide reference to human resource management and administrative effectiveness of the organization.
    This study uses the characteristics of qualitative research in-depth interviews to present a study on the “government procurement system and organizational administrative effectiveness - taking Hualien County's representative office of local public opinion as an example” and uses a semi-structured approach to conduct targeted conversations and two-way exchanges. Process As a method of collecting data, the qualitative method can help researchers deeply and carefully study the issues that they are interested in, and has the characteristics of depth, richness, openness, thoroughness, and so on. Although the number of samples obtained is small, the content is exhaustive. Richness allows researchers to increase their understanding of respondents. Therefore, this study uses in-depth interviews of the “Qualitative Research Method” to conduct interviews with semi-structured interview syllabuses, collect relevant research data, collate and analyze them, and hope to use this research to interpret the experience and feelings of local public opinion representative procurement personnel. Further understanding of sources of work pressure for procurement personnel, and exploring the findings of event experience, and looking forward to providing this study to the local public opinion representative agencies and relevant units in the counties and cities, such as the Public Works Committee of the Executive Yuan, and other reference applications.
    The results of the study found that the local procurement representative of Hualien County has a medium to high level of work pressure. Its work pressure is not only due to "excessive workload," but because of the different nature of the organization's attributes and the administrative agencies, the "presiding authority" and " "The pressure of judicial investigation" has a great influence on cross-examination. Due to insufficient staffing of purchasing licenses, and most of them regard the procurement business as a fearful way, the turnover rate of procurement personnel of the organization is high. Furthermore, since the internal organization of local public opinion representative organs is not similar to the administrative organs without an administrative style unit, only the chief accounting unit is involved. Therefore, the respondents believe that there are pressures caused by judicial investigations, changes in laws and regulations, and job characteristics. Finally, based on the results of the study, we will provide appropriate suggestions and measures to serve as a reference for local public opinion representatives and relevant organizations and follow-up researchers in each county and city, and provide possible future research directions.
Keywords: Government Procurement Law, Job Stress, Resignation Intention, Administrative Effectiveness
第一章、緒論..................................................... 1
第一節、研究動機與目的........................................ 1
第二節、研究範圍與限制........................................ 3
第三節、研究方法與步驟........................................ 5
第二章、文獻探討................................................ 11
第一節 政府採購法............................................ 11
第二節、工作壓力............................................. 13
第三節、首長裁量權........................................... 19
第四節、離職意圖............................................. 24
第五節、行政效能............................................. 28
第三章、我國政府採購制度 ........................................ 31
第一節、緣起與國際影響....................................... 31
第二節、科層體制下的採購人員................................. 33
第三節、相關法規修正差異對照表 ............................... 36
第四節、採購法施行前後比較分析 ............................... 40
第四章、地方民意代表機關組織及採購稽核分析....................... 43
第一節、地方民意代表機關組織................................. 43
第二節、地方民意代表機關採購稽核分析 ......................... 44
第五章、深度訪談結果與分析 ...................................... 46
第一節、訪談對象之基本資料分析 ............................... 46
第二節、訪談對象工作壓力源分析 ............................... 48
第六章、結論與建議.............................................. 67
第一節、研究發現............................................. 68
第二節、研究建議............................................. 72
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