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作者(英文):Chia-Rui Liu
論文名稱(英文):Effects of competition between sympatric tadpoles of Polypedates megacephalus and Polypedates braueri
指導教授(英文):Yi-Ju Yang
口試委員(英文):Chi-Shiun Wu
Wen-Bin Huang
關鍵詞(英文):invasive speciestadpolecompetitionsympatric
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外來入侵種是導致兩棲類滅絕的其中一個主因,其中的一個原因是與原生種的發生競爭。近年台灣的入侵種蛙類斑腿樹蛙,與親緣關係接近的原生種布氏樹蛙的共域棲地中,發現到布氏樹蛙族群有消失的趨勢。本次論文之實驗為了解斑腿樹蛙與布氏樹蛙蝌蚪的生長與外觀上的差異,設計室內飼養實驗觀察蝌蚪生長;為了解兩種蛙類蝌蚪的競爭影響,設計實驗比較競爭後對蝌蚪存活率、發育速度與蝌蚪蚪全長的影響,並以兩種蝌蚪不同比例測試密度影響(一方較多組),以先後進入水中測試優先效應的影響(一方優先組);為了解共域樣點中水域的蝌蚪組成,於野外進行蝌蚪調查;為了解斑腿樹蛙與布氏樹蛙於全台灣共域樣點的棲地類型的差異與兩種蛙類的續存是否有關連,以過去的調查資料進行分析。發育觀察結果顯示斑腿樹蛙蝌蚪37.2 ± 0.84天達到G42期,布氏樹蛙為40.4 ± 0.55天,斑腿樹蛙具有較短的蝌蚪期;蝌蚪外觀於G30 - 42期可由尾巴基部進行區分,布氏樹蛙蝌蚪具有明顯顏色分層,斑腿樹蛙蝌蚪具有一明顯血管;競爭實驗的結果顯示,兩種蛙類蝌蚪存活率沒有顯著差異;發育速度比較中,兩種蛙類蝌蚪在優先組中皆有較快的發育速度,斑腿樹蛙蝌蚪在布氏較多組與斑腿較多組也有較快的發育速度;全長比較中,布氏樹蛙蝌蚪在布氏較多組(27.23 ± 0.27 mm)、斑腿較多組(26.80 ± 0.22 mm)、斑腿優先組(25.81 ± 0.34 mm)體長較小,在布氏優先組(36.57 ± 0.25 mm)體長較大;斑腿樹蛙在布氏優先組(26.09 ± 0.41 mm)體長較小,在布氏較多組(35.69 ± 0.26 mm)與斑腿優先組(36.90 ± 0.30 mm)體長較大。共域調查中草湳樣區斑腿樹蛙蝌蚪所佔的比例較低,而中研院生技園樣區的斑腿樹蛙所占比例較高。歷年樣點分析中,布氏樹蛙在森林所占比例較高的樣點續存族群比例較高;地區氣候差異上,北部的樣點受到春季雨量影響,布氏樹蛙較早繁殖可能具有優先效應。整體而言,在蝌蚪的競爭中斑腿樹蛙對布氏樹蛙有明顯的威脅。
Invasive species is a major cause of extinction for Amphibians, and the competition with native species is one of the problems. Polypedates megacephalus has been an invasive species in Taiwan for years and shares same genus with Polypedates braueri. In their sympatric habitats, the populations of P. braueri have been observed to decline. In this study, in order to understand the differences in growth and outward appearances between the tadpoles of P. megacephalus and P. braueri, an indoor raising experiment was designed for observation. To find out the effects of their competitions, tadpole tanks were set up to test tadpoles’ survival rates, growth speeds and total lengths based on the density (one species more than the other) and the timing for being in the water (one species 10 days earlier). Field surveys in sympatric habitats helped understand the tadpoles’ compositions. Analyzing data from past surveys helped to find out the relationship between both frogs’ survival and types of habitats. The results of tadpoles’ growth showed that P. megacephalus reached G42 in 37.2 ± 0.84 days, while P. braueri in 40.4 ± 0.55 days; P. megacephalus had a shorter tadpole period. Tadpoles’ outward appearances could be distinguished by the base of tails at G30-42; P. braueri had an obvious color stratification, and P. megacephalus had a dark blood vessel. The results of competition experiment showed that P. megacephalus and P. braueri had no significant difference on survival rates, and the growth speed of P. megacephalus was faster. As for the total lengths, P. braueri in group “more P. braueri” (27.23 ± 0.27 mm), “more P. megacephalus” (26.80 ± 0.22 mm) and “prioritized P. megacephalus” (25.81 ± 0.34 mm) had shorter total lengths but longer ones in group “prioritized P. braueri” (36.57 ± 0.25 mm). P. megacephalus in group “prioritized P. braueri” (26.09 ± 0.41 mm) had shorter total lengths but longer ones in group “more P. braueri” (35.69 ± 0.26 mm) and “prioritized P. megacephalus” (36.90 ± 0.30 mm). The surveys in the sympatric habitat “Cao Nan” showed a lower proportion of P. megacephalus, while in the sympatric “National Biotechnology Research Park in Academia Sinica” showed a higher proportion of P. megacephalus. The result of analyzing data from past surveys showed P. braueri had higher survival rates in forests. Due to regional climates, spring rain in northern regions may induce earlier breeding of P. braueri. In general, P. megacephalus is a significant impact in competition with P. braueri.
1.前言 1
2.材料與方法 5
2.1實驗物種 5
2.2蝌蚪採樣地點與採集方式 6
2.3兩種蛙類蝌蚪室內飼養發育比較 6
2.3.1實驗方法 6
2.3.2分析方法 7
2.4兩種蛙類蝌蚪競爭實驗 8
2.4.1實驗方法 8
2.4.2分析方法 10
2.5共域樣點調查 11
2.5.1前測調查 11
2.5.2調查方法 11
2.5.3分析方法 12
2.6全台灣共域樣點的比較 12
2.6.1採用資料 12
2.6.2分析方法 13
3.結果 14
3.1兩種蛙類蝌蚪生長比較 14
3.1.1兩種蛙類蛙卵的比較 14
3.1.2兩種蛙類蝌蚪各時期的外型觀察 14
3.1.3兩種蛙類蝌蚪的發育階段比較 15
3.1.4兩種蛙類蝌蚪的全長比較 15
3.1.5兩種蛙類蝌蚪型值比較 15
3.2蝌蚪競爭實驗 16
3.2.1兩種蛙類蝌蚪於各組之存活率比較 16
3.2.2兩種蛙類蝌蚪於各組之變態率比較 16
3.2.3第29天時兩種蛙類蝌蚪的發育階段比較 16
3.2.4兩種蛙類蝌蚪於各競爭組中的全長比較 17
3.2.5競爭中密度效應對兩種蝌蚪全長的影響 17
3.2.6競爭中優先效應對兩種蝌蚪全長的影響 18
3.2.7第29天時兩種蛙類蝌蚪競爭實驗的結果統整 18
3.3共域樣點調查 19
3.3.1草湳樣點 19
3.3.2中研院生技園樣點 19
3.4歷年共域樣點調查分析 20
3.4.1棲地類型所占比例分析 20
3.4.2各集群中共域歷年調查結果分析 20
3.4.3比較氣候因子的與各集群的關係 20
4.討論 22
4.1蝌蚪的生長紀錄 22
4.1.1蝌蚪外觀辨識 22
4.1.2兩種蝌蚪生長比較 22
4.2蝌蚪競爭實驗 23
4.2.1兩種蝌蚪存活率比較 23
4.2.2兩種蛙類蝌蚪發育速度的影響比較 23
4.2.3兩種蛙類蝌蚪全長的影響比較 24
4.3共域樣點調查 24
4.4全台共域樣點分析 25
4.4.1棲地類型所占比例分析 25
4.4.2比較氣候因子的與各集群的關係 26
5.結論與建議 27
6.引用文獻 28
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