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作者(英文):Rui-Yang He
論文名稱(英文):The Volunteer of Taiwan Breeding Bird Survey participation in the current situation survey
指導教授(英文):Yi-Ju Yang
口試委員(英文):Shih-Jang Hsu
Ruey-Shing Lin
關鍵詞(英文):Taiwan Breeding Bird SurveyCitizen ScienceParticipative motivationEnvironmental literacy
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臺灣繁殖鳥類大調查(BBS Taiwan)是項大尺度的公民科學的計畫,其旨在 建立即時的鳥類族群監測指標,了解每年鳥類族群變化,並且做為評估生物多樣 性指標的重要依據。從 2009 年正式調查至今,除了鳥類基礎資料的科學結果, 也期望能為志工參與調查的現況進行分析,做為計劃持續發展的基礎,因此本研 究之量化資料採用特生中心在 2014 年規劃欲了解志工之問卷,並將問卷內容統 整歸納為志工背景、志工前後環境素養的現況變化,招募志工的維持和影響因素, 以及檢視開發的資源志工利用概況。也於 2018年6月對志工進行質性研究探討。 研究結果發現,參與 BBS Taiwan 志工背景呈現多元樣貌,但多是對鳥類觀察有 興趣,有一定的觀鳥年資,並從鳥會和相關書籍接觸鳥類相關知識,而轉為調查 記錄。而一年僅有兩次調查,並不會佔用太多志工私人時間。這些招募而來的志 工大多是從鳥會或是其他 NGO 組織知曉 BBS Taiwan,並且共同關心自然與生 態保育理念的利他動機而來。至於影響調查因素,則是生活中工作雜事較多無法 配合,以及調查樣區離住處較遠。BBS Taiwan 為志工提供的諸多服務,大多數 志工可能會因不方便申請、不需使用或是能從他處獲得相同資訊而未使用。在線 上資源使用現況,志工會因個人背景偏好或是時間影響下選擇使用,而不使用原 因多為生活較忙以及不知有此資訊。從北美環境教育學會提出的環境素養架構評 估 BBS Taiwan 志工,可了解志工在參與課程和調查後,鳥種辨識能力是有提升 的,也比一般民眾有更高的環境意向去關心自然和生態保育的敏感度。在公民參 與和行動策略上,志工最關注整體棲地環境的保存和保育,藉此行動改善環境, 也對環境行為有負責任的能力。根據結果分析,留住願意持續調查的資深志工, 並且維持研究員和公民科學家的交流,若有網路經營能力可定期更新網站介面和 資料,提升志工使用興趣,將有助於 BBS Taiwan 未來發展。
The Taiwan Breeding Bird Survey (BBS Taiwan) is a large-scale citizen science project that aims to establish an immediate bird population monitoring indicator to understand the annual bird population changes and serve as an important basis for assessing biodiversity indicators. Since the formal investigation in 2009, in addition to the scientific results of the basic data of birds, it has been expected to analyze the current situation of volunteer participation in the survey as the basis for the sustainable development of the plan. Therefore, this study collected the quantitative data by a questionnaire designed by the Taiwan Endemic Species Research Institute in 2014 to understand the volunteers. The questionnaire was divided into four parts, namely the background of the volunteers, the changes in the current situation of environmental literacy before and after volunteering, the maintenance and the factors that influenced the recruitment of the volunteers, and the utilization of resources for volunteer development. In addition to the quantitative data, qualitative research was conducted on volunteers in June 2018. The study found that the background of the BBS Taiwan volunteers is diverse, but most of the volunteers are interested in bird observation and experienced in bird watching. They gain the bird-related knowledge from the Wild Bird Societys and related books,and turn the knowledge into the record for investigation. There are only two investigations a year, and it does not take up too much private time for volunteers. Most of the volunteers recruited from the the Wild Bird Societys or other NGOs know about BBS Taiwan and are interested in the altruistic motives of nature and ecological conservation. As for the factors affecting the bird survey, the volunteers reported beingtoo busy with their original jobs, or the sample area of the survey is too far away from their residence. BBS Taiwan provides many services for volunteers. Most of the volunteers do not use the services because it is not convenient to apply for the services. Moreover. some suggest no need to use the services or they can get the same information from other sources. In terms of the resources on the Internet, the volunteers use them due to their personal background and preferences or time. The reasons why some volunteers don't use online resources are that they are busy or don't know about them. Employing the Environmental Literacy Framework proposed by the North American Institute of Environmental Education to evaluate the BBS volunteers, this study found that the volunteers have improved their ability to recognize birds after participating in the courses and surveys. They also have higher Environmental consciousness to care about nature and ecological conservation than the general people. In terms of citizen participation and action strategies, volunteers are most concerned about the reservation and conservation of the overall habitat environment, thereby taking action to improve the environment and also have a responsible capacity for environmental behavior. According to the analysis of the results, the following things can help with the future development of BBS Taiwan: attract and retain the senior volunteers who are willing to continue the investigation, and maintain the exchanges between the researcher and the civic scientists. If BBS Taiwan has network management capabilities, it can regularly update the website interface and information to enhance the volunteers’ interest in using online resources.
摘要 ............................................................ I
ABSTRACT ...................................................... III
目錄 ............................................................ V
圖目錄 ........................................................ VII
表目錄 ......................................................... IX
第一章 前言 ..................................................... 1
第一節 研究背景與動機 .......................................... 1
第二節 研究問題 ................................................ 3
第二章 文獻探討 ................................................. 5
第一節 臺灣繁殖鳥類大調查簡介 .................................. 5
一、 臺灣繁殖鳥類大調查理念.................................... 5
二、 調查樣區規劃概念.......................................... 5
三、 繁殖鳥類調查方法.......................................... 6
四、 研究成果.................................................. 7
第二節 公民科學 ................................................ 9
一、 公民科學計畫探討.......................................... 9
二、 利用公民科學監測鳥類之案例................................ 9
三、 公民科學學習成效......................................... 14
四、 環境素養................................................. 16
五、 評估公民科學環境素養..................................... 20
六、 參與動機................................................. 22
七、 公民科學應用於網路資源................................... 26
第三章 研究方法 ................................................ 31
第一節 研究架構 ............................................... 31
第二節 研究流程圖 ............................................. 31
第三節 研究工具 ............................................... 32
一、 問卷調查................................................. 32
二、 質性資料................................................. 35
第四節 資料分析方式 ........................................... 36
一、 描述性統計............................................... 37
二、 推論性統計............................................... 37
第四章 結果與討論 .............................................. 39
第一節 參與 BBS Taiwan 志工背景現況分析 ......................... 39
一、 志工基礎背景............................................. 39
二、 志工鳥類知識背景及獲得知識來源........................... 41
三、 志工參與 BBS Taiwan 現況背景.............................. 43
第二節 志工加入 BBS Taiwan 參與動機各項因素現況分析 ............. 45
一、 志工是如何知曉 BBS Taiwan ................................ 45
二、 課程和調查參與動機....................................... 46
三、 影響參與因素............................................. 50
第三節 志工使用 BBS Taiwan 資源現況分析 ......................... 52
一、 BBS Taiwan 提供服務和資料申請 ............................ 53
二、 BBS Taiwan 線上資源使用現況 .............................. 53
第四節 志工參與 BBS Taiwan 環境素養現況分析 ..................... 62
一、 參與 BBS Taiwan 課程、調查前後鳥類辨識差異情形............ 62
二、 志工自評參與調查前後和一般民眾對自然、生態保育的關懷程度之 差異 66
三、 調查前後,志工對於生態保育和參與自然觀察戶外相關活動..... 69
四、 調查之後,志工環境素養現況............................... 71
第五章 結論與建議 .............................................. 75
第一節 研究結論 ............................................... 75
一、 參與志工背景............................................. 75
二、 志工參與動機............................................. 75
三、 志工資源使用現況......................................... 75
四、 志工環境素養現況......................................... 76
第二節 後續研究建議 ........................................... 76
一、 維繫志工參與動機......................................... 76
二、 資源使用的推廣和更新..................................... 77
三、 評估 BBS 志工的鳥類辨識能力............................... 77
四、 問卷調查題目改善......................................... 77
參考文獻 ....................................................... 81
附錄 ........................................................... 85
附錄一 臺灣繁殖鳥類大調查工作團隊欲對 BBS Taiwan 志工提問之問卷... 85
附錄二 研究統整後課程問卷........................................ 95
附錄三 研究統整後調查問卷........................................ 97
附錄四 問卷開開放式問題......................................... 101
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