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作者(英文):Yan-Cheng Jhong
論文名稱(英文):Tourist‘s Preference Towards Whale-dolphin Watching Impact Reduction Program in Taiwan.
指導教授(英文):Chun-Hung Lee
口試委員(英文):Ming-Chien Su
I-Ling Chen
關鍵詞(英文):Whale watching managermentImpact of whale watching,Choice modelling experimentWillingness to pay
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台灣東部海域擁有相當豐富之鯨豚資源,因此自1997年賞鯨活動於石梯港發跡後便蓬勃發展,根據動物福利基金會統計台灣曾被評為世界賞鯨業發展最快速的國家之一,然而在缺乏有效的賞鯨規範及管理下,大量的賞鯨船隻及遊客伴隨而來的可能對鯨豚產生衝擊,為使台灣之賞鯨生態旅遊在遊憩外同時支持賞鯨活動永續發展,固本研究假設建立使用者付費之保育金制度以支持賞鯨管理政策之情境,分析遊客對不同賞鯨管理政策之偏好及其願付價值,而本研究以選擇實驗模型(Choice Experiment)估計不同區域之賞鯨遊客對賞鯨衝擊減緩方案之偏好及願付價值差異,並採用屬性「船班管理」、「賞鯨船接近鯨豚需怠速距離」、「同群鯨豚共賞船隻數量限制」、「船隻操作規範」納入模型中考量。

There are abundant resources of cetaceans and dolphins in the eastern water of Taiwan, whale-watching activities has been booming Since it began in Shitih Harbor 1997, According to the statistics of the International Fund for Animal Welfare, Taiwan's whale-watching activities was rated as one of the fastest-growing countries in the world.However,under the situation that without any effective regulation of whale watching,a large number of whale-watching boats and tourists are accompanied with impact of whale and dolphin. In order to make Taiwan’s whale watching activity can support self-management of sustainable development, our research aim to establish a user pays conservation fund system to support the budget of whale-watching management, and Choice experiment was used to estimate the preferences of whale-watching tourists on diffenent whale-watching policy and willingness to pay.
In this reaserch, whale watchung management attributes including time table Management, Distance of idle speed when encounter dolphin or whale ,Restrictions on surrounding boats for the same group of dolphin or whale, Regulation of boat operating, were included in this model.
The results of this study show that: (1) According to the results of the RPL model, most tourists prefer to change status, and increase time table Management, Distance of idle speed when encounter dolphin or whale ,Restrictions on surrounding boats for the same group of dolphin or whale, Regulation of boat operating,will increasing the utility of whale watching management.(2) According to the results of the LCM model and the independent sample t test, and the background and travel experience of tourists, such as whale-watching tourists in different regions, different forms of tourism,the tolerance of surrounding boats, and join conservation groups or not, are all significant differences in the value of the whale-watching management; (3)According to the RPL model's estimated value of the each attribute & level, it was found that “increase ship management”, “regulate the vessel should idle at 50 meters when encounter the dolphin or whale”, “limit the sourrounding boats,” and “ Increasing the Code of boat operation” can bring the highest economic benefit to overall whale management.
第一章 緒論 1
第一節 研究動機與目的 1
第二節 研究範圍說明 2
第三節 研究對象 8
第四節 研究架構 8
第二章 文獻回顧 11
第一節 船隻對鯨豚的影響 11
第二節 國內外之賞鯨規範 17
第三節 選擇實驗法應用於生態旅遊管理 21
第三章 研究方法 25
第一節 研究方法 25
第二節 賞鯨衝擊減緩方案屬性及層級設計 31
第四章 研究設計 37
第一節 研究訪談諮詢 37
第二節 研究問卷設計 40
第三節 受訪遊客社會經濟背景及旅遊行為分析 43
第五章 賞鯨衝擊減緩方案效用函數估計結果 49
第一節 賞鯨衝擊減緩方案效用模型變數定義 49
第二節 CL條件參數邏輯特與RPL隨機參數邏輯特估計結果 50
第三節 賞鯨遊憩衝擊減緩方案潛在類別分析 55
第四節 賞鯨遊憩衝擊減緩方案願付價值評估計 57
第五節 賞鯨遊憩衝擊減緩方案探討 58
第六章 結論與建議 63
第一節 結論 63
第二節 建議 66
第三節 研究限制及未來研究建議 68
文獻來源 70
中文部份 70
英文部份 72
相關網頁資料 77
附錄一 研究問卷範例 79
附錄二 賞鯨衝擊降低管理方案SPSS直交設計表 82
附錄三 問卷版本組合表 83
附錄四 前測研究問卷 84



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