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作者(英文):Hsiao-Chun Kuo
論文名稱(英文):Using Data from Taiwan Roadkill Observation Network to Analyze Amphibians and Reptiles Roadkilled in Taiwan
指導教授(英文):Yi-Ju Yang
口試委員(英文):Yu-Cheng Hsu
Yi-Huey Chen
關鍵詞(英文):road killamphibianreptile
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In recent, research of road kill on amphibians and reptiles increase in Taiwan. By records from Taiwan Roadkill Observation Network (Community of Road Kill), I analyzed the factors that may affect road kill, to help reduce the threat of road kill in future. I used data recorded from 2000 to 2016, including 2681 amphibians and 10,435 reptiles. I selected data of amphibians and reptiles from 2014 and 2015 in Taiwan Island to observe the changes in monthly records. The data of amphibians, Greater green snake and Swinhoe’s japalura were used to analyze the factors that affect road kill. I described the altitude range, habitat types, land use types, distance of nearest water body, roadside topography and roadside structures of data selected from Tainan, Taoyuan, Chiayi and Taitung. I find the numbers of amphibians recorded were affected by seasonal survey and their peak period is in spring and autumn. The peak period of reptile recorded is in summer. Records of Bufonidae, Ranidae, Dicroglossidae, Rhacophoridae, Greater green snake and Swinhoe’s japalura were concentrated in the altitude range of 0 to 400 meters.Most records of Bufonidae and Dicroglossidae were in agricultural habitat and habitat which is composed of forests and agricultural land. Most records of Ranidae were in agricultural habitat, forests habitat and habitat which is composed of forests and agricultural land. Most records of Swinhoe’s japalura were in habitat which is composed of forests and agricultural land. Most records of Rhacophoridae and Greater green snake were in forests habitat and habitat which is composed of forests and agricultural land. Records of amphibians and Swinhoe’s japalura tend to agricultural land mostly. The nearer water body was, the more records of Bufonidae, Ranidae, Dicroglossidae, Rhacophoridae, Greater green snake and Swinhoe’s japalura were.There were more records of amphibians in roads with buried-raised topography and walls, especially closed walls.There were more records in roads with ditch. Because some of amphibians use ditch as habitat, I suggest the roads with ditch will have higher amphibian roadkilled probability. However, probability of Greater green snake and Swinhoe’s japalura roadkilled are not increased in roads with ditch.
1.前言 1
2.文獻探討 3
2.1探討研究路殺的方法 3
2.2公民科學資料收集和使用 5
2.2.1公民科學應用在道路對兩棲爬蟲類影響的研究 5
2.3影響路殺的三大因素 6
2.3.1 道路因子:地形、道路兩側結構物 6
2.3.2道路附近環境及土地利用: 6
2.3.3物種的習性及生態 7
2.4減少路殺的對策 8
3.材料與方法 9
3.1資料來源 9
3.2研究地區 10
3.3資料分類和篩選 10
3.4道路因子與環境因子的調查方法 11
3.5資料分析 12
3.5.1全台灣地區路殺通報高峰期分析 12
3.5.2兩棲爬蟲類的路殺通報情況和道路因子與環境因子的分析 12
3.5.3兩棲類各科和2種爬蟲類的路殺通報情況與水域距離的關係 13
4.結果 14
4.1兩棲爬蟲類路殺社資料通報情況 14
4.2兩棲爬蟲類路殺通報高峰期情況 15
4.3兩棲類各科通報高峰期 15
4.3.1蟾蜍科通報高峰期 15
4.3.2赤蛙科通報高峰期 15
4.3.3叉舌蛙科通報高峰期 16
4.3.4樹蛙科通報高峰期 16
4.4兩棲類各科和爬蟲類的路殺通報之海拔分布情況 17
4.5兩棲類各科和爬蟲類的路殺通報情況與水域距離 17
4.5.1蟾蜍科與最近水域距離的關係 17
4.5.2赤蛙科與最近水域距離的關係 17
4.5.3叉舌蛙科與最近水域距離的關係 18
4.5.4樹蛙科與最近水域距離的關係 18
4.5.5青蛇與最近水域距離的關係 18
4.5.6斯文豪氏攀蜥與最近水域距離的關係 18
4.6棲地類型與兩棲類各科和爬蟲類的通報數量的關係 19
4.7兩棲爬蟲類在各土地利用類型的通報數量趨勢 19
4.8兩棲爬蟲類路殺情況在道路因子與環境因子的相互關係 21
4.8.1兩棲爬蟲類路殺情況與路旁人工結構物的關係 21
4.8.2兩棲爬蟲路殺情況與道路地形的關係 21
4.8.3兩棲爬蟲類路殺情況在道路地形和路旁人工結構物的相互關係 22
4.8.4兩棲爬蟲類路殺情況在主要棲地類型和道路地形的相互關係 24
4.8.5兩棲爬蟲類路殺情況在主要棲地類型和路旁人工結構物的相互關係 25
5.討論 27
5.1兩棲爬蟲類生態習性與路殺之關係 27
5.2兩棲爬蟲類繁殖期、季節大調查與通報高峰期的關係 29
5.3兩棲爬蟲類通報與道路地形、棲地類型和路旁人工結構物類型之間的關係 32
6.結論與建議 34
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