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作者(英文):Chung-Hung Tung
論文名稱:外來入侵種沙氏變色蜥(Anolis sagrei)對共域原生種蜥蜴的影響探討
論文名稱(英文):Effects of invasive Anolis sagrei on sympatric native lizards
指導教授(英文):Yi-Ju Yang
口試委員(英文):Wen-San Huang
Hai-Yin Wu
關鍵詞(英文):Anolis sagreiTakydromus luyeanushabitat usecompetition
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沙氏變色蜥(Anolis sagrei)為百大入侵種蜥蜴,在國外已有許多影響原生種蜥蜴的案例,為了解花蓮七星潭沙氏變色蜥入侵對原生種共域蜥蜴的影響,本研究分成三個部分:(1)調查沙氏變色蜥入侵對七星潭蜥蜴群聚結構的影響。(2)比較沙氏變色與原生種蜥蜴的棲地利用偏好。(3)沙氏變色蜥對鹿野草蜥(Takydromus luyeanus)的影響。
研究共調查到5科7種蜥蜴,分別是沙氏變色蜥、鹿野草蜥、白斑石龍子(Plestiodon leucostictus)、麗紋石龍子(Eumeces elegans)、長尾真稜蜥(Eutropis longicaudata)、斯文豪氏攀蜥(Diploderma swinhonis)及疣尾蝎虎(Hemidactylus frenatus)。群聚研究在有沙氏變色蜥入侵的T1樣點豐富度Margalef Index、Shannon-Wiener多樣性指數、均勻度指數隨著年間降低;T2樣點優勢種鹿野草蜥、白斑石龍子更替為沙氏變色蜥。沒有沙氏變色蜥入侵的T3樣點、T4樣點群聚結構變化小,蜥蜴群聚的生物多樣性指數可能受沙氏變色蜥入侵影響。棲地利用調查結果,沙氏變色蜥2012、2013到2018年的生態棲位寬度提高,利用棲地類型多元,使用包含人造物、枯枝落葉、草叢、喬木、開闊地面、灌木,與共域的斯文豪氏攀蜥、鹿野草蜥、長尾真稜蜥、麗紋石龍子棲地偏好皆不相同。在夜間棲地利用部分,沙氏變色蜥與鹿野草蜥、斯文豪氏攀蜥夜晚皆喜歡休息於植物體上。在室內競爭行為研究,面對沙氏變色蜥成蜥時,鹿野草蜥競爭分數低。鹿野草蜥面對沙氏變色蜥成蜥時表現示弱行為較多,而鹿野草蜥的幼蜥相較於成蜥,攻擊、展示行為明顯較少,且實驗後出現躲藏於葉底的棲地類型,棲地利用有明顯往負面改變,顯示鹿野草蜥幼蜥明顯受沙氏變色蜥成蜥干擾性競爭的影響。
Anolis sagrei is in the top 100 invasive alien species, and there are many cases of its impacting on native lizards in foreign countries. To know the effects of invasive Anolis sagrei on sympatric native lizards in Chishingtan Hualien, we covered three parts in this research. First, surveying the influence of Anolis sagrei on the lizard biocoenosis in Chishingtan. Second, comparing the habitat preference of Anolis sagrei with native lizards. Third, observing the effects of Anolis sagrei on Takydromus luyeanus.
A total of 5 families and 7 species of lizards were observed, including Anolis sagrei, Takydromus luyeanus, Pleestiodon leucostictus, Eumeces elegans, Eutropis longicaudata, Diploderma swinhonis, and Hemidactylus frenatus. There were invasive Anolis sagrei in T1 and T2. The results showed that the Margalef Index, Shannon-Wiener diversity index, and the evenness index of lizard biocoenosis had decreased with years at T1. The dominant species Takydromus luyeanus and Plestiodon leucostictus were replaced by Anolis sagrei at T2. There were no invasive Anolis sagrei in T3 and T4, so the structure of lizard biocoenosis barely changed. But the biodiversity index of lizard biocoenosis might be affected by Anolis sagrei. The results of the survey on habitat use showed that the niche breadth of Anolis sagrei increased from 2012 to 2018. Anolis sagrei uses multiple habitats, including artificial stuff, litter, grass, arbor, open ground and shrubs, quite different from the habitat preferences of Diploderma swinhonis, Takydromus luyeanus, Eutropis longicaudata ans Eumeces elegans. As for the habitat use at night, Anolis sagrei, Diploderma swinhonis and Takydromus luyeanus like to rest on plants. The results of indoor competitive behavior research showed that Takydromus luyeanus scored low when facing the adult Anolis sagrei. Takydromus luyeanus showed more cowering behaviors when facing an adult Anolis sagrei. Compared to the adult Takydromus luyeanus, the baby ones showed less aggressive and displaying; and they were found hiding under leaves after the experiment, which meant the habitat use changed negatively, and they were obviously affected by the adult Anolis sagrei. So we think this is consistent with interference competition.
1.前言 1
2.材料與方法 5
2.1研究樣區描述 5
2.2七星潭共域蜥蜴棲地利用調查 5
2.3七星潭共域蜥蜴群聚調查 6
2.4沙氏變色蜥與鹿野草蜥競爭行為實驗 7
3.結果 11
3.1七星潭共域蜥蜴群聚結構 11
3.2七星潭共域蜥蜴棲地利用 13
3.3鹿野草蜥與沙氏變色蜥的競爭行為實驗 15
4.討論 19
4.1沙氏變色蜥與共域蜥蜴生物多樣性關係 19
4.2沙氏變色蜥與原生種蜥蜴棲地利用比較 20
4.3沙氏變色蜥與共域蜥蜴的競爭行為 23
5.結論與建議 25
6.參考文獻 27
附錄一、實驗樣本採集申請證明 63
附錄二、動物實驗申請證明 67
附錄三、沙氏變色蜥、鹿野草蜥、斯文豪氏攀蜥夜間棲地利用類型 68
附錄四、沙氏變色蜥、鹿野草蜥、斯文豪氏攀蜥夜間棲地利用高度 68
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