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作者(英文):Yi-Jing Chen
論文名稱(英文):Using the degree of contour curves by UAV as an indicator to record the changes of topographic relief in a short time
指導教授(英文):Shyang-Woei Lin
口試委員(英文):Chun-Lin Kuo
Han-Lin Chen
關鍵詞(英文):UAVLiji BadlandsDSMtopographic map
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臺灣因天然地形條件的限制,山脈多為東北-西南走向,導致河流大多為東西向,且短而急促,加上長年有颱風與地震,使得地貌在全球尺度下變化快速。臺東縣卑南鄉利吉村的利吉惡地,因位於板塊交界,常有複雜的地底活動,為臺灣知名的惡地地形,也是利吉層的標準露頭地點。利吉惡地為顆粒極細的泥岩所組成,夾雜許多黏質礦物,導致孔隙細小、滲水性及透氣性差,因此雨水只能沿著表面侵蝕,沖刷成一條條的雨蝕溝,加上泥岩顆粒間的膠結結構十分鬆散,造成利吉惡地表面沖蝕狀況嚴重。我們利用無人飛行載具(Unmanned Aerial Vehicle,UAV)空拍利吉惡地一部份的集水區範圍,經由Agisoft PhotoScan所建置的數值地表模型 (Digital Surface Model,DSM),再透過ArcGIS產生等高線,套疊現有的五千分之一等高線地形圖,繪製三次不同時期的等高線彎曲程度,再將每一時期的圖,分為兩千分之一、一千分之一、五百分之一、一百分之一等四種不同的比例尺。因原始資料所產生的等高線分佈極為錯綜複雜,所以我們根據比例尺的不同,將原始DSM做不同程度的平滑化,比例尺愈大,平滑化後的等高線愈接近原始資料。研究結果顯示,因比例尺與等高線的彎曲程度成正比,所以大比例尺地圖繪製出來的集水區面積與河流長度較符合真實影像的地形,且若研究區域內有植被,則不適用於比例尺愈大,地表資訊愈多的理論,乃因本研究的地形資料由DSM取得,並無扣除掉建物與植被的高程,又因夏季植被多於冬季植被,是造成集水區及水系變化大的原因,若搭配高精度量測儀器進行無人飛行載具的空拍,便能扣除掉建物與植被,減少植被所造成的誤差,因此,比例尺大小、季節與地面解析度均與研究成果有關。另外,無人飛行載具的飛行高度愈低,所得到的地面解析度愈小,因此得到的地形資訊愈多,若飛行高度在90公尺,所產生的正射影像的地面解析度約為3公分,數值地形模型的網格大小為10公分×10公分,最細可產生的首曲線為0.1公尺,能繪製出的等高線地形圖精度約為一百分之一比例尺,然而,因須花費大量時間才能製作出一張一百分之一比例尺等高線地形圖,而一張五百分之一比例尺的等高線地形圖的製作過程所需花費的時間不多,且也符合真實影像的地貌,因此五百分之一比例尺的等高線地形圖最適合用於微地形研究。雖然利吉惡地目前尚未有任何災害事件發生,但因其本身為沖蝕地形,年侵蝕量可達約40公分,當短時間內有大雨事件發生時,也需要疏散當地居民或遊客,避免憾事發生。
Because of the limitation of natural terrain conditions in Taiwan, the trend of mountains are mostly northeast to southwest, causing the rivers to be mostly east to west, short and swift, and with typhoons and earthquakes for many years, the landscape changes rapidly in a global scale. Liji Badlands, in Liji Village, Beinan Township, Taitung County, is located in the junction of the plates and often has complex underground activities. It is a well-known bad terrain in Taiwan and the standard outcrop location of Liji Mélange. Liji Badlands is composed of extremely fine-grained mudstones and mixed with many clayed minerals, causing in fine pores, poor water permeation and poor air permeability. Therefore, rainwater can only erode along the surface and scour into a strip of rain erosion gullies. Due to the cemented structure of mudstone particles is very loose, causing it is in severe erosion of surface in Liji Badlands. We used Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) to picture a part of the watershed area of Liji Badlands and built the Digital Surface Model (DSM) by Agisoft PhotoScan, we could generate contour lines through ArcGIS. Moreover, we overlaid the existing one in fifth thousandths topographic map, drawing three times of the contour curves between the three different times and divided four different scales maps of each period into one in second thousandths, one thousandths, one in fifth hundredths and one hundredth. Since the distribution of contour lines generated by the original data is extremely complicated, we have smoothed the original DSM into different degree according to different scales. The larger the scale, the closer the smoothing results are to the original data. The results of the study show that because the scale is proportional to the contour curves, the area of the watershed and the length of the river drawn by the large scale map is more consistent with the terrain of real images. If there is vegetation in the study area, it is not applicable to the theory that the larger scale, the more surface information because the topographic data of the study was obtained by DSM without deducting the elevation of buildings and vegetation. Moreover, vegetation in summer is more than vegetation in winter so it is the cause of large changes in the area of the watershed and drainage systems. If we use the high-precision measuring instrument with UAV, then the elevation of buildings and vegetation can be deducted, and we can reduce the error caused by the vegetation. Therefore, the scale size, the season and the ground resolution are related to the results of the study. In addition, the lower the flying height of UAV, the smaller the ground resolution obtained, so the more terrain information is obtained. Also, if the flying height of UAV is 90 m, the orthophotos will have a ground resolution of approximately 3cm and DSM will have a grid size of 10cm×10cm. The finest primary contour lines by DSM are of 0.1m, which can generate the precision of resulting topographic map scale is approximately one hundredth. However, it takes a lot of time to make a piece of topographic map of one hundredth but it requires less time to make a piece of topographic map of one in fifth hundredth, and which also more consistent with the terrain of real images. Therefore, topographic maps of one in fifth hundredth are best suited for micro-topography research. Although there have been no any disasters in Liji Badlands, it has a approximately 40 cm/yr erosion. When there is a heavy rain event in a short period of time, it is necessary to evacuate local residents or tourists to avoid regrets occurring.
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 研究動機 1
1.2 研究目的 1
第二章 文獻回顧 3
2.1 地理資訊系統GIS 3
2.2 無人飛行載具UAV 5
2.2.1 無人飛行載具的普及 5
2.2.2 無人飛行載具對於災害相關的應用 5
2.2.3 無人飛行載具的攝影原理 7
2.3 DTM、DEM與DSM之差異性 9
2.4 等高線地形圖與比例尺 10
第三章 研究方法 13
3.1 研究樣區 13
3.2 材料與工具 15
3.3 研究限制 15
3.4 研究流程 15
3.5 正射影像與DSM 18
3.6 等高線地形圖 19
3.7 集水區 28
3.8 水系 29
3.9 高程差 31
第四章 研究成果 33
4.1 微地形研究之可行性 33
4.2 集水區分析 40
4.2.1 不同時期於相同比例尺 40
4.2.2 同一時期於不同比例尺 44
4.3 水系分析 45
4.3.1 不同時期於相同比例尺 45
4.3.2 同一時期於不同比例尺 48
4.4 高程差分析 50
4.4.1 高程差變化 50
4.4.2 剖面分析 52
第五章 結論與建議 55
5.1 結論 55
5.2 建議 57
參考文獻 59
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