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作者:Fajar Rizki Widiatmoko
作者(英文):Fajar Rizki Widiatmoko
論文名稱:Geothermal potential site selection using geo-scientific data integration approaches in Wae Sano area, Indonesia
論文名稱(英文):Geothermal potential site selection using geo-scientific data integration approaches in Wae Sano area, Indonesia
指導教授(英文):Yo-Ho Chang
口試委員(英文):En-Chao Yeh
Rou-Fei Chen
關鍵詞:GISBooleanSuitability mapSano Nggoang district
關鍵詞(英文):GISBooleanSuitability mapSano Nggoang district
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Wae Sano volcano is located in Manggarai Barat Regency (MBR), Flores Island, Nusa Tenggara Timur Province, Indonesia. 70% houses of MBR are living without electricity. The Indonesian government is prioritizing the geothermal power plant instead of diesel power plant on this island. The World Bank has provided a grant of US$4.5 million for the exploration of geothermal potential site in Wae Sano in 2016. Volumetric reserves of this geothermal resource have been calculated using geophysical methods, the Wae Sano area stores an energy reserve of 64 Mw about 8 times more than those existing diesel power plants. The selection of a drilling target for this area is underway. A multi-criteria decision making approach is proposed to select a target site. The criteria include the data for creating geothermal resources suitability map such as the DEM (slope), rock type, geochemistry, and fault fracture density, the depth of the heat source, etc. Furthermore, the drilling depth to the heat reservoir is associated with the drilling cost and this should be weighted heavily. Data for creating the environmental, social, and law suitability map such as land use/land cover, accessibility factor, river, protected forest, social and environmental issues are also considered. To determine a well pad requires decisions that match the various factors of consideration. The site selection strategy using Boolean logic of "AND" and "OR" on overlaying those spatial data. The result shows the eastern slope of Wae Sano area is fulfilled the requirement in the geothermal resources suitability map but it is a large area of 0.040 km2. Further considering the area fulfills the requirement in the Environmental, social, and law suitability map, one can narrow down the suitable area and propose three possible sites for target drilling.
A. Brief review of geothermal potential area in Manggarai Barat Regency, Flores Island, Indonesia :6
B. Economic and political aspects for geothermal development in MBR: 10
C. About Geothermal Energy and history of Geothermal energy use around the world: 11
D. History of Geothermal energy in Indonesia: 13
E. Geothermal System: 15
F. Classification of Geothermal Systems: 18
G. Stages to the development geothermal power plant: 20
H. Geothermal research progress in Wae Sano Volcano: 23
I. Site selection review from some geothermal field: 28
J. Multiple decision making for geothermal development site selection: 32
A. Satellite data processing: 37
B. Geochemistry data processing: 40
C. Geological data processing: 40
D. Geophysical data processing: 41
E. Processing of Indonesian geospatial agency data: 41
F. Processing Indonesian ministry of forestry data: 42
G. The operation of Boolean logics “AND” and “OR”: 42
F. Geothermal development site selection: 43
A. Geothermal resources suitability map: 45
B. Environmental, social, and law suitability map: 52
C. Geothermal site selection: 60
A. The geothermal resources result interpretation: 61
B. The social, environmental, and legal result interpretation: 65
C. The simulation of site selection: 66
A. The review previous geothermal prospecting methods and a guideline for geothermal exploration data collection: 69
B. The introduction of spatial data analysis tools for collecting and interpreting the required data: 69
C. The development of an integrated method for geothermal potential site selection: 69
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