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作者:Suwanya Sangaseang
作者(英文):Suwanya Sangaseang
論文名稱:泰國紅樹林保育之多層級治理: Khlong Khon 分地區, Muang 區, Samut Songkhram 省之個案研究
論文名稱(英文):Multi-level Governance of Mangrove Forest Conservation in Thailand: A Case study of the Khlong Khon sub-district, Muang district, Samut Songkhram province
指導教授(英文):Hsing-Sheng Tai
口試委員(英文):Kuang-Chung Lee
Chun-Yao Chen
關鍵詞(英文):mangrove forestmangrove conservationmulti-level governancepeople participationThailand
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Thailand is suffering some critical environmental crises especially forestry. Thailand’s forest coverage area used to be 90 percentages nationwide-reduced now to 32 percent. This study focuses on mangrove forests because they are significant for both terrestrial and marine ecosystems, and their ecosystem services benefit the economy, social and environmental aspects. Since 1961, mangrove areas in Thailand, there was 367,900 ha of mangrove forest spanning across the country but in 1996, this area of mangrove forest dropped to 167,582 ha because of the expansion of shrimp farming which supports a high market demand. Khlong Khon sub-district is a community that affected by shrimp farming. Not only has the mangrove forests been destroyed, but also the villager’ livelihoods have been negatively affected.

This study requires to perceiving of the actions, processes, and factors that affect multi-level governance with people’s participation and approach toward successful mangroves conservation; this includes the outcomes of mangrove conservation. Data collection techniques are interviews, participatory observation and field surveys conducted with the multi-level stakeholder who is involved with the Khlong Khon mangrove forest. This study reveals the beneficial outcomes related with mangrove ecosystems that support the social forces that are the critical factors driving multi-level governance in mangrove conservation. The first stage of conservation is under a carrying out phase with local community people and expanding into a related organization, and finally will draw on the cooperation of national institutions. In the stage after multi-level cooperation, the royal institutions participated in conservation efforts and the transmitting of involved people’s motives of persons and external organizations. Finally, government agencies have taken over in conserving mangrove forest resources along with encouraging all people to participate not only villagers. Therefore, multi-level governance is essential for maximizing mangrove conservation. These are a demonstration of the benefits and value of mangrove forests, including the opportunity for all actors to interact. These can help people work together for strengthening relationships and fostering progress towards future work of mangrove conservation program in Thailand.
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT..................................................... I
ABSTRACT.......................................................... III
TABLE OF CONTENTS................................................... V
LIST OF FIGURES.................................................... IX
LIST OF TABLES..................................................... XI
LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS............................................ XIII
CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION............................................. 1
1.1 Background.............................................. 1
1.2 Motivation of the author................................ 3
CHAPTER 2: LITERATURE REVIEW........................................ 5
2.1 Mangrove forest......................................... 5
2.1.1 Mangrove forest definition.................... 5
2.1.2 Geographical distribution of mangroves........ 5
2.1.3 Mangrove forest structure..................... 6
2.1.4 Environmental factors of mangrove forest...... 9
2.1.5 Adaptation of mangrove trees................. 11
2.1.6 Animals in mangrove forest................... 13
2.1.7 Mangrove forest benefits..................... 17
2.1.8 Land uses on mangrove forest................. 20
2.1.9 Values of mangrove ecosystem................. 20
2.2 Multi-level governance................................. 23
2.3 Participation concept in natural resources conservation 25
2.4 Community forestry..................................... 29
2.5 Theoretical framework.................................. 31
3.1 Research question...................................... 33
3.2 Objectives............................................. 33
3.3 Research methods....................................... 33
3.3.1 Research design and data sources............. 34
3.3.2 Data collection techniques................... 35
3.3.3 Data analysis................................ 37
3.4 Research constraints................................... 37
3.5 Ethics and standards................................... 38
4.1 Study site description................................. 39
4.2 Causes of Khlong Khon mangrove degradation............. 42
4.3 A brief history in the changed of mangrove forest...... 46
5.1 Ecological settings.................................... 49
5.2 Social, economic and political settings (S) ........... 51
5.2.1 Social settings.............................. 51
5.2.2 Economic settings............................ 54
5.2.3 Political settings........................... 57
5.3 Resource System (RS)................................... 60
5.4 Resource Units (RU).................................... 62
5.5 Governance System (GS)................................. 72
5.6 Actors (A)............................................. 75
5.6.1 Local people/community....................... 75
5.6.2 Local governance agency...................... 77
5.6.3 Central government........................... 78
5.6.4 Non-governmental organizations (NGOs)........ 79
5.6.5 Education institution........................ 79
5.6.6 Tourist, volunteer, and CSR.................. 80
5.7 Interactions (I)....................................... 82
5.8 Outcomes (O) .......................................... 90
5.8.1 Environmental outcome........................ 90
5.8.2 Economic outcome............................. 92
5.8.3 Social outcome............................... 93
5.8.4 Improvement in governance.................... 95
CHAPTER 6: RESEARCH CONCLUSION.................................... 101
6.1 Mangrove conservation in Thailand with community forest
6.2 Conclusion............................................ 101
6.3 Barriers and suggestion for mangrove conservation..... 103
REFERENCES........................................................ 105
APPENDICES........................................................ 117
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