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作者(英文):TZU-AO LU
論文名稱(英文):The Shaping of City Manor: A Case Study Create a Drip irrigation healing Module in Hualien DF Hostel
指導教授(英文):Bin-Min Sung
口試委員(英文):Kai-Chih Chang
Chieh-Fu Cheng
關鍵詞(英文):Urban AgricultureHealing Business OpportunitiesB&B Management
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農業是大自然的恩賜,在人類的歷史中有不可或缺的地位,回顧過去如果沒有農業就沒有今日幸福的生活,而自西元 1870 年開始,工業革命引導全球的變遷,大大改善了我們的生活,原本以農業為主的農業社會環境,轉以工商業社會為主環境,150 年來演化成今日進步便捷的社會。不過變化快速的社會,擠壓了農業的空間,日趨擴張的都市讓耕種空間越來越少,科技也使的食物可經過更多方式取得,出現大量的化學加工食品,近年研究指出:長時攝取非原生食物(加工食物或是保久的食物)將影響人類的健康,所以重新讓人們認識健康的農業十分重要。
此計畫亦會關注新農業,設計場域以都市為主,而在都市地區亦有人對於農業存在興趣,只是耕植空間有限且每個人居家環境不一,因此本計畫研發可著手在閒置空間,任何家內牆壁就能輕鬆上手的模組,除了能近距離看見綠色履歷也能達到美觀,讓健康活力的綠蔬,能呈現在日常生活上;且發明此產品的背後,也從中發現社會問題關注及應對,一個產品要怎麼好? 除了產品呈現外,背後的精神如也能看到,才是有溫度且完善的產品,所以藉計畫期許慢慢達成如:1.城市的閒置空間活化建置並兼具美觀效益 2.讓食物更容易親近大眾 3.活化閒置土地轉而友善農業活化利用 4.結合在地社區發展生態旅遊;研究上將經由訪問農業經驗人,聽取且記錄並嘗試模組最適之營運模式,還有最適擺放之作物類別,藉此讓我們庸碌的生活中,有可陶冶、放鬆的玩意,達到所謂從新產品模組中達到療癒效果。
The agriculture is the gift of nature and has an indispensable position in the history of mankind. Looking back in the past, without agriculture, there would be no happy life today. Since 1870, the industrial revolution has led to global changes and greatly improved our Life, the agricultural social environment originally dominated by agriculture,has turned to an industrial and commercial society as the main environment, and has evolved into a progressive and convenient society today. However, the fast-changing society has squeezed the space for agriculture. The increasingly expanding cities havemade farming space less and less, and technology has also made food available in more ways. Many chemically processed foods have appeared. Research in recent years pointed out: Ingesting non-native foods (processed foods or long-lasting foods) will affect human health, so it is very important to regain people’s awareness of healthy agriculture.
In recent years, due to the continuous globalization of the world and the continuation of the international epidemic, the feeling of alienation from people has doubled, which has increased people’s depression. Many people are looking for channels to express their long-standing pressure, and may consume food and drink, Buying special products that you want, or going to travel, etc., the research field itself is a homestay, a place where people meet and travel to cultivate the mood. If there is a module that can not only show the participants, The local green resume, and the pecial design of natural features. This is not only a bonus to self-homestays, but also a good way to relieve pressure, bringing all participants to experience the virtual reality Naturally, and let the troubled mood heal.
This project will also focus on new agriculture. The design field is mainly urban. In urban areas, there are also people who are interested in agriculture. However, the cultivation space is limited, and everyone’s home environment is different. Therefore, the research and development of this project can start to idle Space, any module that can be easily used on the wall in the home, in addition to seeing the green resume at close range, 6 it can also achieve beauty, so that healthy and vigorous green vegetables can be presented in daily life; and behind the invention of this product, it is also found Concerning about and responding to social issues, how can a product be good? In addition to the presentation of the product, if the spirit behind it can also be seen, it is a product that has a temperature and is perfect, so it can be achieved slowly with the expectation of the plan: 1.ldleness of the city Space activation and construction with both
aesthetic benefits 2. Make food more accessible to the public 3. Reactivate idle land and turn to friendly agriculture activation 4. Combine local communities to develop ecotourism; research will be conducted through interviews with agricultural experience people, listen to and record And try the most suitable operating model of the module, as well as the most suitable crop category, so as to allow us to cultivate and relax in our mediocre life, to achieve the so-called healing effect from the new product module.
第一章 、前言 1
第一節 、研究背景 1
第二節 、研究動機 2
第三節 、研究目的 3
第四節 、研究方向 4

第二章 、研究場域概述 7

第三章 、文獻探討 11
第一節 、個案研究法的理論 11
第二節 、都市農業的起源 12
第三節 、都市農業的類型 15
第四節 、都市農業對城市居民的影響 16

第四章 、研究方法 19
第一節 、費米推論簡述 19
第二節 、費米用於產品的權重與係數 20

第五章 、研究結果 23
第一節 、產品計劃書摘要(創業機會與構想) 24
第二節 、產品計劃書內文 26

第六章 、結論 37
第一節 、結論及潛在風險 37
第二節 、模組現況 39

參考文獻 42

附錄一 滴灌職療與衍伸項目費米分 43
附錄二 滴灌職療計畫之接續 44
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