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作者(英文):Chien-Ting Lin
論文名稱(英文):Identification of leptocephali of the eel order Anguilliformes in Southwestern Taiwan
指導教授(英文):Hsuan-Ching Ho
口試委員(英文):Te-yu Liao
Hung-Yen Hsieh
Hsuan-Ching Ho
關鍵詞(英文):PiscestaxonomyAnguilliformesleptocephaliDNA barcoding
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“ Leptocephali ” is a collective term for the fish larvae under the superorder Elopomorpha. They were treated as an independent genus because of their distinct morphology and confirmed to be larvae of the superorder Elopomorpha. Their bodies are transparent with many W-shaped myomeres and various pigmentations. The morphology of leptocephali is extremely different from their adults which makes the identification less accurate. In this study, both morphological and DNA barcoding are used for comparing leptocephali and adults of the common eels collected from Southwestern Taiwan. Thirteen morphological types are recognized and nine of them can be identified to species, including Neenchelys parvipectoralis, Gavialiceps taiwanensis, Ariosoma majus, Ariosoma aff. meeki, Ariosoma megalops, Bathycongrus retrotinctus, Bathyuroconger sp., Conger microcephalus and Uroconger lepturus. The other four are members of Ariosoma and Moringua. The leptocephali of Gavialiceps taiwanensis can be divided into three different life stages based on the snout developments. In addition, most of Ariosoma specimens are approaching the metamorphosis and their pigmentations are quite different. DNA barcoding study confirmed eleven different lineages, seven of them match the adults collected from Taiwan. This study combined morphological features and DNA barcoding of leptocephali and adults of common eels occurring in the southwestern Taiwan. The leptocephali of some species are confirmed and described for the first time. A key for identifying the common leptocephali in Taiwan is provided.
壹、前言 1
貳、材料與方法 6
參、結果 11
肆、討論 43
伍、結論 52
陸、參考文獻 54
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