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作者(英文):Kuan-Ju Chen
論文名稱(英文):Plastic debris ingestion of fish in the coastal waters of Hengchun Peninsula, Taiwan
指導教授(英文):Te-Hao Chen
口試委員(英文):Chang-Ling Chen
Feng-Hsi Ke
Te-Hao Chen
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近年來海洋中的塑膠廢棄物污染受到極大的關注,然而在台灣,相關研究仍相當缺乏。本研究檢視恆春半島海域(含墾丁國家公園海域)珊瑚礁魚類及大洋性魚類其消化道攝入塑膠廢棄物的情形。在所有檢視的樣本中(n=117),94.87%的魚隻中檢測出塑膠廢棄物,幾乎100%都是小於5 mm的微塑膠,每隻魚體平均攝入5.62±5.07個,主要形態與顏色分別為纖維(96%)及藍色(43%)。統計結果顯示,珊瑚礁區與大洋洄游性魚隻所攝入的微塑膠數量無顯著差異;而比較不同海域位置(西、南、東)的珊瑚礁魚隻,發現西部及南部海域的魚隻攝入微塑膠數量顯著高於東部海域的魚隻;依此推論,高頻度的人為活動可能高度影響海域環境中微塑膠的數量。另,魚體尺寸、分類科別及食階等因素則對攝入微塑膠數量無顯著影響。結果呈現出高比例的魚體攝入微塑膠,然而微塑膠攝入量在魚隻中無生物放大的現象。本研究為台灣首次針對海洋魚類攝入微塑膠進行探討,未來需要更多的研究,使海洋廢棄物對於魚體的生物及生態影響有更深入的認識。
Many studies have indicated that marine creatures are at risk of plastic ingestion. In Taiwan, relevant studies are still lacking. In this study, we quantitatively analyze plastic debris ingestion of coral reef and pelagic fish in coastal Hengchun Peninsula, including Kenting National park, located in southern Taiwan. In the 117 fish specimens we examined, 94.87% of them had ingested marine debris, and all of the debris was microplastics (<5mm). The average number of ingested microplastics was 5.62±5.07 pieces per fish (ranged 0-32 pieces per fish). The major type of microplastics was fiber (96%) and the major color was blue (43%). The quantity of ingested microplastics was not significantly different among fish from different habitats (coral reef and open ocean). However, there was a significant difference in the quantity of ingested microplastics between locations in reef fish. Reef fish from the west and south coast ingested more microplastics than the others from the east coast. This possibly suggested that the quantity of microplastics is highly related with human activity. Besides, the sizes, families, and trophic levels of the fish were not significantly associated with the quantity of ingested microplastics. Our results show a high prevalence of microplastic ingestion but no biomagnification of microplastics in fish. This research is the first to study microplastic ingestion in marine fish of Taiwan. More research is much needed to better characterize the biological and ecological impacts of marine debris on fish.
1. Introduction 1
2. Materials and Methods 7
2.1 Sample collection 7
2.2 Gut content extraction 12
2.3 Statistical analysis 15
3. Results 17
3.1 Quantity of ingested microplastics in fish 17
3.2 The morphological properties of ingested microplastics in fish 18
3.3 Geographical factors vs. the quantity of microplastics 20
3.4 Biological factors vs. the quantity of microplastics 24
4. Discussion 27
4.1 Human activities are highly relevant to the microplastic ingestion 28
4.2 Microplastics problem is ubiquitous 32
4.3 Relationship between biological factors and ingestion number 33
5. Conclusion 39
Acknowledgment 43
References 45
Appendix 49
Appendix. 1. Behind the scenes- Food items left after digestion process 49

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