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作者(英文):Jin-Jia Zhang
論文名稱(英文):Phylogeography and genetic structure of the Neocaridina in Fujian
指導教授(英文):Chiao-Chun Han
口試委員(英文):Hung-Du Lin
Yu-Min Ju
Chiao-Chun Han
關鍵詞(英文):NeocaridinaCOI genelandlockedPhylogeographyGenetic structureFujian
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本研究利用粒線體COI基因檢視了中國福建9河系及金、廈門2地區合計27樣站新米蝦屬的親緣地理及族群遺傳結構,並依河系及地區分群為九龍江、木蘭溪、韓江、閩江、晉江、東溪、珠江、長江、黃岡河、金門與廈門等分群。共使用334個樣本,有48個單倍型。在親緣關係分析的結果中共有5種,分別為Neocaridina palmata、Neocaridina davidi、Neocaridina ketagalan、Neocaridina heteropoda,1種未確認為Neocaridina sp.。主要族群為N.palmata,N.palmata的樣本數為197個,有30個單倍型,單倍型多樣性為0.825,核甘酸多樣性為0.00395,Fu’s Fs =–15.725***,Tajima’s D =–1.54469,高Hd、低Nd及中性測試皆為負值,表示族群有擴張的狀況,Mismatch distribution analysis亦支持上述結果。Pairwise FST estimates顯示東溪SSS族群與其他河系所有族群皆有極高度分化的現象,但其餘不同河系的部分族群之間分化程度較低,表示N.palmata能跨越河系障礙進行交流。在AMOVA分析中,不同河系分群及分群族群之間無明顯遺傳差異,變異主要出現於族群內。Minimum spanning network單倍型間亦無明顯分群。N.davidi的樣本數為74個,有8個單倍型,單倍型多樣性為0.670,核甘酸多樣性為0.00437,Fu’s Fs =1.580,Tajima’s D =–0.19360。Minimum spanning network單倍型間依照地理位置分出了幾個地理分支,分別為島嶼族群(金門島KM及廈門島WSL),沿海族群(晉江AX、HM和木蘭溪MU、LH),內陸族群(閩江SC、WY和長江SK),由於N.davidi為水族市場常見的物種,加上N.davidi呈現不連續分布的情況,推測為外來移入所致。
In this study, we used the mitochondrial COI gene to examine the phylogenetic and population genetic structure of the genus ,Neocaridina,27 site in the 9 river systems and Kinmen and Xiamen regions of Fujian,from China, in addition, according to the river system and regional groups, it is divided into Jiulong River, Mulan River, Hanjiang River, Minjiang River, Jinjiang River, Dongxi River, Pearl River, Yangtze River, Huanggang River, Jinmen and Xiamen. A total of 334 samples were used and there were 48 haplotypes. In the results of the phylogenetic analysis, there were five species, Neocaridina palmata、Neocaridina davidi、Neocaridina ketagalan、Neocaridina heteropoda,Neocaridina sp. was not confirmed, respectively. The main population is N.palmata,so we used 197 samples of N.palmata.There are 30 haplotypes,Haplotype diversity = 0.825,Nucleotide diversity = 0.00395, Fu’s Fs =–15.725***,Tajima’s D =–1.54469,High level of Hd,low level of Nd and neutral test were negative,which means that populations had expanded,this result also be supported by Mismatch distribution analysis. Pairwise FST estimates show that the SSS at Dongxi is extremely high differentiated from all other river systems, but the differentiation of some ethnic populations in other river systems is relatively low, indicates that N.palmata can communicate across river system barriers.In the AMOVA analysis,there no obvious genetic differences among groups and among population within groups , and the variation was mainly within populations. There is no obvious grouping between the haplotypes of the Minimum spanning network. We used 74 samples of N.davidi.There are 8 haplotypes,Haplotype diversity = 0.670,Nucleotide diversity = 0.00437, Fu’s Fs =1.580,Tajima’s D =–0.19360. The haplotypes of the Minimum spanning network are geographically separated by several geographical branches, the island group (Kimmen Island KM and Xiamen Island WSL), the coastal group (Jinjiang AX, HM and Mulan River MU, LH), the inland group (Minjiang River SC, WY and Yangtze River SK), respectively.Because N.davidi is a common species in the aquarium market, and N.davidi is not continuously distributed, it is speculated to be caused by external migration.
第一章 前言 1
第一節 新米蝦屬 1
第二節 粒線體基因 2
第三節 遺傳結構 3
第四節 族群遺傳學及親緣地理學 4
第五節 福建地理環境 5
第六節 研究目的 7
第二章 研究材料及方法 9
第一節 樣本來源 9
第二節 DNA萃取 10
第三節 聚合酶連鎖反應(Polymerase Chain Reaction;PCR) 11
第四節 膠體電泳分析 12
第五節 DNA定序 12
第六節 DNA序列分析 12
第三章 結果 17
第一節 親緣關係重建(Phylogeny reconstruction) 17
第二節 遺傳變異分析(Genetic diversity) 18
第三節 親緣網狀圖之建立與分析(Minimum spanning comparison analysis) 20
第四節 族群結構(Population structure) 20
第五節 族群歷史動態分析(Historical demographic analysis) 21
第四章 討論 23
第一節 親緣地理之分析(Phylogeography analyses) 23
第二節 遺傳變異分析(Genetic diversity) 25
第三節 族群分佈及差異(Population distribution and difference) 26
第四節 歷史動態(Demography history) 28
第五章 結論 31
第六章 參考文獻 33
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